Senate votes to end U.S. military support for Saudi-led war in Yemen


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'The Senate voted on Wednesday 54-46 to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, likely setting up the first veto of President Trump's presidency.

Why it matters: The bill is a rebuke of Trump's foreign policy amid broader pushback over his defense of Saudi Arabia, whose role in the conflict has been under heightened scrutiny since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The war waged by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has resulted in the world's worst humanitarian crisis, with an estimated 80% of the population in need of some sort of aid or protection.

Details: The bill, co-sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), leans on the War Powers Resolution of 1973, which states that if American troops are entangled in "hostilities" overseas "without a declaration of war or specific statutory authorization, such forces shall be revoked by the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution."

The big picture: As the New York Times' Catie Edmondson notes, the passage of the Yemen bill one day before the Senate is expected to pass a resolution disapproving of Trump's border emergency "sets up something of a one-two punch for senators hoping to defy the president."'

Senate votes to rebuke Trump, end U.S. military support for Saudi-led war in Yemen

I don't often say this but: 'way to go Congress!!!'

I also want to ask Trump - where the hell is this 'America First' thing you kept repeating during the campaign?
Trump just declared drones can murder civilians without being reported; what makes anybody think he won't veto this?
'The Senate voted on Wednesday 54-46 to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, likely setting up the first veto of President Trump's presidency.

Why it matters: The bill is a rebuke of Trump's foreign policy amid broader pushback over his defense of Saudi Arabia, whose role in the conflict has been under heightened scrutiny since the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The war waged by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has resulted in the world's worst humanitarian crisis, with an estimated 80% of the population in need of some sort of aid or protection.

Details: The bill, co-sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), leans on the War Powers Resolution of 1973, which states that if American troops are entangled in "hostilities" overseas "without a declaration of war or specific statutory authorization, such forces shall be revoked by the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution."

The big picture: As the New York Times' Catie Edmondson notes, the passage of the Yemen bill one day before the Senate is expected to pass a resolution disapproving of Trump's border emergency "sets up something of a one-two punch for senators hoping to defy the president."'

Senate votes to rebuke Trump, end U.S. military support for Saudi-led war in Yemen

I don't often say this but: 'way to go Congress!!!'

I also want to ask Trump - where the hell is this 'America First' thing you kept repeating during the campaign?
I trust this was done with the full knowledge that there aren’t enough votes to override, triggering the “we tried” defense.
I'm assuming that the Sauds are paying well for the military support, and there are no US lives at stake, and the bad guys are pawns of Iran, so, I'm hard pressed to see the dire humanitarian emergency in Yemen. Any more say than in Syria, where the country is rubble. I prefer fighting in Yemen to more trouble in the EU or US when the fighters exit Yemen.
Trump vetoing a bi-partisan vote and continuing our involvement in a war we have no business being in...would be "revealing"
I'm assuming that the Sauds are paying well for the military support, and there are no US lives at stake, and the bad guys are pawns of Iran, so, I'm hard pressed to see the dire humanitarian emergency in Yemen. Any more say than in Syria, where the country is rubble. I prefer fighting in Yemen to more trouble in the EU or US when the fighters exit Yemen.
Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world.
I'm assuming that the Sauds are paying well for the military support, and there are no US lives at stake, and the bad guys are pawns of Iran, so, I'm hard pressed to see the dire humanitarian emergency in Yemen. Any more say than in Syria, where the country is rubble. I prefer fighting in Yemen to more trouble in the EU or US when the fighters exit Yemen.
Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world.

Got a link for that claim? Hint: Its IRAN
Iran still top state sponsor of terrorism, U.S. report says
Yemen is a fly-speck.

If all of those countries actively fighting against the Yemenese were serious about winning, this would have been over in 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, it's dragged-on since 2015.

You can't bomb somebody back to the Stone Age when their starting point wasn't much beyond that level.

No more dikking-around with endless airstrikes and little else.

Time for that coalition do get the job done, on their own dime, using their own people.

Time for the Saudis, Egyptians, Sudanese, et al, to assemble an effective ground force, then sweep the place clean.

Airstrikes, followed by large-scale artie, followed by a couple of armored divisions, should do the trick nicely.

But that's on them... not us.
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'The Senate voted on Wednesday 54-46 to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen...

Details: The bill, co-sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)......


Lee, of course, the libertarian leaning conservative. I always said Bernie voted with us where it counted. It's good to see bills like these, there's no way the neocon Majority occupying both of the Democrat and Republican parties are ever gonna do it.

In a few years maybe we can run roughshod over the GOP and then take over the debate against the Bernie and AOC types after they run roughshod all over the neocons on the other side of the fake two-party gig they have going on. Though, they're too gung-ho about it, that'll be their downfall.

I'm darned sick of establishment neocons on both sides of the establishment party of one running the show and dictating the terms of controversy, though. Seriously.

50% of the electorate identify with neither theoretical side of this fake two-party system. Ahem. And we're the two biggest grassroots in the country.
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Yemen is a fly-speck.

If all of those countries actively fighting against the Yemenese were serious about winning, this would have been over in 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, it's dragged-on since 2015.

You can't bomb somebody back to the Stone Age when their starting point wasn't much beyond that level.

No more dikking-around with endless airstrikes and little else.

Time for that coalition do get the job done, on their own dime, using their own people.

Time for the Saudis, Egyptians, Sudanese, et al, to assemble an effective ground force, then sweep the place clean.

Airstrikes, followed by large-scale artie, followed by a couple of armored divisions, should do the trick nicely.

But that's on them... not us.

27 million people are a 'fly speck' to you?

Wow...your post should be an example to all of how to dehumanize humans in just a couple of sentences.

Have a nice day.
I'm assuming that the Sauds are paying well for the military support, and there are no US lives at stake, and the bad guys are pawns of Iran, so, I'm hard pressed to see the dire humanitarian emergency in Yemen. Any more say than in Syria, where the country is rubble. I prefer fighting in Yemen to more trouble in the EU or US when the fighters exit Yemen.
Saudi Arabia is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world.

Got a link for that claim? Hint: Its IRAN
Iran still top state sponsor of terrorism, U.S. report says
Well of course our government is going to downplay the role of our "ally" in the region and build up the terrorist activities of Iran. The horrible truth is that they are both pretty much murder machines but we just happen to be helping one of them. They also hate our guts, high time we got some leverage over their actions in return for our billions.
Airstrikes, followed large-scale artie, followed by a couple of armored divisions, should do the trick nicely.

Cause that worked so well in Iraq eh General?
Ahhhhh... but It did.

We took the whole place in a couple of weeks.


And, if our coalition was greater than the Saudi Coalition, then, our enemy was greater (re: military capabilities) then theirs...

Their enemy is a flyspeck by comparison...

No... our mistake in Iraq was hanging around, afterwards.

We should have slaughtered Saddam and his minions, then walked away, to leave the Iraqis dazed, wandering the smoking ruins.

We won the war.

We lost the peace.

Because we stupidly tried to 'nation-build' in Camel-Jockey Land, where the pudknokkers are unteachable.

Same with Yemen.

Sweep the enemy out of his holes... slaughter him... then walk away.

It's called "Takin' out the trash", Princess... something that you soft-and-fuzzy snowflake types just don't have the stomach for.

And, if the trash ever builds-up in that place again... then rinse and repeat, as needed, until the condition clears.
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Yemen is a fly-speck.

If all of those countries actively fighting against the Yemenese were serious about winning, this would have been over in 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, it's dragged-on since 2015.

You can't bomb somebody back to the Stone Age when their starting point wasn't much beyond that level.

No more dikking-around with endless airstrikes and little else.

Time for that coalition do get the job done, on their own dime, using their own people.

Time for the Saudis, Egyptians, Sudanese, et al, to assemble an effective ground force, then sweep the place clean.

Airstrikes, followed by large-scale artie, followed by a couple of armored divisions, should do the trick nicely.

But that's on them... not us.

27 million people are a 'fly speck' to you?

Wow...your post should be an example to all of how to dehumanize humans in just a couple of sentences.

Have a nice day.
Yes... Yemen is a fly-speck... with respect to military capabilities.

As to 'dehumanizing' humans... happens all the time, in connection with adversaries.

You de-humanize the enemy, and humanize your own... and, I assure you, Islamists are the enemy of Western Civilization.

Some day, you may come to understand the way the world works.

But today is (obviously) not that day.
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