Senator Sessions Throws Down the Gauntlet


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
There Ya go...

Senator Sessions Throws Down the Gauntlet

October 25, 2013 By


A statement from Senator Sessions:

The President said he has not heard any good reason to oppose the Senate bill. Clearly, he has not listened to the ICE and USCIS officers warning that the bill would permanently undermine enforcement. Here are three more reasons: the Senate bill will lower wages, increase unemployment, and reduce per-capita GNP. All of these statements are confirmed by the Congressional Budget Office. Under current law, we will provide approximately 10 million grants of permanent residency (green cards) over the next decade. Under the Senate bill, that number will triple to more than 30 million. Further, the Senate bill would double the number of guest workers at a time when a record 90 million Americans are outside the work force. We need to get Americans off of unemployment, off of welfare, and back into the labor force — but the ‘reforms’ proposed by the Senate would put even more Americans out of work.


Senator Sessions Throws Down the Gauntlet | FrontPage Magazine
obama picked up immigration to divert from the health care disaster. There is no more of an unpopular issue than amnesty.

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