Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.
So is nytimes owner Carlos Slim

Does Carlos write for the NYT, or does he, like Jeff Bezos, leave the reporting, writing and verification of facts to the actual reporters?

Jones does most of it himself. Except for the verification of facts. InfoWars doesn’t waste their time with fact checking.
He pays the reporters to write what he considers favorable stories about open borders and illegals voting

Contrary to Trump’s lies, liberals are opposed to open borders. It was Reagan who gave amnesty and Clinton who cracked down on illegals. Trumpsters want to end all non-white, nonChristian immigration and deport as many non-whites as possible. Sane reasonable people want a fair and sound immigration policy based on a fair and unbiased criteria.

The owner of the NYT pays reporters to write stories which inform the public and hold those in power accountable. He does not tell them what to write and is not involved in the day to day operations of the paper. That’s another right wing fantasy.

Unlike Trump, he’s a smart businessman who knows you don’t mess with an iconic business. You provide a sound stable business platform enabling them to do their best work.

Trumpsters hate the NYT because they’re holding your asshole president accountable. The truth isn’t going away Frank. The truth is slapping you idiots upside the head daily.
So the Senate passed a unanimous resolution supporting a free press because the President used his freedopm of speech right to criticize the press interesting.
Trump does not criticize the media, he attacks the media. He doesn't defend his position nor offer any rebuttal. He just follows his role model, Roy Cohn's adivce, never defend, attack, attack, attack..

You realize of course the exact same claim could be made the press they don’t cover Trump they just attack non stop and have ceased being journalists and have become political activists.

The job of the media is to investigate and criticize as it always has been. What has changed is we have a president who is totally incompetent as president, who instead of defending himself and his policy attacks all those that criticize him or his policy. Trump deserves every bit of criticism he's getting. If Trump would shoot straight with media and stop feeding them one bullshit story in briefings and the opposite in tweets, he just might get the media to layoff.

Trump has used the media to his own advantage making himself a celebrity long before he ran for president. As a candidate he baited and attacked the media and bragged about how he used the media for free advertising. That worked for him as a candidate but not as president.

Trump is learning that there is huge difference in being a candidate for president and being president. What works for the candidate is usually disastrous for the president.

Trump understands how to be candidate but not a president. This is because being a candidate is a zero sum game. You totally win or you totally lose. As president you never totally win anything. It is not a zero sum game and it has to be played a lot different than a politicial campaign and Trump just doesn't know how to do that.
So the Senate passed a unanimous resolution supporting a free press because the President used his freedopm of speech right to criticize the press interesting.
Trump does not criticize the media, he attacks the media. He doesn't defend his position nor offer any rebuttal. He just follows his role model, Roy Cohn's adivce, never defend, attack, attack, attack..

So are you trying to tell us the media doesn't attack?

Past presidents tried to criticize the media including Obama, some ignored the hate they spewed or made jokes of it, did that work?

It's just fire fighting fire with firefire that upsets the left.

BTW everyone loves a good under guy story but it appears when your the bad guy the left doesn't like it much .


Yes, it absolutely does work for the president to ignore attacks from the media, attend the correspondence dinner and get roasted, but most of all shoot straight with the media, and regardless of attacks remain a prince and gentlemen. So the image of the president becomes that of a leader who is above criticisms and does not stoop to engage in petty verbal battles.

The biggest mistake Trump has made since he became president is attempting to fight it out blow for blow with the media. That's a battle the president can't win. All the media needs from Trump is good copy and more battles with the media just makes more good copy.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Alex Jones isn’t a reporter and is not an member of the press. He is an actor, an entertainer and a provocateur.

I could say as much for the entire staff of CNN and MSNBC. They are just better funded.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Does that include Alex Jones and Infowars? Does it include those that have had their youtube channels deleted from the web? Facebook deletions of citizen journalists that do the job that the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media refuses to do because six conglomerates own 90 percent of what is printed and aired????

Bill of Rights for the Internet! :clap2:

The gay tinfoil hat frogs have spoken!
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.
Wow. Big poopy shit.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.
Last edited:
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.

8th grade is very generous of you
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.

Why are you asking me to prove an opinion?

It was a show vote, nothing more.

"look at me I support the press with a useless vote wasting government time"
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.

8th grade is very generous of you


My education against both of yours, any day of the week.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's

Trump is signaling that he has no virtue. No idea at all of what America is about.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's

Trump is signaling that he has no virtue. No idea at all of what America is about.

This coming from a coastal lefty idiot.
Wow, our "leaders" are backing a free press and opposing lynching.

How brave they are. What leaders they are. How proud we should be.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.

Why are you asking me to prove an opinion?

It was a show vote, nothing more.

"look at me I support the press with a useless vote wasting government time"

It was a "show vote". They were telling the president in a very clear and unanimous way that he is alone in this battle against the free press.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's

Trump is signaling that he has no virtue. No idea at all of what America is about.

This coming from a coastal lefty idiot.

Ok. A coastal lefty idiot who, like the senate, gets it.
'In a uniform decision Thursday, the U.S. Senate voted to "reaffirm the vital and indispensable role the free press serves."

Why it matters: The resolution comes on the heels of a nationwide push by hundreds of local and national newspapers to publish editorials standing up for the press in response to President Trump's claims the press is an "enemy of the people."'

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press

Good for the Senate.

Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Prove it.

Prove that every, single Senator voted for this for 'virtue signalling' and NO OTHER REASON.

I guarantee that you cannot...which means (when you don't produce a link to prove your matter-of-fact statement) your post means NOTHING.

You Trumpbots (I am assuming you are one) are so full of it (politically). All most of your posts seem to be full of are childish emotions and/or bile and/or wild assumptions.
I have yet to encounter (to my knowledge) a Trumpbot with a well thoughtout and intelligently-written post that was backed up by unbiased data/facts.
Most of your posts sound like they were written by students in Grade 8.

Why are you asking me to prove an opinion?

It was a show vote, nothing more.

"look at me I support the press with a useless vote wasting government time"

It was a "show vote". They were telling the president in a very clear and unanimous way that he is alone in this battle against the free press.

i.e virtue signaling.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.
Virtue signaling, nothing more.

Great. What is Trump signaling then?

"I'm an asshole"

But he's the asshole we need right now, kind of like Giuliani in NYC back in the 90's

Trump is signaling that he has no virtue. No idea at all of what America is about.

This coming from a coastal lefty idiot.

Ok. A coastal lefty idiot who, like the senate, gets it.

The Senate got nothing, did nothing and the end result will be nothing.

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