Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines...

Ooooh, looks like I totally knocked Dave off Kilter...

and I haven't even negged him yet today.
I'm not the one who gets his frilly panties in a wad over being negged.

That would be you, you pussy. :lmao:

Guy, I've never complained about you negging me.

And I only neg you back.

What I complain a bout is your whiny stalking 10 PM's when I do neg you because no one else will pay any attention to you..
"All replies will be deleted and reported."


Hey, dubmass:

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gun nuts say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun nuts.


Well, there wouldn't be any gun nuts..

because if the government did decide to take your guns, you'd all be on the Koresh Express to the Netherworld.

There it is, folks, the ultimate leftist response to disagreement:

Mass murder.

You want my gun, boy?

Come get it.

But of course, you won't. You're a pussy.
Push to far and you will get a response. It only takes about 3 percent of the population to form that response.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

And yet the Swiss seem to do allright. How is that? And they are EVEN MORE civilised than we are. And every able bodied male has a full auto weapon at home. Curious.

Are you saying that the Swiss and American societies are exactly the same?

Genius...He just said the Swiss society is more civilized than we are. That means the two are NOT the same. You fucking libs just see what you want to see.
The fact that you guys are still discussing whether you should be able to own assault rifles is mind boggling. It is one of the reasons that I have not lived in the United States for 16 years. People in other countries cannot believe that a discussion such as this would even happen in a civilized, western country.

You left, so you don't get a say.

Yes, but I can still voice my opinion. And, my vote counts.

No,,you don't count. You don't live here anymore. Your vote counts? Really? You're an expatriate. You can't vote. You need a legal address to do so. And you have to prove you live there and maintain a residence.
You will be be caught committing voter fraud.
Push to far and you will get a response. It only takes about 3 percent of the population to form that response.
I still trying to find out who will Joe and the government get to enforce a gun confiscation? obama will have to outsource it. Blue helmets make for great targets.
Not everyone is as helpless as you.

We'll see who is helpless when you shoot and kill an innocent citizen and end up in prison. Especially when you get some unwanted attention. I suspect you'll be very helpless.
Thanks for the opportunity to correct some leftist misinformation!

Fact: 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254

Fact: "In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential. They hit their targets and they don't hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better."256​

Now that what you know has been shown to be untrue, I fully expect you to stop repeating the falsehoods.


Yeah, there's no way I could type that with a straight face.

A website called Shut up, Dave!!! You know, the only reason you and other men like you want to carry a gun is that you need to feel in control and powerful. It's really kind of pitiful.
I can't neg you for lying within 48 hours after I'll hit you again lying bitch.
OH and who says I can't own any?

Damn!!! You can't even hold your temper on here where you can't even see the person you're fighting with!! You really need an assault rifle.

move along fat ass because you don't a a fucking clue what jokey lied about. But you'll defend him like a good fucking liberal.

Sorry the truth hurts, little man. You really should go to Anger Management classes.

Really? So who will the government get to enforce such an unconstitutional agenda? You and all the other anti gun nuts?

Good question..

The day we come for your guns, everyone will be cheering because, frankly, you people are scarier than shit.

Again who are you going to get to enforce the confiscation? I can assure you you'll also be fighting cops deputy sheriffs and members of the fine N.C. State Police. So who will you get too enforce it?

again, that's what David Koresh thought...
Fact is, for every criminal you gun nuts defend yourselves from, you manage to shoot 43 of yourselves or your family members. (Again, this is the point were you stamp your little feet and say "Kellerman was wrong! Kellerman was wrong!!!)
Kellerman was wrong. I've shown you why before, but you like the taste of his bullshit, so you keep swallowing it.
Myth: Handguns are 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a criminal
Fact: Of the 43 deaths reported in this flawed study, 37 (86%) were suicides. Other deaths involved criminal activity between the family members (drug deals gone bad).186​
I'd rather work on preventing criminals from becoming criminals, rather than worrying about having to shoot them when they've become desperate...
You don't want to prevent them. You just want to let them go.

See, you did EXACTLY what I expected you would do. You stamped your little feet and screamed "Kellerman was wrong".

Fact is, yeay, 37 people in the Kellerman study used guns to kill themselves. In short, THAT gun didn't kill a bad guy, it killed a family member.

Similarly, when family members kill each other (which is more often the case than people being killed by strangers) that meant the gun was more of a danger than a help. You've kind of made Kellerman's case, guns in the home aren't helpful.

Now, on to your second point. It is an absolute tragedy that our racist, stupid society locks up 2 million people, has another 7 million on parole or probation. Now while you sit there and cower and cringe with your gun, hoping the scarey man doesn't break into your house, I ask the questions...

1) Have other societies confronted these problems and come up with different solutions. Yes. Yes, they have. Germany, as I pointed out, only locks up 78,000, and they have less than 200 gun murders a year.

2) What are they doing smart that we are doing dumb? Well, to start with, they don't allow grinding poverty. They don't lock people up over addictions. They don't lock people up over petty property crimes, and they don't let big corporations run prisons for profit and lobby for crazy bullshit like "Three Strikes" laws.
The problem with societies like Germany is the citizens are left to fend for themselves. The government has no concern over public safety or private property.
The problem here is judges routinely allow repeat offenders to go free only to continue preying on law abiding citizens. We need tough judges who will throw the book at assholes who laugh at the law.
It's either that or people get pissed off and administer street justice.
I support the right of citizens to handle things themselves. The police are generally there to take care of things AFTER the crime has already been committed.
People should have the right to defend person and property.
Let me know when you become a crime victim.
If you haven't, shut the fuck up.
it should be ONE strike and you're "in"...
Not fear of someone breaking into our homes. The right to defend against them.
Look, I can just as easily take my old 9 iron I keep handy and bury it in your skull as shoot your criminal ass. It makes no difference to me.
The pistol has better stopping power.
So bring it on. I think a criminal would look pretty God Damned funny laying on the floor with a golf club sticking out of his head or a tunnel in it. And there are not twelve people in this county who will convict me of so much as jay walking for it.
Two years ago here, these two thugs walked into a convenience store owned by Cambodian immigrant brothers. They tried to rob the place. They left with holes in them, parallel to the earth. The DA did not prosecute. Self defense. Good. Two more crooks off the planet.
Push to far and you will get a response. It only takes about 3 percent of the population to form that response.
I still trying to find out who will Joe and the government get to enforce a gun confiscation? obama will have to outsource it. Blue helmets make for great targets.

Well, we just wait until you are at your job at the McDonalds and get them out of your house then..
You are a fucking lying son of a bitch. Eat shit and die.

You just posted a thing where you said that you need to protect yourself from the bad guys, that's why you need a gun.

And we all know 'who' you want to protect yourself from.

Not the family member who is four times more likely to shoot you than a stranger, that's for sure.
Race has nothing to do with it -- except to racists.

So, let's list all your character defects:


It's easier to just type "leftist" -- means the same thing.

no Dave i work with a guy who is as Left as Dean is.... this guy is an x-vet who owns lots guns and would be right here giving Joe shit about what he is saying here about guns.....
Hey, dubmass:

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gun nuts say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun nuts.


Well, there wouldn't be any gun nuts..

because if the government did decide to take your guns, you'd all be on the Koresh Express to the Netherworld.

There it is, folks, the ultimate leftist response to disagreement:

Mass murder.

You want my gun, boy?

Come get it.

But of course, you won't. You're a pussy.

Naw, I'll send a professional out to do it.

Which is what make you nuts really funny. You think that you are going to fight the government and win. That's even crazier than keeping an arsenal to fight off that hoard of minority drug addicts you apparently think are raping and pillaging the land...
We'll see who is helpless when you shoot and kill an innocent citizen and end up in prison. Especially when you get some unwanted attention. I suspect you'll be very helpless.
Thanks for the opportunity to correct some leftist misinformation!

Fact: 11% of police shootings kill an innocent person - about 2% of shootings by citizens kill an innocent person.254

Fact: "In actual shootings, citizens do far better than law enforcement on hit potential. They hit their targets and they don't hit other people. I wish I could say the same for cops. We train more, they do better."256​

Now that what you know has been shown to be untrue, I fully expect you to stop repeating the falsehoods.


Yeah, there's no way I could type that with a straight face.

A website called Shut up, Dave!!! You know, the only reason you and other men like you want to carry a gun is that you need to feel in control and powerful. It's really kind of pitiful.
You really are a stupid little woman.

If you'd read the link instead of mindlessly dismissing it out of hand, you'd see the sources for each of the claims.

For instance, in my post you quoted, the sources are:

254 Shall issue: the new wave of concealed handgun permit laws, Clayton Cramer, David Kopel, Independence Institute Issue Paper. October 17, 1994

256 Sheriff Greg White, Cole County, Missouri, Guns to be allowed on campus?, KRCG News, July 31, 2009

Face it: Everything you "know" is false.

no Dave i work with a guy who is as Left as Dean is.... this guy is an x-vet who owns lots guns and would be right here giving Joe shit about what he is saying here about guns.....

It ain't a left-right issue.

It's a stupid smart issue.

People who want to own guns to fight the government are STUPID.

People who want to own guns to fight off a hoarde of imaginary criminals are stupid. (You are much, much more likley to be killed by a friend, neighbor or family member.)

And it would be laughable, except that you get a human cost to this kind of stupidity.


What Dave lives in mortal fear of, apparently...
Good question..

The day we come for your guns, everyone will be cheering because, frankly, you people are scarier than shit.

Again who are you going to get to enforce the confiscation? I can assure you you'll also be fighting cops deputy sheriffs and members of the fine N.C. State Police. So who will you get too enforce it?

again, that's what David Koresh thought...
Big oppressive government thanks you for your mindless support, but wants you to know you will be stepped on like a bug the very second it serves their purpose.

You will not be one of the few chosen to rule over all the others. You will not be granted power and wealth. Your fantasies are ridiculous.

You will be an impotent servant your entire life, bitter and hateful, but not against those who have enslaved you -- because you went willingly.

No, you will hate those who warned you.
Hey, dubmass:

If gun owners were as violent as anti-gun nuts say, there wouldn't BE any anti-gun nuts.


Well, there wouldn't be any gun nuts..

because if the government did decide to take your guns, you'd all be on the Koresh Express to the Netherworld.

ok so lets just say for the sake of argument..... if they did decide to do that....what would your reaction be Joe?.....would you cheer like you said earlier?.....
Senator Dianne Feinstein Moves To Ban ALL Assault Rifles, High Capacity Magazines, and Pistol Grips

Good for her.

You do know this will not stop the criminals from getting these guns. All this does is prevent law abiding citizens to get them and in some areas you need these to protect youself like Chicago and LA ect .

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