Senator Marsha Blackburn: "China has a 5,000 year history of cheating & stealing. Some things will never change"...China retaliated calling her B word

i love my China hawks in the Senate: Blackburn, Cotton, Hawley, Rubio, Cruz...our last line of defense!

Marsha Blackburn is a bitch. She would lose in a swing state. Only in ignorant states like Tennessee can a racdist, right wing Nazi win.
i love my China hawks in the Senate: Blackburn, Cotton, Hawley, Rubio, Cruz...our last line of defense!

Marsha Blackburn is a bitch. She would lose in a swing state. Only in ignorant states like Tennessee can a racdist, right wing Nazi win.

Damm your life must suck
All this hatred from the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs aimed at China.

You RWNJs forget, the Chinese learned the predatory system capitalism practiced here in the United States from American corporate heads. Cheap labor drew them to China, and the greedy U.S. capitalists showed the Chinese everything. They handed U.S. knowledge of advanced technologies to the Chinese, technology necessary to manufacture goods formerly made by American workers.

Now, after the Chinese spent four decades learning predatory capitalism from the world's foremost experts in the U.S., the RWNJs are complaining about China screwing America. Folks, in the 1980s, corporate greed set everything in motion that brought us to where we are today. And during that time RWNJs were cheering the billionaires on, as corporate profits soared and wages stagnated.

So, your billionaire heroes' greed finally caught up to them. The hated Chinese Communists became better at playing the "Free Market" game than the teachers. In some places in this world, they call that Karma.

All this hatred from the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs aimed at China.

You RWNJs forget, the Chinese learned the predatory system capitalism practiced here in the United States from American corporate heads. Cheap labor drew them to China, and the greedy U.S. capitalists showed the Chinese everything. They handed U.S. knowledge of advanced technologies to the Chinese, technology necessary to manufacture goods formerly made by American workers.

Now, after the Chinese spent four decades learning predatory capitalism from the world's foremost experts in the U.S., the RWNJs are complaining about China screwing America. Folks, in the 1980s, corporate greed set everything in motion that brought us to where we are today. And during that time RWNJs were cheering the billionaires on, as corporate profits soared and wages stagnated.

So, your billionaire heroes' greed finally caught up to them. The hated Chinese Communists became better at playing the "Free Market" game than the teachers. In some places in this world, they call that Karma.

And this wouldnt be the first mistake our country has made. We do however learn from our mistakes and try not to repeat them, if the progs dont try to erase history.
So you can either do the right thing and get on board the Trump train, or crawl back downstairs to the Beijing basement of Joe's dark past.
i love my China hawks in the Senate: Blackburn, Cotton, Hawley, Rubio, Cruz...our last line of defense!

Marsha Blackburn is a bitch. She would lose in a swing state. Only in ignorant states like Tennessee can a racdist, right wing Nazi win.

Nazi were Left wing Government Uber Alles types
The Chinese government murdered a bunch of student activists in broad daylight a few decades ago. They censor their internet. If you say the wrong thing they'll throw you in a van and take you to a reeducation center.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Chinese people as a whole, but their government is a fucking nightmare and is not to be trusted under any circumstances.
The Chinese government murdered a bunch of student activists in broad daylight a few decades ago. They censor their internet. If you say the wrong thing they'll throw you in a van and take you to a reeducation center.

I don't think there's anything wrong with Chinese people as a whole, but their government is a fucking nightmare and is not to be trusted under any circumstances.

Not all that different from what Big Tech is doing now to us.
They simply don't need the vans.
Nazi were Left wing Government Uber Alles types

The Nazis were right wing socialists.

No such a thing as "right wing Socialist" Right wing is a Constitutional Republic guaranteeing freedom and Liberty; Left wing are the Government Uber Alles types: Fascism, Communism, Socialisms, Liberal and Progressive

They are not going to believe that
Their Left-wing Government school teachers told them - Hey that's not us-ins.
i love my China hawks in the Senate: Blackburn, Cotton, Hawley, Rubio, Cruz...our last line of defense!

Marsha Blackburn is a bitch. She would lose in a swing state. Only in ignorant states like Tennessee can a racdist, right wing Nazi win.

Please explain how she is a racist Nazi.

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