Senate will go to the Dems next

Well, screeching that everything you don't like is racism is easier than thinking for yourself, I suppose.

What's going to be your pathetic programmed excuse when people object to what Biden does? "YOUR RACIST AGAINST WEALTHY WHITE MEN"?


The point went over your head, didn't it?

You guys thought RomneyCare was wonderful in 2008. The reason Romney wasn't the nominee is because the Evangelicals couldn't bring themselves to vote for a Mormon.

Then Obama actually implemented RomneyCare instead of single payer, desperately trying to get even a few Republicans to go along. BUT OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!

Suddenly, you guys didn't care that Romney was a Mormon. He could have worshipped C'Thulhu and you'd still vote for him. So long as he said he was against Obamacare.
I thought you hated Mormons.
He hates everyone who doesn't worship his little tin god Government.
While he has some competition, JoeB is easily the most pathologically damaged regular on this site.

There's nothing wrong with being gay, dude. Don't be ashamed of yourself.

Naw, man, I'm straight and don't have your insecurities.... you probably miss the days of Don't ask, don't tell.

Anyway, wasn't this thread about the Senate? Anyway, moving along...
I don't have any insecurities. As usual, you're projecting again.

And you brought up the guns/penis analogy. And you know how it's made you look. That's why you're desperate to talk about the Senate.

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