Senator Josh Hawley Calls for Investigation into Democrat Abuse of Senate Ethics Process, files ethics counter-complaint against 7 Democrat Senators


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
a fighter! the lion of the senate!

Over the years you see no accountability for the DNC

You have criminals like Rangel not pay taxes, among dozens of other ethical and illegal activity, and not only get to remain, but retires with a lavish stash of taxpayer cash.

Democrat never are held accountable for anything.



I'm done with the lot of them and so is the country.

And shame on the GOP for doing absolutely nothing about it.

The Republic is dead.
Democrats' refusal to officially investigate voter fraud, ignoring 78 million Americans, caused / incited an Insurrection. Every single Democrat needs to be investigated...

...and we need to see all of Pres Biden's communications during the Capitol Riot because he MAY have been communicating with the CCP and MAY have kept them updated on the status of the event.

'What's good for the goose....'
"The question the Senate must answer is not whether Senators Hawley and Cruz had the right to the object to the electors, but whether the senators failed to '[p]ut loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department' or engaged in 'improper conduct reflecting on the Senate' in connection with the violence on January 6," the Democrats wrote, citing the Code of Ethics for Government Service and the Senate Ethics Manual.

U.S. Senator Josh (R-Mo.) is filing a counter-complaint today against seven Senate Democrats who called for an ethics investigation into his objection to certifying Pennsylvania’s electoral count. The Democrats admitted in their complaint that Hawley’s electoral college objection was lawful. In a letter to the seven Democrat Senators, Senator Hawley called out the senators for their historic partisan abuse of the Senate ethics process and potential coordination with dark money groups.

There lies the dilemma, The senate Democrats clearly gave points for the justification of the review and Hawley accused them of abuse and abetting with "dark money"... Which is in line with his conspiracy theory frame of mind...
“The Democrats admitted in their complaint that Hawley’s electoral college objection was lawful.”

So these Dim pieces of shit filed an ethics complaint against Hawley for perfectly lawful behavior?

Fuck each and every one of them in the caboose with Nancy’s fist.

What the hell is wrong with these scumbags?
Democrats can say and do as they please. No one every holds them to account, so what does it matter really?
Democrats' refusal to officially investigate voter fraud, ignoring 78 million Americans, caused / incited an Insurrection. Every single Democrat needs to be investigated...

...and we need to see all of Pres Biden's communications during the Capitol Riot because he MAY have been communicating with the CCP and MAY have kept them updated on the status of the event.

'What's good for the goose....'
The Dems have never stopped an investigation nor did they ever interfere with a recount.
The Dems have never stopped an investigation nor did they ever interfere with a recount.

4 years of coup attempts
Decades of illegal spying
Admitted politically partisan Impeachments
Admitted election fraud


- Never stopped a treasonous investigation

- Never stopped an admitted bogus Impeachment

- Never released evidence that would have stopped the Impeachment

- Never allowed forensic analysis of voting machines in Maricopa County

- Never called Antifa & BLM 'Domestic Terrorists' after they attempted to burn federal agents alive in a building

- Never called for an investigation of the Capitol Police for aiding and abetting violent Capitol Rioters


Now, where are the House Republicans? Pelosi tried to get the Joint Chiefs to take the nuclear codes from the C-in-C, which sounds like sedition. She also demanded 2-man machine gun crews in DC. They should file articles to censure and remove her. Play hardball or go home.
a fighter! the lion of the senate!

The guy has balls, I'll give him that, but he sure is short on brains for a guy who went to Harvard.
a fighter! the lion of the senate!

The guy has balls, I'll give him that, but he sure is short on brains for a guy who went to Harvard.
Short on brains?

The innerweb irony meter just exploded.
Democrats' refusal to officially investigate voter fraud, ignoring 78 million Americans, caused / incited an Insurrection. Every single Democrat needs to be investigated...

...and we need to see all of Pres Biden's communications during the Capitol Riot because he MAY have been communicating with the CCP and MAY have kept them updated on the status of the event.

'What's good for the goose....'
zero evidence of voter fraud, other then a few Trump supporters.
Hawley's publisher dumped him because of his incitement of riot.
Democrats' refusal to officially investigate voter fraud, ignoring 78 million Americans, caused / incited an Insurrection. Every single Democrat needs to be investigated...

...and we need to see all of Pres Biden's communications during the Capitol Riot because he MAY have been communicating with the CCP and MAY have kept them updated on the status of the event.

'What's good for the goose....'
zero evidence of voter fraud, other then a few Trump supporters.
Hawley's publisher dumped him because of his incitement of riot.

Democrats set the precedence for evidence NOT being necessary....hell, Democrats admitted they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses when they Impeached President Trump the 1st time, the 1st Politically Partisan Impeachment in US history.

Your comment is hilarious.
Hawley does Hannity tonight! stay tuned! will be posting the video!

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