Senator Dean Heller went from giving Trump’s donations to charity to campaigning alongside him

actually, Democrats face trouble from population losses in high-tax blue states
actually, Democrats face trouble from population losses in high-tax blue states
Nope..the percentages are negligible...and if they become relevant..the gain in seats via transplanted Democrats would offset any loss in the Deeply Blue--it's not like any balance in California is going to shift--for a long time, I think.
actually, Democrats face trouble from population losses in high-tax blue states

Did Nevada lose population? of the fastest growing states in the country.


Source: f11photo / iStock
2. Nevada
> 1-yr pop. growth rate:
> Current population: 2.94 million
> 2015 population: 2.88 million
> 10-yr pop. growth rate: 16.55%

The population of Nevada increased by 2.0% in 2016, the second fastest pace of any state. Nevada has sustained strong population growth over the past decade, growing by 16.5% from 2006 to 2016 — nearly twice the 8.3% national growth rate. Despite strong population growth, Nevada’s overall economic output declined over that time. The state’s arts, entertainment, and recreation and accommodation and food sectors — which comprise a larger share of Nevada’s GDP than in any other state — shrunk 13.0% from the second quarter of 2006 to the second quarter of 2016, more than in any other state nationwide. Nevada’s GDP contracted by 9.0% overall during that time, the largest decline in the country. Industries that benefit from population growth, however, such as educational services and health care, grew at a faster pace than in a majority of states.
these midterms could devolve into total chaos. i'm a fan of partial chaos, but total chaos is dangerous!
it's gonna suck being a Democrat candidate, you have to be anti-peace, anti-good economy, anti-good everything!
actually, Democrats face trouble from population losses in high-tax blue states

Did Nevada lose population? of the fastest growing states in the country.


Source: f11photo / iStock
2. Nevada
> 1-yr pop. growth rate:
> Current population: 2.94 million
> 2015 population: 2.88 million
> 10-yr pop. growth rate: 16.55%

The population of Nevada increased by 2.0% in 2016, the second fastest pace of any state. Nevada has sustained strong population growth over the past decade, growing by 16.5% from 2006 to 2016 — nearly twice the 8.3% national growth rate. Despite strong population growth, Nevada’s overall economic output declined over that time. The state’s arts, entertainment, and recreation and accommodation and food sectors — which comprise a larger share of Nevada’s GDP than in any other state — shrunk 13.0% from the second quarter of 2006 to the second quarter of 2016, more than in any other state nationwide. Nevada’s GDP contracted by 9.0% overall during that time, the largest decline in the country. Industries that benefit from population growth, however, such as educational services and health care, grew at a faster pace than in a majority of states.

Actually I knew that but it didn't seem bro knew it.
if the midterms are decided on the basis of economic performance, Trump wins, the GOP wins!

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