Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Believe that if it makes you feel better, I get where you're coming from. I used to think like you. A long time ago.

Btw, did you actually think that I'm a guy, with the screen name buttercup? Or did you add that in there as part of your swipe at me? :laugh:
Reflexive keyboard warriors are reflexive. :yapyapyapf:
The AMA is prejudiced against many healing ways;
And, they threaten to stop doctors who do not cowtow to their prejudices, and they do shut down doctors who won't play their games. AMA is also gung ho for the big drug companies and their scandemic injections.
I have a family member who is on a ventilator right now cause he asserted his "freedom."

His freedom is more important than those in his family that he has infected. His freedom is more important than the stress and angst that he has caused others and his loved ones.

The man is now laying on his face with oxygen being being pushed into his lungs. He is NOT a hero. He is a victim of ignorance and misinformation. Much of it coming from idiots like Rand Paul.

If and when he recovers...and I pray he does....I hope he comes out urging his loved ones and family to get the shot and not put others they love through the same situation.

Rand Paul is helping to kill people.
Rand Paul is a fool and is complicit in the deaths he is causing through his lies and misinformation.
Well that was a stupid comment by a delusional old man. We have police for that.

Indeed, and you assholes are trying to arrest them, defund them, and in every way abuse them.

On the other hand I have a long history of supporting them.

Guess who they are going to listen to when push comes to shove.

You morons NEVER think of the consequences of your actions.
Indeed, and you assholes are trying to arrest them, defund them, and in every way abuse them.
Not me. Sorry. But spare us your transparent fuckery, dumbass. You don't give a shit about police. You cheered in Jan 6 as your fellow lobotomized hillbillies stomped on them. So take your sad act somewhere that someone might buy it.

And yes ya little weasel, we can arrest every last one of you. Try us.
Not me. Sorry. But spare us your transparent fuckery, dumbass. You don't give a shit about police. You cheered in Jan 6 as your fellow lobotomized hillbillies stomped on them. So take your sad act somewhere that someone might buy it.

And yes ya little weasel, we can arrest every last one of you. Try us.

"Go ahead, make my day"
Oops, you're confused again old man. Its your move. Go into a business, refuse to wear a mask, then refuse to leave. Let us know if they do a body cavity search in booking.
I have an acquaintance of the family who is lying face down right now on a ventilator....cause he is tough and didn't need the vaccine or mask. Yup, now the entire family is paying with stress and angst and fear because he refused a free vaccine shot. And his quest for "freedom" infected his wife and a couple kids.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Oops, you're confused again old man. Its your move. Go into a business, refuse to wear a mask, then refuse to leave. Let us know if they do a body cavity search in booking.

I do every day, child.

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