Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

With great freedom comes great responsibility.

Today's press doesn't discuss that part very much.
Sandy Hook was a hoax, a DHS capstone drill and I would GLADLY testify in a lawsuit and ask for discovery of the NUMEROUS documents that have been heavily redacted or not released at all under the FOIA. Alex Jones straddled the fence on Sandy Hoax and because he had people on like Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida state trooper and school safety security advisor that was being threatened for asking questions? All of the sudden Alex Jones was public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse.

BTW, did you know that Lenny "poseur" Pozner, the gatekeeper of this fraud sued Wolfgang Halbig? That Wolfgang Halbig's family was harassed, their employers contacted to try and get them fired? Well guess what,they were not able to bankrupt Halbig with attorney fees because people like myself donated for his defense and when it came time for Lenny Pozner to give his deposition under oath? He bailed and dropped the lawsuit. Halbig has countered with a lawsuit of his own. This isn't over...not by a long shot. You want to debate me on the poorly pulled off Sandy Hoax shooting? Bring it on...and have something other than the "Uh-uh!?!?!" defense, m'kay?
Recent events involving privately owned media and communications platforms not allowing third parties access to their platforms is only a First Amendment issue to the owners of rhe platforms, and not Alex Jones and Info wars, etc. Jones and Info wars can continue to publish their free speech, they just are nor able to force private publications or platforms to carry their content. Private platforms and publications continue to have rhe right to control what they cover.

Then these private platforms that represent their product as an avenue for free thought and an exchange of opinions need to be either defined as public utility or have to add a disclaimer.
Why should citizens have infringements on their First Amendment rights? Where does that show up in the First Amendment?
I guess you can try and get free speech rewritten and changed. Good luck.

Banning those whose opinions you disagree with is an infringement on your 1st amendment rights??? Help me out here....
Banning and censoring by rhe government is a violation of rhe First Amendment. Banning and censoring on YOUR plarform or publicarion is YOUR First Amendment Right. YOU are rhe one who has Free Speech in YOUR publication or platform.
Unless you're a baker. In which case you have to create any homosexual message on a cake that the next queer walking through the door demands.

Snowflakes are utter hypocrites when it comes to the First Amendment.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
The press is not free

it's been bought and paid for, it's nothing but a propaganda machine for the elites.

what a waste of taxpayer money
The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.
Bizarre moment CNN anchors unsuccessfully try to pretend they are not in the same parking lot | Daily Mail Online

That's only one of hundreds of examples where CNN got caught faking the news.

Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do? Metabunk with Mick West? I kicked his ass so bad and debunked his debunking that he banned me from posting there....what a fucking joke! :)
YouTube is not a credible source.

ROTFLMAO! SO! The actual footage and outtakes from the Atlanta CNN studio taken during commercial breaks that only those with a satellite dish could see isn"t "credible"????

Please tell me that you never found a woman that would accept your seed ....lie to me if you must. The thought of you sharing your genetics from a pool that you only dabbled a big toe in is a scary scenario.
No, it's not. Anyone can post anything with no vetting whatsoever. If you are stupid enough to accept that as a source i can show you aliens, UFOs, mermaids, ghosts, even the rapture in action.

As for the rest of you post, you are a complete and utter moron, why would you opinion matter to me? Or anyone else for that matter?
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.


how nice of them ya fuck wad

we already have the first amendment

'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

The hundreds of editorials prove President Donald Trump is right, AGAIN. Those hundreds of newspapers prove that the media are "COLLUDING" with each other rather than reporting the news accurately.

"prove" in the sense that academia would accept, or "prove" in the sense that a red neck would accept?

The newspapers themselves proved my point.

Your desperate, condescending comment is childish. Grow up!

How do the newspapers prove your point exactly?

You haven't been paying attention.
They just said they need to gang up on Trump.
If that isnt colluding I dont know what is.
The only false and misleading news that I have seen is that of the lamestream media that get their marching orders from the heads of the six media conglomerates that have seats on the same elite committees and control 90 percent of all media.

Which means either you're not looking, or your definition of "fake news" is stuff that's just inconvenient for you.

CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

This will get you started....
CNN is a credible news source....yes or no?


Though here, no doubt, you'll decide what is "credible", right? And what's "credible" is only what you find convenient.

Let's try this.

You go find fake news from CNN and I'll go find fake news from a source that you wish to name, and we'll see what we get.

Let's start with CNN pretending to be reporting "live" from Riyadh during Desert Storm when they were actually using a movie set and broadcasting from the CNN studios in Atlanta, Georgia. Now, find a news clip from infowars were they lied and/or intentionally misled their readers by omitting pertinent facts aka "lying by omission".......

Okay, so you have what, 30 years of reporting and you've got one thing that you say they did fake.

But you didn't prove it.

Debunked: CNNs Fake News Broadcasts - Charles Jaco and the Fake Live Gulf War Reports

"I have just now come across a false and defamatory posting on your website from July 28, 2009 titled “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report”. I’m adding your email and your website to the list being sent to my attorneys.
Some of you have written me expressing concern (or as one friend put it “WTF?”) about a video making the rounds purporting to show that our Gulf War coverage for CNN in 1991 was done in a studio, not in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait. This email should fill you in as to what’s going on.
Others have written me to accuse me of engaging in false news coverage, and a cover-up of the truth. Many of those same people have forwarded those false and defamatory emails to others, and have linked to a website purporting to show the false coverage. This email serves as notice of legal action.
First the facts of the case: our coverage was on the roof of a hotel and military facility near the intersection of the two main runways at the Dhahran Air Base, Western Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The playwood background was erected as a guard against sand and wind storms. The clowning around on the video is just that. We used black humor to deflect the tension of covering SCUD missile assaults.
Now to the impending action: my attorneys intend to act immediately against those of you receiving this who have sent and forwarded these emails accusing me of falsifying coverage. We are in the process of issuing subpeonas to ISPs for the real names and addresses of the senders. We shall then proceed with lawsuits against those parties.
In addition, letters are being sent to LiveLink and Google (owner of YouTube) and their attorneys demanding the videos be removed.
Charles Jaco"

So, I don't believe you.

Second. We're not doing "lying by omission", we're doing lying. If someone says "live from Riyadh" and they're not in Riyadh, this would be lying.

As far as I can tell they were in Dhahran Air Base and not Riyadh, and not anywhere near Riyadh. So, even your claims seem a little weird.

Infowars huh?

Poll: Donald Trump’s Black Approval Rating Almost Double That of Last Year

This one. Fake, not necessarily. They report what a poll says. Just, they only report what Rasmussen report. This is your "lying by omission", right there.

Yes, Trump is seeing higher levels of support among black people. But no one else puts him up as high as Rasmussen do.

ROTFLMAO! Dude, look it up on youtube......someone with a satellite feed showed what was going on during commercial breaks... are you really that stupid? Polling data? That is the best you can do?

Ah, you can't be bothered to back up your own claim, then tell me to go look it up on youtube.

So, you've got nothing then?

Actually, forget it, you insult, you just laugh off what I said without even seeming to remember what we're actually talking about here.

Not much point taking with you, is there?

This one is kinda dated but it fits.....

You're a fucken tool!!!
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Kinda silly if you ask me. We have always had a free press thought most of them are to busy trying to make the news rather than report it.

Hell its in the Constitution. Waste of the Senate's time.

And you believe THIS bullshit.

Noam Chomsky is a brilliant lunatic but a lunatic all the same. He believes in a weird form of socialism where the workers control the economy and wages are eliminated.

Yeah, like that will work.

First of all, that is a, poisoning the well, ad hominem, attack on the messenger, not the message. It's a fallacy.

Second of all, the person that invented how the system of propaganda works, outlined that, yes, this is precisely how it works.

Originally, the specific exact word, "propaganda," had no negative connotations. The grandfather and inventor of mass marketing, and basically the founder of 5th avenue marketing, Edward Bernays wrote the LITERAL BOOK called PROPAGANDA.


Here is the revised edition, with a forward by, who? Duh, Noam Chomsky. . . . So if you want to shove your fingers in your ears and deny the truth, that is on you. But it IS, none the less the truth. The system was designed that way. And all your poisoning the well, and shooting the messenger fallacies to deny reality will have no affect upon those who know the truth. . .


If you care to READ the book, it is SO OLD it is now in the public domain. Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

The reason the word propaganda as an industry term went from having a neutral term, to a negative connotation, is Hitler's Nazi regime picked up the book, studied it, implemented it's techniques, and well, the rest is history.

But yeah, the CFR and the RIIA over in Britain still control the media, and use all these tactics which were outlined in the video, which the current administration rails against. If you are uneducated, then naturally, your brain will be in denial and revolt against the truth, it's called cognitive dissonance, and it's a bitch. Which, in your case is abundantly clear everyday on this forum.

Some in Congress know this, and thus, the reason for this smoke screen. Others? Others in Congress are just blissfully ignorant and are obviously just doing it to look patriotic.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

The morons republican senators, need to stop playing by the rules of the Left.

LIke Trump has.

That game is rigged against us. Time to flip the board over and play by our own rules.
Oddly enough, Infowars has been "straight on point" about numerous news events that the lamestream media either refused to cover until much later or not at all. I find it hilarious that the leftard clown posse trumpeted the work of Alex Jones and Infowars when they were exposing Bush II and the evil neocon oh my, how times have changed.

So shut your piehole, "lady" and in your case, I use the word "lady" VERY loosely.

Jones may have started well but he went right off the rails with his conspiracy bullshit and I truly hope the Sandy Hook families bankrupt the asshole. What he did to them is unconscionable.

Thanks for my laugh of the day. An tin foil hat wearing idiot who has never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t think was plausible, thinks he can tell me what to do. Good luck with that.

Edited to ad: I just googled Jones law suit to see how that was progressing and I discovered that the just FCC shut down Jones’ pirate radio station, which has been operating illegally since 2013, and fined him $15,000.

FCC Shuts Down Liberty Radio, Alex Jones' Pirate Flagship Radio Station

This is me smiling.

Sandy Hook was a hoax, a DHS capstone drill and I would GLADLY testify in a lawsuit and ask for discovery of the NUMEROUS documents that have been heavily redacted or not released at all under the FOIA. Alex Jones straddled the fence on Sandy Hoax and because he had people on like Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida state trooper and school safety security advisor that was being threatened for asking questions? All of the sudden Alex Jones was public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse.

BTW, did you know that Lenny "poseur" Pozner, the gatekeeper of this fraud sued Wolfgang Halbig? That Wolfgang Halbig's family was harassed, their employers contacted to try and get them fired? Well guess what,they were not able to bankrupt Halbig with attorney fees because people like myself donated for his defense and when it came time for Lenny Pozner to give his deposition under oath? He bailed and dropped the lawsuit. Halbig has countered with a lawsuit of his own. This isn't over...not by a long shot. You want to debate me on the poorly pulled off Sandy Hoax shooting? Bring it on...and have something other than the "Uh-uh!?!?!" defense, m'kay?
Recent events involving privately owned media and communications platforms not allowing third parties access to their platforms is only a First Amendment issue to the owners of rhe platforms, and not Alex Jones and Info wars, etc. Jones and Info wars can continue to publish their free speech, they just are nor able to force private publications or platforms to carry their content. Private platforms and publications continue to have rhe right to control what they cover.

Then these private platforms that represent their product as an avenue for free thought and an exchange of opinions need to be either defined as public utility or have to add a disclaimer.

None of these social media platforms presented themselves as “avenues of free thought and an exchange of opinions”. They have always been places where you could post information and ideas within their rules.

They’ve always limited what posters could say or do on their platforms. You don't like their rules, start your own social media platform.

I have a friend who actually did that years ago. She put the platform she was banned from out of business.

While both Dale and I agree with you in theory, the fact of the matter is, these "rules" that these platforms have, are being applied unevenly and unfairly.

They are applied in arbitrary and capricious ways.

Now, I myself just don't interact with these platforms, I find them distasteful and aggravating.

I have an account on a few of them b/c friends and family maintain a presence there though, and I have conservative friends, and liberal friends. I know for a fact that the conservative friends ideas and opinions are more heavily censored than the liberal friends. It is just a fact of life.

Saying untoward things or making off colored jokes about minorities, Muslims or homosexuals is a good way to get kicked off or banned. OTH, if you do the same thing about Christians, white folks, or straight people? You're all good.

But that was just the beginning, that was just practice. Now it's the war mongers that are getting the platform. The anti-interventionist and anti-war folks are now being censored and de-platformed.

Most folks are not, at this point, angered about these platforms right to ban Alex Jones or any other particular business or platform. THEY JUST WANT THE RULES ENFORCED EVENLY.

These platforms all banned him at once and never bothered to give a warning or cite the specific offense. Folks don't know what is a banning offense and what is not.

Let's be honest, this is all political, isn't it? It's an effort of the fascist state to exert mind control.

'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Waste of time. And it settles nothing.

The hundreds of local and national newspapers who published their
editorials in unison shows that we have a "free press." They weren't
prevented from doing that.

However, when those local and national newspapers only report bad
news and never the good news, siding with a political agenda...they are
and will be forever my enemy.

A free and honest press will do their job by giving me both the good news
and the bad news and let me decide. Anything else and they ARE..."the
enemy of the people."

Just look at their approval numbers.

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