Senator Lindsey Graham explains why he needs an AR-15 civilian rifle...

You really should get help with your psycho-sexual issues joe.....the rage and penis fixation that you have can't end well...

what doesn't end well is when one of you nuts shoots up a Mall or a nightclub.

I fully support you owning whatever weapon you want but dang, if Lindsey Graham is defending this I have to reconsider as he is never right about anything.

I'd have more respect for Limp Lindsey if he actually stood for something.

I don't think Sen. Graham is going to shoot up a mall or a nightclub.

In any event, if you are hot to trot to disarm LAW ABIDERS, are you willing to accept liability when they are killed , or suffer injuries because they were unable to defend themselves?

If someone files a false "red flag" alert against a senior citizen, and the senior citizen is subsequently assaulted or killed, should the party issuing the fake alert be held financially liable for the seniors medical bills? Should they be held criminally liable for the murder or robbery as well?

If I don't have a weapon on me, and a criminal pulls a gun on me on the street- sure I'm going to try and grab the weapon. I'm going to try to gouge his eyes out, or deliver a crotch shot.

But as I get older and older, it becomes less and less practical, and soon I might only be able to cuss him out.

Graham is very unstable, see my sig, he flies wherever the wind is blowing. That's my plan:
I'm going to try to gouge his eyes out, or deliver a crotch shot a long with pepper spray. If he wants my body, but if he wants my purse, I'll give it to him.
You really should get help with your psycho-sexual issues joe.....the rage and penis fixation that you have can't end well...

what doesn't end well is when one of you nuts shoots up a Mall or a nightclub.

I fully support you owning whatever weapon you want but dang, if Lindsey Graham is defending this I have to reconsider as he is never right about anything.

I'd have more respect for Limp Lindsey if he actually stood for something.

I don't think Sen. Graham is going to shoot up a mall or a nightclub.

In any event, if you are hot to trot to disarm LAW ABIDERS, are you willing to accept liability when they are killed , or suffer injuries because they were unable to defend themselves?

If someone files a false "red flag" alert against a senior citizen, and the senior citizen is subsequently assaulted or killed, should the party issuing the fake alert be held financially liable for the seniors medical bills? Should they be held criminally liable for the murder or robbery as well?

If I don't have a weapon on me, and a criminal pulls a gun on me on the street- sure I'm going to try and grab the weapon. I'm going to try to gouge his eyes out, or deliver a crotch shot.

But as I get older and older, it becomes less and less practical, and soon I might only be able to cuss him out.
Graham is very unstable, see my sig, he flies wherever the wind is blowing (sometimes I even agree with him). People need to be alert to their surroundings and you can have a pistol with a 10 bullet mag. No one is suggesting you not be armed with a pistol of which you can defend yourself. The democrat's aren't that heartless.

When do you carry a semi assault rifle around with you, when I ask??
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

Of course Graham is politically astute, and only implied looters would appear and white people needed to be armed.
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

So...all people in natural disasters are virtuous and pure? That is what you are selling? And you would explain the Black lives matter Riots, the Rodney King riots that looted, burnt local businesses to the ground and put innocent people in the hospital from brutal beatings how?
Graham is very unstable, see my sig, he flies wherever the wind is blowing (sometimes I even agree with him). People need to be alert to their surroundings and you can have a pistol with a 10 bullet mag. No one is suggesting you not be armed with a pistol of which you can defend yourself. The democrat's aren't that heartless.

When do you carry a semi assault rifle around with you, when I ask??

In a lot of cities, packing a handgun just isn't allowed you know. Extremely difficult and expensive to get a handgun permit in New York City.

So a lot of liberals do make it nearly impossible to be armed in any way.

As far as carrying around an AR15 or other so called "assault" rifle, it just isn't needed for everyone.

But it is needed for some folks for sure. Going into the streets of Chicago or other large city at night for a Subway sandwich, there is a 50/50 chance you aren't coming back. A cousin looked at an apartment in New York City for big money. Asked the landlord "how far to the subway". Landlord told her, "unsure, no one has ever made it before"
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

So...all people in natural disasters are virtuous and pure? That is what you are selling? And you would explain the Black lives matter Riots, the Rodney King riots that looted, burnt local businesses to the ground and put innocent people in the hospital from brutal beatings how?

The race riots are not natural disasters, mush brain. They are created by the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination and people like you, i.e. callous conservatives.
Did he whip out his tiny dick and show it to the crowd?
There you go with penis obsession again, are you a little flaky in the head?
How did your mom raise you? Why are you still in your mothers basement?
You do realize he’s gay? Are you an Homophob?

I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries), perhaps they are unable to work, walk or write. No its the weapon and how fast he can shoot bullets off.

Are you suggesting you carry an semi automatics assault weapon with a loaded mag just in case you end up running into a mass shooter?

I bet by the time you even know what is happening you'd be dead , injured or it would be over.
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

So...all people in natural disasters are virtuous and pure? That is what you are selling? And you would explain the Black lives matter Riots, the Rodney King riots that looted, burnt local businesses to the ground and put innocent people in the hospital from brutal beatings how?

The race riots are not natural disasters, mush brain. They are created by the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination and people like you, i.e. callous conservatives.

Very few conservatives attend Race Riots, WC. If a riot is scheduled, conservatives will generally absent themselves from the area. Many conservatives stay out of the Ghetto completely to avoid possible riots that could pop up.

Further, they occur almost exclusively in ultraliberal inner cities.
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

So...all people in natural disasters are virtuous and pure? That is what you are selling? And you would explain the Black lives matter Riots, the Rodney King riots that looted, burnt local businesses to the ground and put innocent people in the hospital from brutal beatings how?

The race riots are not natural disasters, mush brain. They are created by the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination and people like you, i.e. callous conservatives.

Who cares how they are created dipshit......are you really that is an event where the police are not there to help Balitmore, and Ferguson showed as the democrat mayors called the police back moron....... whether a hurricane knocks down you home or business and you have to worry about looters.....or democrats rampaging through your city and burning homes and businesses........the AR-15 rifle will put a stop to their moron.
Did he whip out his tiny dick and show it to the crowd?
There you go with penis obsession again, are you a little flaky in the head?
How did your mom raise you? Why are you still in your mothers basement?
You do realize he’s gay? Are you an Homophob?

I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
Graham is very unstable, see my sig, he flies wherever the wind is blowing (sometimes I even agree with him). People need to be alert to their surroundings and you can have a pistol with a 10 bullet mag. No one is suggesting you not be armed with a pistol of which you can defend yourself. The democrat's aren't that heartless.

When do you carry a semi assault rifle around with you, when I ask??

In a lot of cities, packing a handgun just isn't allowed you know. Extremely difficult and expensive to get a handgun permit in New York City.

So a lot of liberals do make it nearly impossible to be armed in any way.

As far as carrying around an AR15 or other so called "assault" rifle, it just isn't needed for everyone.

But it is needed for some folks for sure. Going into the streets of Chicago or other large city at night for a Subway sandwich, there is a 50/50 chance you aren't coming back. A cousin looked at an apartment in New York City for big money. Asked the landlord "how far to the subway". Landlord told her, "unsure, no one has ever made it before"

Andrew Klavan, a writer and podcaster at the Daily Wire, used to live in New York when David Dinkens was mayor.....when the democrats had allowed crime to destroy the city. He stated that when he left his apartment, he had to run to the subway to keep from being mugged on a daily basis...that was how bad crime used to be in New York before Rudy Guilliani cleaned up the blasio has now begun the process of handing the city back to the criminals.
There you go with penis obsession again, are you a little flaky in the head?
How did your mom raise you? Why are you still in your mothers basement?
You do realize he’s gay? Are you an Homophob?

I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous
You really should get help with your psycho-sexual issues joe.....the rage and penis fixation that you have can't end well...

what doesn't end well is when one of you nuts shoots up a Mall or a nightclub.

I fully support you owning whatever weapon you want but dang, if Lindsey Graham is defending this I have to reconsider as he is never right about anything.

I'd have more respect for Limp Lindsey if he actually stood for something.

I don't think Sen. Graham is going to shoot up a mall or a nightclub.

In any event, if you are hot to trot to disarm LAW ABIDERS, are you willing to accept liability when they are killed , or suffer injuries because they were unable to defend themselves?

If someone files a false "red flag" alert against a senior citizen, and the senior citizen is subsequently assaulted or killed, should the party issuing the fake alert be held financially liable for the seniors medical bills? Should they be held criminally liable for the murder or robbery as well?

If I don't have a weapon on me, and a criminal pulls a gun on me on the street- sure I'm going to try and grab the weapon. I'm going to try to gouge his eyes out, or deliver a crotch shot.

But as I get older and older, it becomes less and less practical, and soon I might only be able to cuss him out.

Graham isn't going to start shooting at a bunch of innocent people. He gets the military to do it for him. Mass killing without being personally held responsible.
I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
1. '''There is no way to get an authoritative number''
2. just do the math and think --
around 15,000 murders per year 1 million divided by 15000 = around 60
so, for every murder, there are SIXTY SD uses????? hahahahahahahahahhahaha
no--NO--if a criminal takes off, that should be in police stats ---police should be notified
you have to use a gun and DON'T notify the cops????!!!! =GODAMN--right there!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOCY STUPID and bullshit

as I've stated before = bullshit
Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????
Never in history did a homeowner need quick changing 100 round mags after a natural disaster, but that never stops Repubtards from inventing strawmen!!!

Fixed 15 round mags reloading 1 at a time is all anyone ever needed!
And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
plain and simple---you SHOULD call the cops!!
and--AND---you prove MY point!!!!! there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses
1. ''''supposedly'' [hahahahaha] they are not even reported [ :rolleyes-41: ]
2.if it is a LEGITIMATE SD use---it would be LEGAL to use the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would NOT be brandishing--would it!!!!????
Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
plain and simple---you SHOULD call the cops!!
and--AND---you prove MY point!!!!! there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses
1. ''''supposedly'' [hahahahaha] they are not even reported [ :rolleyes-41: ]
2.if it is a LEGITIMATE SD use---it would be LEGAL to use the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would NOT be brandishing--would it!!!!????

The police don't want to hear about a problem that is already resolved. Why would they? They aren't your mother.

Why anyone ask the police to investigate them? Even if they are innocent- especially if they are innocent?

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