Senate will go to the Dems next

There is no fraud you goons. GA is very likely a Republican sweep. Biden only won because Trump is a fucking tool. Possible Dems pull it out because of how disgusting the pub party is but I doubt hicks have that much patriotism.
I wonder exactly why you believe "hicks" owe any allegiance to a party that constantly denigrates them. Like you do.
Who asks for party allegiance? How about some patriotism? My tolerance for ignorance wanes.
Whoopty shit about your tolerance. You can just sit there like a little bitch, because there's absolutely nothing you can do about my views.

Unless, of course, you're putting together a Brownshirt list for your Party leaders of people to denounce. Then the least you can do is spell my name right, you dunce.

The Democratic Party works against average Americans and America herself. There is no rational way to dispute this. All you've got is NUH UH!! So save it.

And the republican party is all about helping the average American? LMAO!! Oh that is HILARIOUS!
I didn't say that. However, the average American benefits more from GOP policies than from Democrat policies.
The Average American benefits from low minimum wages, repealing ACA so their is no healthcare plan, a virus running rampant with denial as a plan, low taxes for the rich, strained ally relations, cozying up to enemies, and environmentally destructive policies? Who knew?
If I believed all that horseshit, I'd be as stupid as you are.
Dems already have both senate seats ( already a done deal )
Then it’s on to their biggest quest .the end of the second amendment

We must fully secede and now

I actually hope the Democrats win both of the Georgia races and take control in the Senate.

At that time I would suggest that the Republicans simply close their DC Offices, lock the doors and walk out. Let the Democrats do whatever the Hell they want... Spike taxes through the ceiling, ban firearms, turn the lights off to half the country with the Green New Deal, etc..

Let the citizens see exactly what Socialism and Progressive policy will do to this country. See how long it takes before Democrats are being dragged out of their offices by their constituents and led to the Guillotine.
The good Democrat sheep would still blame Republicans.
Ummm...his faith is immaterial to Republicans. It's the Democrats who hate Jews.
Nah... you get the Mormons... we get the Jews. Are you a moron or something?

View attachment 428276
Go be stupid somewhere else. Democrats get a free pass for anti-Semitism.

The Anti-Semitism of AOC, Omar, and Tlaib
You’re just barking nonsense. You claim Democrats are unsupportive of Jews so I post a graph of 70% of Jews voting democrats and you shit yourself. Lol. Awesome debate skills.
I say let them take the Senate, just so we can see how badly the Democrats fuck things up over the next four years. Fuckit, let it all burn to the ground.

But one thing for sure, I'll still be around to say "See? Told you so."

Actually, it works more like this.

The Republicans fuck it all up. They did in 1992, they did it in 2008, and they did it this time.

A Democrat comes in and fixes things merely by being the adult in the room. Making the rich pay their fair share, practicing fiscal responsibility, getting us out of unnecessary wars.

Then when enough time passes, when people forget how bad you fuck things up, you guys make up fake moral panics and get people to give you another shot at it.

But only because we use this bizarre system to select presidents devised by slave owners.
There is no fraud you goons. GA is very likely a Republican sweep. Biden only won because Trump is a fucking tool. Possible Dems pull it out because of how disgusting the pub party is but I doubt hicks have that much patriotism.
I wonder exactly why you believe "hicks" owe any allegiance to a party that constantly denigrates them. Like you do.
Who asks for party allegiance? How about some patriotism? My tolerance for ignorance wanes.
Whoopty shit about your tolerance. You can just sit there like a little bitch, because there's absolutely nothing you can do about my views.

Unless, of course, you're putting together a Brownshirt list for your Party leaders of people to denounce. Then the least you can do is spell my name right, you dunce.

The Democratic Party works against average Americans and America herself. There is no rational way to dispute this. All you've got is NUH UH!! So save it.

And the republican party is all about helping the average American? LMAO!! Oh that is HILARIOUS!
I didn't say that. However, the average American benefits more from GOP policies than from Democrat policies.
The Average American benefits from low minimum wages, repealing ACA so their is no healthcare plan, a virus running rampant with denial as a plan, low taxes for the rich, strained ally relations, cozying up to enemies, and environmentally destructive policies? Who knew?
If I believed all that horseshit, I'd be as stupid as you are.
And you shit the bed again. Just give up and run away. It’s more self respecting to yourself.
Ummm...his faith is immaterial to Republicans. It's the Democrats who hate Jews.
Nah... you get the Mormons... we get the Jews. Are you a moron or something?

View attachment 428276
Go be stupid somewhere else. Democrats get a free pass for anti-Semitism.

The Anti-Semitism of AOC, Omar, and Tlaib
You’re just barking nonsense. You claim Democrats are unsupportive of Jews so I post a graph of 70% of Jews voting democrats and you shit yourself. Lol. Awesome debate skills.
Barking nonsense? That's the Squad.

They hate Jews. You have no problem with that.
I say let them take the Senate, just so we can see how badly the Democrats fuck things up over the next four years. Fuckit, let it all burn to the ground.

But one thing for sure, I'll still be around to say "See? Told you so."

Actually, it works more like this.

The Republicans fuck it all up. They did in 1992, they did it in 2008, and they did it this time.

A Democrat comes in and fixes things merely by being the adult in the room. Making the rich pay their fair share, practicing fiscal responsibility, getting us out of unnecessary wars.

Then when enough time passes, when people forget how bad you fuck things up, you guys make up fake moral panics and get people to give you another shot at it.

But only because we use this bizarre system to select presidents devised by slave owners.
How many wars did Obama get us into?

How many wars did Trump get us into?

Or are those questions a little too uncomfortable for you?
The good Democrat sheep would still blame Republicans.

I’m not interested in the Democrat sheep. I’ve lived among them my entire life and they’re a lost cause. However, once the rest of us cut the head of their chicken off, they will wander aimlessly and be easily picked off or slaughtered en masse.
How many wars did Obama get us into?

Um, actually, none. Sorry, I don't count dropping a few bombs on Libya as being a war.

How many wars did Trump get us into?

None, but he damn well near almost got us into one with Iran...

Or are those questions a little too uncomfortable for you?

It's actually kind of funny to watch the Party of Perpetual War suddenly turn into a hippy drum circle when Trump presided over our defeat in the Middle East.

Sorry, man, getting run out of Afghanistan and Iraq after we spent so much blood and treasure there is nothing to be proud of.

Dems already have both senate seats ( already a done deal )
Then it’s on to their biggest quest .the end of the second amendment

We must fully secede and now
Ending the 2nd Amendment would require the agreement 38 State Legislatures. That 13 is, state legislatures are all that is needed to preserve it. At least 30 states will say no. We are far more likely to see a Constitutional Amendment allowing the State Legislature to recall their Senator on a majority vote than we will see a repeal of the Second Amendment.
Ending the 2nd Amendment would require the agreement 38 State Legislatures. That 13 is, state legislatures are all that is needed to preserve it. At least 30 states will say no. We are far more likely to see a Constitutional Amendment allowing the State Legislature to recall their Senator on a majority vote than we will see a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Naw, we don't need to change the Militia Amendment to have common sense gun control.

Since the Second Amendment calls for WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, it actually allows more gun laws.
There is no fraud you goons. GA is very likely a Republican sweep. Biden only won because Trump is a fucking tool. Possible Dems pull it out because of how disgusting the pub party is but I doubt hicks have that much patriotism.
No fraud? Really?!
No fraud. None. One or two idiots sure. Fraud none. Zero. Just like ‘18, ‘16..... etc.
Look, the election was stolen. That's a given. Fraud was rampart.
Ending the 2nd Amendment would require the agreement 38 State Legislatures. That 13 is, state legislatures are all that is needed to preserve it. At least 30 states will say no. We are far more likely to see a Constitutional Amendment allowing the State Legislature to recall their Senator on a majority vote than we will see a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Naw, we don't need to change the Militia Amendment to have common sense gun control.

Since the Second Amendment calls for WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, it actually allows more gun laws.
SCOTUS interprets the Constitution. Good luck with that.
I say let them take the Senate, just so we can see how badly the Democrats fuck things up over the next four years. Fuckit, let it all burn to the ground.

But one thing for sure, I'll still be around to say "See? Told you so."

Actually, it works more like this.

The Republicans fuck it all up. They did in 1992, they did it in 2008, and they did it this time.

A Democrat comes in and fixes things merely by being the adult in the room. Making the rich pay their fair share, practicing fiscal responsibility, getting us out of unnecessary wars.

Then when enough time passes, when people forget how bad you fuck things up, you guys make up fake moral panics and get people to give you another shot at it.

But only because we use this bizarre system to select presidents devised by slave owners.

You really think they will take fraud that far?
If you cannot secure the elections, and there is no one who stands for justice in The Courts, what you have is 1933 in Nazi Germany with Illegitimate Joe fraudulently made Fuhrer over the Now DEAD Democratic Republic of America!
How many wars did Obama get us into?

Um, actually, none. Sorry, I don't count dropping a few bombs on Libya as being a war.

How many wars did Trump get us into?

None, but he damn well near almost got us into one with Iran...

Or are those questions a little too uncomfortable for you?

It's actually kind of funny to watch the Party of Perpetual War suddenly turn into a hippy drum circle when Trump presided over our defeat in the Middle East.

Sorry, man, getting run out of Afghanistan and Iraq after we spent so much blood and treasure there is nothing to be proud of.

View attachment 428284
I'd feel the same way if I hated America as much as you do. Luckily, I'm a normal American.

Your Soy Boy King appreciates the passionate ass-licking, but he'd drone-strike you in a heartbeat if he could get the slightest bit of political advantage.
Ending the 2nd Amendment would require the agreement 38 State Legislatures. That 13 is, state legislatures are all that is needed to preserve it. At least 30 states will say no. We are far more likely to see a Constitutional Amendment allowing the State Legislature to recall their Senator on a majority vote than we will see a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Naw, we don't need to change the Militia Amendment to have common sense gun control.

Since the Second Amendment calls for WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, it actually allows more gun laws.
No, it doesn't. That bullshit has long been disproven. Only Commie dumbasses still believe it.
Ending the 2nd Amendment would require the agreement 38 State Legislatures. That 13 is, state legislatures are all that is needed to preserve it. At least 30 states will say no. We are far more likely to see a Constitutional Amendment allowing the State Legislature to recall their Senator on a majority vote than we will see a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Naw, we don't need to change the Militia Amendment to have common sense gun control.

Since the Second Amendment calls for WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, it actually allows more gun laws.
SCOTUS interprets the Constitution. Good luck with that.
He wants both SCOTUS and the Constitution destroyed.

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