Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

What percentage of the press reported on the children who were separated from people who were not their parents and who had criminal records? What percentage of the press reports on sex trafficking of children coming illegally into the country? What percentage of the press reports on the barbaric murders committed by MS-13 gang members?
How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

What percentage of the press reported on the children who were separated from people who were not their parents and who had criminal records? What percentage of the press reports on sex trafficking of children coming illegally into the country? What percentage of the press reports on the barbaric murders committed by MS-13 gang members?
How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

How is it a violation of the Constitution?

News flash they are criminals

How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

What percentage of the press reported on the children who were separated from people who were not their parents and who had criminal records? What percentage of the press reports on sex trafficking of children coming illegally into the country? What percentage of the press reports on the barbaric murders committed by MS-13 gang members?

ALL OF THEM. Every single one of them has reported this stuff. Extensively.

But here’s the difference. They also report that MS13 is a US based gang whose roots, history and leadership are all AMERICAN based. Trump never mentions that.

Nor does he mention the violence and Marco terrorism that are driving refugees to your borders.

And when they talked about child sex trafficking, they point out that border patrol were doing DNA tests at the border to confirm these were indeed their children and STILL separated them at the border.

And let’s talk about those with criminal records being separated. The last time I checked, people with criminal records weren’t having custody of their children revoked without a full court examination of their fitness as a parent.
How about the rest of the "Bill of Rights"? Any chance the Senate will pass a resolution avowing freedom of religion or the right to keep and bear arms? Is the Senate trying to tell us that there are certain freedoms they will "avow" and some they won't?
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How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

Where was the press when Obama was doing the exact same thing?
So the Senate passed a unanimous resolution supporting a free press because the President used his freedopm of speech right to criticize the press interesting.
Trump does not criticize the media, he attacks the media. He doesn't defend his position nor offer any rebuttal. He just follows his role model, Roy Cohn's adivce, never defend, attack, attack, attack..
How nice the senate found time to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the press. It's pathetic they have not done the same for their constituents. I do wonder if people wearing a "fake press is the enemy of the people" shirt will be allowed at campaign events of senators seeking re-election?

Either way you don't see TRUMP supporters camping out in front of fake press outlets or harassing fake press reporters when they are dining.

Reporters aren’t separating children of tender years from their parents and then deporting the parents. This isn’t just morally reprehensible and cruel. This is a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human rights, and a war crime.

Kirsten Neilsen was not just involved in it. She gave the orders to do it. She was running the program.

Sarah Huckabee publicly lied and defended their actions.

So decent people. People who are really Christians and who follow Jesus word and who believe in the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands, have both a duty and an obligation to show members of this Administration that the people will not stand for this inhumanity and cruelty.

What percentage of the press reported on the children who were separated from people who were not their parents and who had criminal records? What percentage of the press reports on sex trafficking of children coming illegally into the country? What percentage of the press reports on the barbaric murders committed by MS-13 gang members?
Why should they? That had nothing to do the treatment of parents or kids. Stories on the MS-13 gang has been in the media for year and most of them are not illegal immigrants. They are US citizens today.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.

Like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher.
Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.

Oddly enough, Infowars has been "straight on point" about numerous news events that the lamestream media either refused to cover until much later or not at all. I find it hilarious that the leftard clown posse trumpeted the work of Alex Jones and Infowars when they were exposing Bush II and the evil neocon oh my, how times have changed.

So shut your piehole, "lady" and in your case, I use the word "lady" VERY loosely.

Jones may have started well but he went right off the rails with his conspiracy bullshit and I truly hope the Sandy Hook families bankrupt the asshole. What he did to them is unconscionable.

Thanks for my laugh of the day. An tin foil hat wearing idiot who has never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t think was plausible, thinks he can tell me what to do. Good luck with that.

Edited to ad: I just googled Jones law suit to see how that was progressing and I discovered that the just FCC shut down Jones’ pirate radio station, which has been operating illegally since 2013, and fined him $15,000.

FCC Shuts Down Liberty Radio, Alex Jones' Pirate Flagship Radio Station

This is me smiling.

Sandy Hook was a hoax, a DHS capstone drill and I would GLADLY testify in a lawsuit and ask for discovery of the NUMEROUS documents that have been heavily redacted or not released at all under the FOIA. Alex Jones straddled the fence on Sandy Hoax and because he had people on like Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida state trooper and school safety security advisor that was being threatened for asking questions? All of the sudden Alex Jones was public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse.

BTW, did you know that Lenny "poseur" Pozner, the gatekeeper of this fraud sued Wolfgang Halbig? That Wolfgang Halbig's family was harassed, their employers contacted to try and get them fired? Well guess what,they were not able to bankrupt Halbig with attorney fees because people like myself donated for his defense and when it came time for Lenny Pozner to give his deposition under oath? He bailed and dropped the lawsuit. Halbig has countered with a lawsuit of his own. This isn't over...not by a long shot. You want to debate me on the poorly pulled off Sandy Hoax shooting? Bring it on...and have something other than the "Uh-uh!?!?!" defense, m'kay?
Recent events involving privately owned media and communications platforms not allowing third parties access to their platforms is only a First Amendment issue to the owners of rhe platforms, and not Alex Jones and Info wars, etc. Jones and Info wars can continue to publish their free speech, they just are nor able to force private publications or platforms to carry their content. Private platforms and publications continue to have rhe right to control what they cover.

Unless they deny it based on sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, and a couple others that are in there that I can’t recall at the moment, then that would fall under PA laws. Now I can see Congress stretching that into politics but currently not.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
This is why Congress has an approval of 17%
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur
What does him, not being a member of the press,
have to do with jack shit?

When that black bus driver was fired,
for beating up the drunk, elderly white guy,
all the news articles mimicked each other,
and was reporting what a union rep told them.

They failed to mention, the bus driver,
repeatedly told the passenger he was 'locked in'
and purposely passed his stop, continuing to do so.

The driver was pissed cause he didn't pay the fare
The man probably didn't start calling him names
until the driver, being a dick, told him he was locked in,
passed his stop and held him hostage on the bus.

When he finally pulled over at a stop,
the man probably called him a n*gger,
spat on the floor in disgust, then the driver went nuts

The overwhelming majority of articles,
didn't report what came out in the transit hearings,
and misconstrued the incident by failing to
use the entire video, weigh it against the
initial version of events coming from the driver,
then the union version, and what came out in the hearings.

The black driver lost his job
because he provoked a elderly, drunk white guy,
repeatedly telling him, he was locked in,
passed his stop, held him hostage on the bus,
until he fucking felt like pulling over,
then flipped out because the guy had the nerve,
to call him a n***** and spit in the direction
of his seat...not his face

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind
~Jim Morrison ~

There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech,
but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press
~Mark Twain ~
So the Senate passed a unanimous resolution supporting a free press because the President used his freedopm of speech right to criticize the press interesting.
Trump does not criticize the media, he attacks the media. He doesn't defend his position nor offer any rebuttal. He just follows his role model, Roy Cohn's adivce, never defend, attack, attack, attack..
You realize of course the exact same claim could be made the press they don’t cover Trump they just attack non stop and have ceased being journalists and have become political activists.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
So is nytimes owner Carlos Slim
Press tries to prove they are not colluding against Trump by colluding to post negative Trump editorials on the same day.

Interesting strategy
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
So is nytimes owner Carlos Slim

Does Carlos write for the NYT, or does he, like Jeff Bezos, leave the reporting, writing and verification of facts to the actual reporters?

Jones does most of it himself. Except for the verification of facts. InfoWars doesn’t waste their time with fact checking.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
So is nytimes owner Carlos Slim

Does Carlos write for the NYT, or does he, like Jeff Bezos, leave the reporting, writing and verification of facts to the actual reporters?

Jones does most of it himself. Except for the verification of facts. InfoWars doesn’t waste their time with fact checking.
He pays the reporters to write what he considers favorable stories about open borders and illegals voting
So the Senate passed a unanimous resolution supporting a free press because the President used his freedopm of speech right to criticize the press interesting.
Trump does not criticize the media, he attacks the media. He doesn't defend his position nor offer any rebuttal. He just follows his role model, Roy Cohn's adivce, never defend, attack, attack, attack..

So are you trying to tell us the media doesn't attack?

Past presidents tried to criticize the media including Obama, some ignored the hate they spewed or made jokes of it, did that work?

It's just fire fighting fire with firefire that upsets the left.

BTW everyone loves a good under guy story but it appears when your the bad guy the left doesn't like it much .


'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

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