Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????
Yep, it includes them all, false and misleading news, conspiracy theories, and out right liars. Having a free media is disturbing as it was meant to be.

The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.
Leftwingers hate monopolies unless they are run by leftwingers. Then they start spouting all manner of claptrap slogans about the free market and the sanctity of private property
Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????
Yep, it includes them all, false and misleading news, conspiracy theories, and out right liars. Having a free media is disturbing as it was meant to be.

The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......
The so called free press is a bought and paid for shill for the DC Swamp.

Well FOX News certainly is. They have their heads right up Trump’s ass and Hannity breathes deeply several times a day.

Unlike MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS,ABC that had their lips so attached to the skinny shanks of the Barrypuppet regardless of his lies and scandals that it would have taken the "Jaws of Life" and/or a high powered water hose to detach them.....
Yep, it includes them all, false and misleading news, conspiracy theories, and out right liars. Having a free media is disturbing as it was meant to be.

The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????
Alex Jones is not part of "the media" any more that Michelle Wolf is. He's an entertainer.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????
Alex Jones is not part of "the media" any more that Michelle Wolf is. He's an entertainer.

Well, sometimes things merge. Is Trump president or entertainer? Both, though he does more entertaining them doing the job of being president.
The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do? Metabunk with Mick West? I kicked his ass so bad and debunked his debunking that he banned me from posting there....what a fucking joke! :)
Last edited:
Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do?

Ah, you can't be bothered to back up your own claim, then tell me to go look it up on youtube.

So, you've got nothing then?

Actually, forget it, you insult, you just laugh off what I said without even seeming to remember what we're actually talking about here.

Not much point taking with you, is there?
Yep, it includes them all, false and misleading news, conspiracy theories, and out right liars. Having a free media is disturbing as it was meant to be.

The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......
Lol, that didn't really happen. It is fake news.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

The hundreds of editorials prove President Donald Trump is right, AGAIN. Those hundreds of newspapers prove that the media are "COLLUDING" with each other rather than reporting the news accurately.

I don’t think you have the vaguest ideas what the word “colluding” means.

The news is being reported accurately. We get that you don’t like what you’re seeing. Neither do we. The difference is you say that the media is making it up.
CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do?

Ah, you can't be bothered to back up your own claim, then tell me to go look it up on youtube.

So, you've got nothing then?

Actually, forget it, you insult, you just laugh off what I said without even seeming to remember what we're actually talking about here.

Not much point taking with you, is there?

LMAO! I have posted that link MANY times. They are on a set in Atlanta, ya goof!
Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do? Metabunk with Mick West? I kicked his ass so bad and debunked his debunking that he banned me from posting there....what a fucking joke! :)
YouTube is not a credible source.
CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do? Metabunk with Mick West? I kicked his ass so bad and debunked his debunking that he banned me from posting there....what a fucking joke! :)
YouTube is not a credible source.

ROTFLMAO! SO! The actual footage and outtakes from the Atlanta CNN studio taken during commercial breaks that only those with a satellite dish could see isn"t "credible"????

Please tell me that you never found a woman that would accept your seed ....lie to me if you must. The thought of you sharing your genetics from a pool that you only dabbled a big toe in is a scary scenario.
CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do? Metabunk with Mick West? I kicked his ass so bad and debunked his debunking that he banned me from posting there....what a fucking joke! :)
YouTube is not a credible source.

It wouldn't really matter, all he has to do is TRY to make an argument. Didn't even bother with that. Just pulled out the insults.

Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do?

Ah, you can't be bothered to back up your own claim, then tell me to go look it up on youtube.

So, you've got nothing then?

Actually, forget it, you insult, you just laugh off what I said without even seeming to remember what we're actually talking about here.

Not much point taking with you, is there?

LMAO! I have posted that link MANY times. They are on a set in Atlanta, ya goof!

Here’s where every one of your idiot conspiracy theories dies, Dale. All of your “alternative versions of events” requires a large number of people to plan and carry out the hoax, and then never ever reveal it to another human being so long as they live.

There’s an old saying “Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead”. Today a friend told me something that was told to her in strictest confidence, just between her and me. And so it goes.

If any of your whacked out conspiracies were true, someone on the inside would have talked by now. There’s way too many people involved for all of them to keep silent. Somebody with a conscience would have had a “Come to Jesus” moment by now and cleared their conscience, or they’ll fall on hard times and sell the story.

Nuts jobs like you are narcissists who want to believe they’re smarter than everybody else because they see something nobody else sees. But they’re wrong. They see and hear what they want to see. Like Charlie Manson listening to Helter Skelter and believing that John Lennon was telling him to start a race war.

Take you conspiracy bullshit and peddle it to someone else Dale. I live in the real world.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
The press isn't an "enemy of the people:" and I don't believe Trump believes that or said that.
A Press corp owned by Liberals is an "enemy of the people". A Press full of liberal elites pushing a socialist agenda is the enemy of the people.
But a free press isn't.
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That's pretty much "the press that says what I like is a free press, a press that says what I don't like is the enemy"

Which is complete and utter BULLSHIT.
The Press should air the truth. Not make up bullshit to fit their liberal or socialist agenda. A Free press reports the truth. That is the fucking difference.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
The press isn't an "enemy of the people:" and I don't believe Trump believes that or said that.
A Press corp owned by Liberals is an "enemy of the people". A Press full of liberal elites pushing a socialist agenda is the enemy of the people.
But a free press isn't.
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That's pretty much "the press that says what I like is a free press, a press that says what I don't like is the enemy"

Which is complete and utter BULLSHIT.
The Press should air the truth. Not make up bullshit to fit their liberal or socialist agenda. A Free press reports the truth. That is the fucking difference.

Outside of FOX News, the MSM does tell the truth. What it doesn’t do is blow smoke up ass when the President is lying. And the President is lying every time he opens his mouth.

The President’s total disregard for facts and truth are a huge problem that cannot be overstated. His lies are calculated to provide cover for his criminality. He’s gaslighting us.

Trump is trying to spew so much bullshit we’ll get exhausted by it and then he can say or do anything with impunity. Like separating very young children from their families. Or profiting from the Presidency.

What’s worse, unless you’re really paying attention, you’re never sure what’s true or a lie. That’s intentional. And he’s telling more lies with each passing day. Those who are tracking him say that he was telling 5 lies a day. Since the Manafort trial started, he’s up over 7.

Trump wants all citizens show him the same deference and respect that the citizen of NK show Kim Jung-il. Trump ignores the fact that they will be tortured and killed if they don’t.

This whole “fake news” Deep State, enemies of the people bullshit is crap Putin feeds him in their private phone calls.

Joseph Stalin called the press the “enemy of the people”. It’s not a phrase you hear in the US, didnt used to be but it’s very common in communist regimes. Anyone who didn’t toe the party line was an “enemy of the people”.

Your President is truly unhinged. Omarosa got that right.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
The press isn't an "enemy of the people:" and I don't believe Trump believes that or said that.
A Press corp owned by Liberals is an "enemy of the people". A Press full of liberal elites pushing a socialist agenda is the enemy of the people.
But a free press isn't.
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That's pretty much "the press that says what I like is a free press, a press that says what I don't like is the enemy"

Which is complete and utter BULLSHIT.
The Press should air the truth. Not make up bullshit to fit their liberal or socialist agenda. A Free press reports the truth. That is the fucking difference.

Wait. Why should the press air the truth?

They're a private business, surely they can do whatever they like.

OR, how about this, everyone should tell the truth. If you publish something, you should be held accountable for what you publish. As we do on this forum.

In fact, you'll notice that the mainstream media is held to account far more than dodgy sites like infowars. If they tell a lie, people will beat down on them in a second, people will lose their jobs. Doesn't happen with infowars, doesn't happen on forums like this.

A free press reports the truth, does it? And what is the truth?

I've said this before, and I got heckled for supposedly being an anti-Semite, I'm not, but hey.

In the US ever year billions of animals die so that humans can eat them. It's not considered a tragedy by the vast majority of people in the US. It's considered just a normal thing.

Between 1933 and 1945 an estimated 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis. It's considered a massive tragedy by most people in the US. Something so far beyond comprehension that everyone knows about it.

But far, far, far less people died in the Holocaust in a 12 year period than animals die in the US in a month.

Everything I've just said is fact. There is no opinion in there whatsoever. It's just the way it is.

This is the truth.

The problem here is that under human consciousness the Holocaust is considered much worse than animals dying. However you want to think about it, that's how the majority of people think.

The truth has become that the Holocaust is a tragedy. The truth has become that animals dying is not a tragedy, unless they're cats or dogs or other animals we can personify.

The truth isn't always just what happened. It can also be how people perceive things.

Now, some people seem to have a problem with media bias and seem to think media bias is "fake news". But it's impossible to be unbiased.

If the media reports about the Holocaust (as a hypothetical example) they're going to be biased because they didn't report on the many more animals that died that day. Something which has, under fact, a much higher rate of death.

So, does it become "fake news"?

No, "fake news" is only when it's convenient for someone to shout and scream it, because they're not getting their own way. The media isn't reporting it as they want it to be reported.

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