Senator Dick Durbin: I'm Not Going Home For The Holidays Until the Dream Act is passed

The durbster doesn't want to give up those huge corporate bribes he gets for betraying america and supporting open borders.
Legal status, yes. Path to citizenship or ability to sponsor anyone else, NO!

Well if he wants to stay in Washington he has to deal with his family
These "dreamers" need to be verified but how do you verify people using stolen IDs??

Send them all home.
Little Dick Durbin is pandering to the Racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats who refuse to accept that America is a sovereign country with immigration laws and borders.
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The Corrupt Democratic Party uses illegal aliens to erase the votes of American citizens.
The Dirty Democrats have violated the Voting Rights of millions of American citizens with their mass voter fraud.
fuck the dream act.
Cut off all incentive for illegals.

Amen to that. We don't need a wall. If we ended free health care and welfare and free school for illegals and imprisoned people who hire illegals, they would all self-deport.
Why should my money that I earned at my job go to pay for people living here illegally?

How is that a thing?
The Corrupt Democratic Party uses illegal aliens to erase the votes of American citizens.
The Dirty Democrats have violated the Voting Rights of millions of American citizens with their mass voter fraud.

Hell yes. A day before the nov election in 2016 obama went granted an interview to the mexican media where he encouraged illegals to vote. He said "When you vote, you're a citizen".

Incredible but true.
Let him stay. But we don't need a 'Dream Act.' That's insane. We're already rapidly heading towards dangerous Third World Misery. We actually need to totally reform our dismantled Immigration System and end Illegal Immigration once and for all.

No more Schumer 'Diversity Visa Lottery' insanity. When or if we do the reform, we can then maybe talk about different immigration ideas. But for right now, ending Illegal Immigration and reform has to be the #1 priority.

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