Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Then we should stop paying taxes, we pay for our freedoms and he doesn’t get to take that away
Taxes pay for your protections. Freedom comes when those protections aren't needed. Do you remember when you could take an airline flight by showing up half an hour before boarding, carrying a coffee in one hand, and your luggage in the other.
Senator Rand Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, speaks to members of the media in the Senate Subway of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Rand Paul Vows to Fill Misinformation Void Caused by Twitter’s Ban of Marjorie Taylor Greene​

The ban “left millions without a go-to source for reckless pandemic myths,” he said. “I am here to say, ‘I got this.’ ”​
Taxes pay for your protections. Freedom comes when those protections aren't needed. Do you remember when you could take an airline flight by showing up half an hour before boarding, carrying a coffee in one hand, and your luggage in the other.
Taxes pay for my rights! Doesn’t turn over my life
Taxes pay for my rights! Doesn’t turn over my life
Wrong, you rights, as the Declaration of Independence clearly states, are inalienable. Which means they're not a function of government providing them, but of government providing the protections which allow you to exercise them.
Wrong, you rights, as the Declaration of Independence clearly states, are inalienable. Which means they're not a function of government providing them, but of government providing the protections which allow you to exercise them.
Exactly, they don’t own me. We beat those regimes from Nazi world. You want to be a Nazi?

got a hard on for the Gestapo do you ? Can’t wait to take out innocent families huh?
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Democrats thought they had found the perfect candidate for president in 2024. Then they discovered Pol Pot had died. Now they have nobody they feel has the will to murder all those who opposed their vaccine mandates. Boo-Hoo-Fucking-Hoo.
So your contention is that vaxxing is working, but the covid numbers are increasing. Doesn't sound like anything you believe makes any logical sense.
Correct. Vax'ing is working AND the numbers are increasing.

Positive test results (case counts) are up.

Wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy up.

Because Delta and Omicron are so much more transmissible than the Original Recipe virus that Rump had to deal with.

But now it's only (or damned-near only) the
UN-vaxxed who are going to the hospitals and the morgue, while the vax'ed get the sniffles.

That tells me the vaccines are working just fine, for those smart enough to take them.
Exactly, they don’t own me. We beat those regimes from Nazi world. You want to be a Nazi?

got a hard on for the Gestapo do you ? Can’t wait to take out innocent families huh?
We were talking about how your taxes go to protecting you, so that you would be free to exercise those inalienable rights. But protection comes at a cost. WWII cost TRILLIONS of tax dollars.
Correct. Vax'ing is working AND the numbers are increasing.

UN-vaxxed who are going to the hospitals and the morgue, while the vax'ed get the sniffles.

That tells me the vaccines are working just fine, for those smart enough to take them.
They confuse testing positive and getting symptoms, with progression of COVID to the point requiring hospitalization.

They think the vaccine is like a bulletproof vest that doesn't work, because somebody got shot in the arm or the leg.
You are not convincing anyone to get the jab. Everyone has already made up their minds. You will soon cease getting those checks from Mr. Soros. Time to get a real job and actually work.

Speaking of checks.

Should Medicare pay for the care of those who are unvaxxed....and come down with Covid?

I mean, that seems like a waste of money on people who don't want it.
But now it's only (or damned-near only) the UN-vaxxed who are going to the hospitals and the morgue, while the vax'ed get the sniffles.
You've been vaxxed, Yes? Then why are you still walking around? You are still vulnerable to infection. You are JUST AS LIKELY to spread the virus. You are protected. The unvaxxed are comfortable with their decision and they are no more threat than you are. So keep your nose on your own face and OUT OF MY LIFE. Moron.

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