Senate poised to break budget impasse, paving way for government to reopen

Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on a DACA proposal. Game, set, match I fear Trump either underestimated the Democrats or doesn't care for his political future anymore. I believe there has to be something to allow some to stay and a process to become citizens, but you cannot do so without the border funding and other considerations.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020. One million votes for the Democrats, and all it took was three days of no government. Wow. Of course, the House is much tougher to pass anything of this nature.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.
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I’ll reserve judgment till I know what’s in the agreement
Schumer started by saying that the "Trump shutdown" comes when the Republicans control all three bodiues of government...the House, the Senate and the White House.

This is a lie. When 60 votes are required, Chuck Schumer controls the Senate. The rest of the Democrat Senators are his useful idiots and vote whatever way he dictates.

The Republicans should use the nuclear option just like Harry Reid years ago did to control the Senate.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Chuck Schumer just announced on the floor of the Senate that Democrats will vote to reopen the government. You'd better believe he's doing this because he and other Dems know that they made a huge mistake in shutting down the government over DACA. Anyway, I'm just glad it's over.
I thought I had a large bowel movement this morning...then along came Chuck....
Based on Schumer's speech, he won this battle with the GOP hands down. He stated it will remain open until Feb 8th, at which time the bi-partisans will go to the floor and will vote on it.

Get ready for DACA folks and I'm guessing once again GOP gives away something with nothing in return. This would spell disaster for the GOP in the mid terms and most likely re-election in 2020.

Get the wall Mr. Trump, do NOT agree without full funding for the wall, chain migration and lottery. Anything else and you've lost politically and otherwise.

That's exactly what's going to happen.

Schumer just caved.

McConnell allowed him to have a rant as a compromise. Mitch let
Crying Chuck save his ass, somewhat, for the Far Left.

That's all that happened. The GOP is just as terrified of Trump as
the Dems are. Trump isn't playing the "Washington Game."

I predict that For DACA,,,they'll get their protections. (I don't have a
big problem with that) BUT the other 3 mil "Dreamers: will not get
any protections. The GOP is gonna get the Wall and a ban on Chain
Immigration. The GOP will probably compromise away the Lottery,
but will still protect the country with stronger vetting of lottery immigrants.

This is a massive win for Trump and the GOP.

That threat of a 51 vote did it. That and the Dems were only break-even
in the media. They would have lost either the 51 vote count or would have
lost the 5 Senators in November if they hadn't crossed back over again.

Let Schumer cry all he wants and crow that her won.

What has happened is...A 3-day shutdown resolved under the same terms
that were in existence from the start. The Dems are agreeing to the same
CR under the exact same conditions, that were in place on Friday.

Trump got everything he wanted and the Dems got to complain. Good for
them. Those complaints cost nothing.

They get to keep DACA, eventually and we get the Wall, and an end to
Chain Immigration.

Long Live the Donald
Trump was ready to sign the Bipartisan bill, until the crumbs in the GOP got ahold of him..

The GOP wants a bill passed that they did alone behind closed doors..crooked as hell.

Your trying to turn this in a democrat closer shows me what a Kool Aid Drinker you are..Go read the facts


McConnell was up before Schumer's speech.

McConnell promised to bring DACA to the floor prior to the February 8th expiration of the CR to be voted on today.

They both compromised. McConnell agreed to bring DACA to a vote and Schumer agreed to the CR and the President got what he requested for the wall.

Each got something.


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