Senator Lindsey Graham explains why he needs an AR-15 civilian rifle...

Never in history did a homeowner need quick changing 100 round mags after a natural disaster, but that never stops Repubtards from inventing strawmen!!!

Fixed 15 round mags reloading 1 at a time is all anyone ever needed!
Unless you have to fire more than 15 shots.

You have no authority to tell other people what they "need"
Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
plain and simple---you SHOULD call the cops!!
and--AND---you prove MY point!!!!! there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses
1. ''''supposedly'' [hahahahaha] they are not even reported [ :rolleyes-41: ]
2.if it is a LEGITIMATE SD use---it would be LEGAL to use the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would NOT be brandishing--would it!!!!????

The cops have no legal obligation to come to your aid

The Supreme court says so

So tell me if the cops aren't going to come if I and mu family are in peril who should I call? You?
There’s a hurricane, a natural disaster, no power, no cops, no anything,” the Republican lawmaker told reporters aboard Air Force One.

A disaster, no power, no cops, no anything, means no looters, he would probably leave if there was a hurricane warning. Also they would be all fighting for their lifes.

You can make up all kinds of excuses, but none are good for having assault weapons or pistols, no matter how hard you try.

So my 7.62 mm Semiautomatic with wood stock is OK because it doesn't fit the definition of "assault" weapon

Don't count on it
It doesn't I checked

No pistol grips, thumb hole, muzzle shroud, flash suppressor, no grenade launcher, or threaded barrel.
we've been over this before ---that's total bullshit
there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses --that's ridiculous

How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
plain and simple---you SHOULD call the cops!!
and--AND---you prove MY point!!!!! there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses
1. ''''supposedly'' [hahahahaha] they are not even reported [ :rolleyes-41: ]
2.if it is a LEGITIMATE SD use---it would be LEGAL to use the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would NOT be brandishing--would it!!!!????

The cops have no legal obligation to come to your aid

The Supreme court says so

So tell me if the cops aren't going to come if I and mu family are in peril who should I call? You?
there are not 1 million SD uses--plain and simple
How many would you estimate?

There is no way to get an authoritative number on this. Most of the time a criminal will just shit himself and vamoose as soon as he sees his victim is ready for action. Police aren't notified, records aren't kept
let me state again--because this is AMAZINGLY idiotic:
you have to use a gun, and DON'T call the police??????!!!!!!!!!!!???????

Why would you call the police if the situation is resolved? Further, in a lot of cities, brandishing a firearm or carrying it in public isn't looked upon that highly. Tell the police, they are likely to confiscated your weapon and investigate you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie.
plain and simple---you SHOULD call the cops!!
and--AND---you prove MY point!!!!! there are NOT 1.1 million SD uses
1. ''''supposedly'' [hahahahaha] they are not even reported [ :rolleyes-41: ]
2.if it is a LEGITIMATE SD use---it would be LEGAL to use the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would NOT be brandishing--would it!!!!????

The cops have no legal obligation to come to your aid

The Supreme court says so

So tell me if the cops aren't going to come if I and mu family are in peril who should I call? You?
there are not 1 million SD uses--plain and simple
Where did I ever say there was?

All that matters is that there are some defensive gun uses.
Graham is wrong on a lot of things, Red Flag Laws for one, but he explains the need for AR-15 civilian and police rifles really well...

Lindsey Graham Politely Explains to Idiot Reporters Why He needs an AR-15

A favorite question that the anti-gun crowd likes to ask is "Why does anyone need an AR-15?" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has a very practical answer to that, which he offered to reporters on Friday.

The New York Post:

Sen. Lindsey Graham knocked down the idea of banning semi-automatic weapons nearly identical to those used by soldiers on the off chance a hurricane slams into his South Carolina town.

“Here’s a scenario that I think is real: There’s a hurricane, a natural disaster, no power, no cops, no anything,” the Republican lawmaker told reporters aboard Air Force One.

A reporter asked if he meant looters.

“Yeah, people, they’re not going to come to the AR-15 home,” Graham responded. “Well, I think if you show up on the porch with an AR-15, they’ll probably go down the street.”

That's a very sound point. No matter where you live, you can come up with a legitimate argument for owning an AR-15 for self-defense. Of course, no one ever wants to be in a situation where they have to, but the peace of mind is a gift.

Although he can occasionally be a firebrand, Graham is still a United States senator and was flying with the president on Air Force One when asked about this. He remained very decorous and didn't offer the answer that a regular, law-abiding gun owner might.

I sleep with a loaded Beretta on my nightstand and was once asked why.

"Because I (expletive deleted) want to."

That's really the only answer anyone needs in response to being asked why he or she is doing something perfectly legal that isn't harming anyone else.

My dad (may he rest in peace) had a more polite, but still intentionally obnoxious, response when someone once asked him why he slept with a gun next to his bed:

"Where do you keep yours?"

Have I ever had to use a gun for self-defense? Thankfully, no. And I hope I never have to.

I am not, however, obligated to explain to anyone why I would prefer not to be killed.

I live in an area with tornadoes....same concept.... and store owners in democrat cities always have to look out for Black lives matter inspired riots and looting...that is if they don't want their businesses looted then burnt to the ground.....or like New York, having al sharpton inciting a riot that gets your business burnt to the ground...

The AR-15 civilian and police rifle is a nice way to tell democrat looters...move along asshole...
I really hate when someone picks one gun over another. Some people especially women are excellent shots with an AR some are not, some people are better shots with a pistol and some are better shots with a revolver. But I understand where Graham is coming from

So do I. He's on his way to cash his NRA check and had to stop to earn it otherwise they would put a stop payment on the check.
If you’re really concerned about campaign cash and lobbying, get informed. I suspect you are not and just like to flame stupid shit the MSM tells you. The NRA is not a big player.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big

Another "Hey, look over there" routine. And your list does look look like the top list of contributors to the Republicans. President Truman was right.

But that doesn't change the fact that the NRA is still a high dollar contributor to Graham and others.
Graham is wrong on a lot of things, Red Flag Laws for one, but he explains the need for AR-15 civilian and police rifles really well...

Lindsey Graham Politely Explains to Idiot Reporters Why He needs an AR-15

A favorite question that the anti-gun crowd likes to ask is "Why does anyone need an AR-15?" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has a very practical answer to that, which he offered to reporters on Friday.

The New York Post:

Sen. Lindsey Graham knocked down the idea of banning semi-automatic weapons nearly identical to those used by soldiers on the off chance a hurricane slams into his South Carolina town.

“Here’s a scenario that I think is real: There’s a hurricane, a natural disaster, no power, no cops, no anything,” the Republican lawmaker told reporters aboard Air Force One.

A reporter asked if he meant looters.

“Yeah, people, they’re not going to come to the AR-15 home,” Graham responded. “Well, I think if you show up on the porch with an AR-15, they’ll probably go down the street.”

That's a very sound point. No matter where you live, you can come up with a legitimate argument for owning an AR-15 for self-defense. Of course, no one ever wants to be in a situation where they have to, but the peace of mind is a gift.

Although he can occasionally be a firebrand, Graham is still a United States senator and was flying with the president on Air Force One when asked about this. He remained very decorous and didn't offer the answer that a regular, law-abiding gun owner might.

I sleep with a loaded Beretta on my nightstand and was once asked why.

"Because I (expletive deleted) want to."

That's really the only answer anyone needs in response to being asked why he or she is doing something perfectly legal that isn't harming anyone else.

My dad (may he rest in peace) had a more polite, but still intentionally obnoxious, response when someone once asked him why he slept with a gun next to his bed:

"Where do you keep yours?"

Have I ever had to use a gun for self-defense? Thankfully, no. And I hope I never have to.

I am not, however, obligated to explain to anyone why I would prefer not to be killed.

I live in an area with tornadoes....same concept.... and store owners in democrat cities always have to look out for Black lives matter inspired riots and looting...that is if they don't want their businesses looted then burnt to the ground.....or like New York, having al sharpton inciting a riot that gets your business burnt to the ground...

The AR-15 civilian and police rifle is a nice way to tell democrat looters...move along asshole...
I really hate when someone picks one gun over another. Some people especially women are excellent shots with an AR some are not, some people are better shots with a pistol and some are better shots with a revolver. But I understand where Graham is coming from

So do I. He's on his way to cash his NRA check and had to stop to earn it otherwise they would put a stop payment on the check.
If you’re really concerned about campaign cash and lobbying, get informed. I suspect you are not and just like to flame stupid shit the MSM tells you. The NRA is not a big player.

Lobbying’s top 50: Who’s spending big

Another "Hey, look over there" routine. And your list does look look like the top list of contributors to the Republicans. President Truman was right.

But that doesn't change the fact that the NRA is still a high dollar contributor to Graham and others.
Gun Owners of America | The only no compromise gun lobby in Washington
Study what happened to unarmed people after Katrina, if you can stomach it.
Cops shot them, right? And only an AR15 works against cops.

Unless you have the skill sets of the Combat Marine of the mass shooter in California and then almost any semi auto firearm works. But the AR would have enabled him to completely clear the field before the cops overwhelmed him and he shot himself.
Study what happened to unarmed people after Katrina, if you can stomach it.
Cops shot them, right? And only an AR15 works against cops.

Unless you have the skill sets of the Combat Marine of the mass shooter in California and then almost any semi auto firearm works. But the AR would have enabled him to completely clear the field before the cops overwhelmed him and he shot himself.
Fortunately in a lot of places in rural America, law enforcement have real military grade m-4s readily available... Along with the training
Never in history did a homeowner need quick changing 100 round mags after a natural disaster, but that never stops Repubtards from inventing strawmen!!!

Fixed 15 round mags reloading 1 at a time is all anyone ever needed!
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you fucking cowardly piece of shit
Sure is when that firearm is used to massacre innocent children
I'd ask Senator Graham why S. Carolinian's fear looters during a natural crisis; during the '89 Earthquake in CA, and in particular in Oakland where the freeway pancaked and people were trapped, black young men who lived in the area were climbing on the unstable concrete and steel to rescue people trapped in their cars.

So...all people in natural disasters are virtuous and pure? That is what you are selling? And you would explain the Black lives matter Riots, the Rodney King riots that looted, burnt local businesses to the ground and put innocent people in the hospital from brutal beatings how?

The race riots are not natural disasters, mush brain. They are created by the systemic issues of poverty, discrimination and people like you, i.e. callous conservatives.

Very few conservatives attend Race Riots, WC. If a riot is scheduled, conservatives will generally absent themselves from the area. Many conservatives stay out of the Ghetto completely to avoid possible riots that could pop up.

Further, they occur almost exclusively in ultraliberal inner cities.

Race riots are not planned, they erupt. The only one in my home town, San Francisco, was brief, localized in the SE section of The City, and a result of a teenage boy shot and killed by police. That was in the summer of 1969.
There you go with penis obsession again, are you a little flaky in the head?
How did your mom raise you? Why are you still in your mothers basement?
You do realize he’s gay? Are you an Homophob?

I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.

Bullshit ^^^

Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas ...
Graham is wrong on a lot of things, Red Flag Laws for one, but he explains the need for AR-15 civilian and police rifles really well...

Lindsey Graham Politely Explains to Idiot Reporters Why He needs an AR-15

A favorite question that the anti-gun crowd likes to ask is "Why does anyone need an AR-15?" Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has a very practical answer to that, which he offered to reporters on Friday.

The New York Post:

Sen. Lindsey Graham knocked down the idea of banning semi-automatic weapons nearly identical to those used by soldiers on the off chance a hurricane slams into his South Carolina town.

“Here’s a scenario that I think is real: There’s a hurricane, a natural disaster, no power, no cops, no anything,” the Republican lawmaker told reporters aboard Air Force One.

A reporter asked if he meant looters.

“Yeah, people, they’re not going to come to the AR-15 home,” Graham responded. “Well, I think if you show up on the porch with an AR-15, they’ll probably go down the street.”

That's a very sound point. No matter where you live, you can come up with a legitimate argument for owning an AR-15 for self-defense. Of course, no one ever wants to be in a situation where they have to, but the peace of mind is a gift.

Although he can occasionally be a firebrand, Graham is still a United States senator and was flying with the president on Air Force One when asked about this. He remained very decorous and didn't offer the answer that a regular, law-abiding gun owner might.

I sleep with a loaded Beretta on my nightstand and was once asked why.

"Because I (expletive deleted) want to."

That's really the only answer anyone needs in response to being asked why he or she is doing something perfectly legal that isn't harming anyone else.

My dad (may he rest in peace) had a more polite, but still intentionally obnoxious, response when someone once asked him why he slept with a gun next to his bed:

"Where do you keep yours?"

Have I ever had to use a gun for self-defense? Thankfully, no. And I hope I never have to.

I am not, however, obligated to explain to anyone why I would prefer not to be killed.

I live in an area with tornadoes....same concept.... and store owners in democrat cities always have to look out for Black lives matter inspired riots and looting...that is if they don't want their businesses looted then burnt to the ground.....or like New York, having al sharpton inciting a riot that gets your business burnt to the ground...

The AR-15 civilian and police rifle is a nice way to tell democrat looters...move along asshole...
So you & your buddy, Panty Waist Lindsey" say oply an AR-15 provides defense.

If you are facing down large numbers of looters, yes, you'll need a powerful gun to deter this kind of mob.

Bringing out a "Saturday Night Special" isn't going to help that much.
You Lie!!! 3 bullets repelled 7 violent thug attackers in NYC. That's the most bullets needed in a 10 year nation wide study. Gun nuts live in fantasy never ever happened land!!!
I Agree with the Senator.If there is a black out, or Hurricane, or some other natural or unnatural disaster, an AR-15 will be a good deterrent to looters and the criminal minded in the society.There are terrorists armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles waiting attack Americans. We need assault rifles in America.
I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.

Bullshit ^^^

Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas ...

Here...actual research on defensive gun use...

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
I told joe over and over again he needs professional help. He has mixed the wiring up in his brain and now sees sexual gratification in guns....that is not only a mental illness, it can be extremely dangerous to him and his blow up doll.....he needs to get help.......

Guns Do Kill People

Anthony A. Braga and Philip J. Cook

“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is a well-known slogan used by the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun activists to make the case for their deregulation agenda.


Our new research, along with other compelling evidence, demonstrates that this view is false and that the type of weapon used is highly influential in determining whether the victim of an assault lives or dies.


Relative to criminal assaults involving small-caliber guns, the likelihood of death was more than doubled for criminal assaults involving medium-caliber guns and nearly five times greater for criminal assaults involving large-caliber guns. Based on these estimates, we ran a simulation that found that if the medium and large caliber guns had been replaced with small caliber guns in these criminal assaults, and all else had remained the same, it would have reduced gun homicides by nearly 40 percent. This percentage reduction in fatalities provides a measure of the overall effect of instrumentality associated with caliber for our sample.

Guns Do Kill People | The Regulatory Review

And yet....

Gilroy....3 dead. semi-auto rifle with magazine

Russian Polytechnic school shooting 20 dead, 40 injured...

Do you see how stupid those guys actually are?

It isn't the weapon, you is the gun free zone and the time it takes to engage the shooter with another gun.

Unfortunately we never hear about the survivors and their physical injuries (not to mention the mental injuries)

Nor do we hear about the survivors who use legal guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders....who never recieve any news coverage......and this happens 1.1 million times in America on average every year.....according to the anti-gun movements favorite government agency, the Centers for Disease Control....

1.1 million lives saved from rape, robbery and doofus.

Bullshit ^^^

Firearm Homicides and Suicides in Major Metropolitan Areas ...

You are wrong, again....

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

In 1996, 1997, and 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted large-scale surveys asking about defensive gun use (DGU) in four to seven states. Analysis of the raw data allows the estimation of the prevalence of DGU for those areas. Data pertaining to the same sets of states from the 1993 National Self-Defense Survey (Kleck and Gertz 1995) allow these results to be extrapolated to the U.S. as a whole. CDC’s survey data confirm previous high estimates of DGU prevalence, disconfirm estimates derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey, and indicate that defensive uses of guns by crime victims are far more common than offensive uses by criminals. CDC has never reported these results.


Reason article on the revised paper..

A Second Look at a Controversial Study About Defensive Gun Use


Original version before he went back to revise it...

The actual paper by Kleck revealing the CDC hiding data..

SSRN Electronic Library

The timing of CDC’s addition of a DGU question to the BRFSS is of some interest. Prior to 1996, the BRFSS had never included a question about DGU. Kleck and Gertz (1995) conducted their survey in February through April 1993, presented their estimate that there were over 2 million DGUs in 1992 at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology in November 1994, and published it in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology in the Fall of 1995. CDC added a DGU question to the BRFSS the very first year they could do so after that 1995 publication, in the 1996 edition. CDC was not the only federal agency during the Clinton administration to field a survey addressing the prevalence of DGU at that particular time. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) financed a national survey devoting even more detailed attention to estimating DGU prevalence, which was fielded in November and December 1994, just months after preliminary results of the 1993 Kleck/Gertz survey became known. Neither CDC nor NIJ had ever financed research into DGU before 1996. Perhaps there was just “something in the air” that motivated the two agencies to suddenly decide in 1994 to address the topic. Another interpretation, however, is that fielding of the surveys was triggered by the Kleck/Gertz findings that DGU was common, and that these agencies hoped to obtain lower DGU prevalence estimates than those obtained by Kleck/Gertz. Low estimates would have implied fewer beneficial uses of firearms, results that would have been far more congenial to the strongly pro-control positions of the Clinton administration.

CDC, in Surveys It Never Bothered Making Public, Provides More Evidence That Plenty of Americans Innocently Defend Themselves with Guns

Kleck's new paper—"What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses?"—finds that the agency had asked about DGUs in its Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 1996, 1997, and 1998.

Those polls, Kleck writes,

are high-quality telephone surveys of enormous probability samples of U.S. adults, asking about a wide range of health-related topics. Those that addressed DGU asked more people about this topic than any other surveys conducted before or since. For example, the 1996 survey asked the DGU question of 5,484 people. The next-largest number questioned about DGU was 4,977 by Kleck and Gertz (1995), and sample sizes were much smaller in all the rest of surveys on the topic (Kleck 2001).

Kleck was impressed with how well the survey worded its question: "During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?" Respondents were told to leave out incidents from occupations, like policing, where using firearms is part of the job. Kleck is impressed with how the question excludes animals but includes DGUs outside the home as well as within it.

Kleck is less impressed with the fact that the question was only asked of people who admitted to owning guns in their home earlier in the survey, and that they asked no follow-up questions regarding the specific nature of the DGU incident.

From Kleck's own surveys, he found that only 79 percent of those who reported a DGU "had also reported a gun in their household at the time of the interview," so he thinks whatever numbers the CDC found need to be revised upward to account for that. (Kleck speculates that CDC showed a sudden interest in the question of DGUs starting in 1996 because Kleck's own famous/notorious survey had been published in 1995.)

At any rate, Kleck downloaded the datasets for those three years and found that the "weighted percent who reported a DGU...was 1.3% in 1996, 0.9% in 1997, 1.0% in 1998, and 1.07% in all three surveys combined."

Kleck figures if you do the adjustment upward he thinks necessary for those who had DGU incidents without personally owning a gun in the home at the time of the survey, and then the adjustment downward he thinks necessary because CDC didn't do detailed follow-ups to confirm the nature of the incident, you get 1.24 percent, a close match to his own 1.326 percent figure.

He concludes that the small difference between his estimate and the CDC's "can be attributed to declining rates of violent crime, which accounts for most DGUs. With fewer occasions for self-defense in the form of violent victimizations, one would expect fewer DGUs."

Kleck further details how much these CDC surveys confirmed his own controversial work:

The final adjusted prevalence of 1.24% therefore implies that in an average year during 1996–1998, 2.46 million U.S. adults used a gun for self-defense.

This estimate, based on an enormous sample of 12,870 cases (unweighted) in a nationally representative sample, strongly confirms the 2.5 million past-12-months estimate obtained Kleck and Gertz (1995)....CDC's results, then, imply that guns were used defensively by victims about 3.6 times as often as they were used offensively by criminals.
I Agree with the Senator.If there is a black out, or Hurricane, or some other natural or unnatural disaster, an AR-15 will be a good deterrent to looters and the criminal minded in the society.There are terrorists armed with fully automatic AK-47 assault rifles waiting attack Americans. We need assault rifles in America.

Where are they waiting and what is their plan?
Race riots are not planned, they erupt. The only one in my home town, San Francisco, was brief, localized in the SE section of The City, and a result of a teenage boy shot and killed by police. That was in the summer of 1969.

That's IMHO, just bullshit.

Areas with strong presence of the La Cosa Nostra don't have riots "erupting". That's because they don't erupt, they are planned events, and dealing with a strong coalition of goombas armed with submachine guns, they would just as soon have their riots erupt someplace else.

Strong neighborhoods served by Mafioso button men aren't going to allow the businesses they are shaking down be burnt to the ground.

So the rioters suddenly learn to chill.

Riots are planned and executed in areas where the officials allow it and there is no one in the Private Sector to combat it.
Never in history did a homeowner need quick changing 100 round mags after a natural disaster, but that never stops Repubtards from inventing strawmen!!!

Fixed 15 round mags reloading 1 at a time is all anyone ever needed!
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business you fucking cowardly piece of shit
Sure is when that firearm is used to massacre innocent children
What is the percentage of ARs used in violent crimes?

... Basically a percentage of a percentage


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