Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Poor useful idiot. Joe, the government is going to take YOUR freedoms away, too.

Sadly, you're such a pussy you'll give them away.

Yes, you're a pussy who needs the government to make all your decisions for you.

But normal people are not like you. We can make our own decisions.

Go cry and wring your hands somewhere else, pussy.

I worry about Big Corporations taking away my freedom, not the government I elect.

Please, these guys just want to keep everyone happy, and that's kind of the problem. It's why we don't have sensible gun laws.

But I'm sick of sharing my streets with armed madmen because you have a tiny penis you're compensating for... and you are afraid of the darkies.
But the two argument gun fetishists like Caveman give for wanting a gun is 1) "I need to protect myself from all the scary non-white people who might commit crimes"...

You are a fucking lying son of a bitch. Eat shit and die.

You just posted a thing where you said that you need to protect yourself from the bad guys, that's why you need a gun.

And we all know 'who' you want to protect yourself from.

Not the family member who is four times more likely to shoot you than a stranger, that's for sure.
Race has nothing to do with it -- except to racists.

So, let's list all your character defects:


It's easier to just type "leftist" -- means the same thing.
You are a fucking lying son of a bitch. Eat shit and die.

You just posted a thing where you said that you need to protect yourself from the bad guys, that's why you need a gun.

And we all know 'who' you want to protect yourself from.

Not the family member who is four times more likely to shoot you than a stranger, that's for sure.
Race has nothing to do with it -- except to racists.

So, let's list all your character defects:


It's easier to just type "leftist" -- means the same thing.

Dave, I love pushing your buttons and making you crazy.

Just don't go out on a shooting spree when you lose it today, okay... that would be bad.
Poor useful idiot. Joe, the government is going to take YOUR freedoms away, too.

Sadly, you're such a pussy you'll give them away.

Yes, you're a pussy who needs the government to make all your decisions for you.

But normal people are not like you. We can make our own decisions.

Go cry and wring your hands somewhere else, pussy.

I worry about Big Corporations taking away my freedom, not the government I elect.

Please, these guys just want to keep everyone happy, and that's kind of the problem. It's why we don't have sensible gun laws.

But I'm sick of sharing my streets with armed madmen because you have a tiny penis you're compensating for... and you are afraid of the darkies.
Add "stupid fucking Communist" to your list of defects.

But then, "leftist" covers that as well.

Seriously, boy -- you have come down hard on the exact wrong side of this issue. But then, why should this issue be any different?
You just posted a thing where you said that you need to protect yourself from the bad guys, that's why you need a gun.

And we all know 'who' you want to protect yourself from.

Not the family member who is four times more likely to shoot you than a stranger, that's for sure.
Race has nothing to do with it -- except to racists.

So, let's list all your character defects:


It's easier to just type "leftist" -- means the same thing.

Dave, I love pushing your buttons and making you crazy.

Just don't go out on a shooting spree when you lose it today, okay... that would be bad.
Hey, dubmass:

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gun nuts say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun nuts.


You think it's better to be raped and murdered than to defend yourself.

If anyone wanted to rape me, they'd have to have really, really bad eyesight...
If someone wanted to rape you, they would -- because you're too much of a pussy to defend yourself.

Yeah, okay, you need a gun to feel like a "real man", I don't.

I'm really driving you nutz, ain't I? Well, it was a short trip.
Ooooh, looks like I totally knocked Dave off Kilter...

and I haven't even negged him yet today.
I'm not the one who gets his frilly panties in a wad over being negged.

That would be you, you pussy. :lmao:

Guy, I've never complained about you negging me.

And I only neg you back.

What I complain a bout is your whiny stalking 10 PM's when I do neg you because no one else will pay any attention to you..
Hey, dubmass:

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gun nuts say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun nuts.


Well, there wouldn't be any gun nuts..

because if the government did decide to take your guns, you'd all be on the Koresh Express to the Netherworld.

Really? So who will the government get to enforce such an unconstitutional agenda? You and all the other anti gun nuts?

Really? So who will the government get to enforce such an unconstitutional agenda? You and all the other anti gun nuts?

Good question..

The day we come for your guns, everyone will be cheering because, frankly, you people are scarier than shit.

Again who are you going to get to enforce the confiscation? I can assure you you'll also be fighting cops deputy sheriffs and members of the fine N.C. State Police. So who will you get too enforce it?
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

And yet the Swiss seem to do allright. How is that? And they are EVEN MORE civilised than we are. And every able bodied male has a full auto weapon at home. Curious.

Are you saying that the Swiss and American societies are exactly the same?

Have a problem with reading comprehension do you? I stated quite clearly they are even more civilised than the US (it also helps that they have a huge percentage of their population that is exclusively European) and they are more heavily armed than the US is and they do just fine. According to you they should be shooting each other in the streets because of all of those evil weapons.
Joe if there was no Guns for those 37 who killed themselves......dont you think they could find another way?......if a person wants to end it bad enough,they dont need a gun to do it....same with Domestic murders.....

Ummm, no actually I don't. And neither do you.

Having a gun in the house makes it a LOT easier to kill yourself or someone else.

Which is why we have a murder rate that is so much higher than other industrialized countries, and a higher suicide rate as well.

My argument was not "how do we stop domestic homicide/suicide". My argument was, is a gun in your house more of a danger to your family than protection.

And statistically- it is.

And here's the thing. I don't want to ban private gun ownership. I do want to change the laws so that crazy people like Joker HOlmes can't walk into a gun store and arm himself like the Zombies are coming.

But the two argument gun fetishists like Caveman give for wanting a gun is 1) "I need to protect myself from all the scary non-white people who might commit crimes" and 2) "I need to have a gun in case government goes too far and I need to fight them."

Both arguments are absurd in the extreme.

If you like to shoot or hunt, I have no problem with that. But frankly, you should have at least the bare minimum responsibility that people take with other activities like driving a car.

Ummm, no actually I don't. And neither do you.

yes you do JOE....if there are no guns around and someone wanted to kill themselves there are other ways......if you cant admit that then i dont know what more can be said......
If anyone wanted to rape me, they'd have to have really, really bad eyesight...
If someone wanted to rape you, they would -- because you're too much of a pussy to defend yourself.

Yeah, okay, you need a gun to feel like a "real man", I don't.

I'm really driving you nutz, ain't I? Well, it was a short trip.
You wouldn't know what a real man feels like -- unless you count your social life. :lol:

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