Senator Ted Cruz proudly announces he's no longer wearing mask in Capitol because "i took the vaccine", claims that every Senator has been vaccinated


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Lyin' Ted falsely claimed that everyone working in the Senate is vaccinated, and incorrectly cited CDC guidance on masks.⁠

The CDC's mask guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks in public and could potentially spread an infection to others.⁠

Lyin' Ted falsely claimed that everyone working in the Senate is vaccinated, and incorrectly cited CDC guidance on masks.⁠

The CDC's mask guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks in public and could potentially spread an infection to others.⁠
No way. I'm adding even one more mask tomorrow.
Man this could be ground breaking for what if refuse to wear and what are repercussions

Lyin' Ted falsely claimed that everyone working in the Senate is vaccinated, and incorrectly cited CDC guidance on masks.⁠

The CDC's mask guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks in public and could potentially spread an infection to others.⁠
Did he get vaccinated in Cancun?
Ultimately Cruz is just another Deep State operative, his father a Cuban exile who was in Dallas in 1963.

Lyin' Ted falsely claimed that everyone working in the Senate is vaccinated, and incorrectly cited CDC guidance on masks.⁠

The CDC's mask guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks in public and could potentially spread an infection to others.⁠
which time?

Lyin' Ted falsely claimed that everyone working in the Senate is vaccinated, and incorrectly cited CDC guidance on masks.⁠

The CDC's mask guidance says vaccinated people should still wear masks in public and could potentially spread an infection to others.⁠
Did he get vaccinated in Cancun?
who-gives-a -fuck?
Why should vaccinated people wear masks? Go ahead, please explain.
It’s a liberal changing of the definition of what inoculation and immunity has been for decades after an injection which prevents catching or transmission. Libbies and MSM painting a false panic picture that Covid is somehow exempt from the curative powers of getting the shot
Why should vaccinated people wear masks? Go ahead, please explain.
It’s a liberal changing of the definition of what inoculation and immunity has been for decades after an injection which prevents catching or transmission. Libbies and MSM painting a false panic picture that Covid is somehow exempt from the curative powers of getting the shot
Democrats want to control peOpoe and treat them as slaves on the Leftist plantation, as they did in the past:
The Mask: Remembering Slavery, Understanding Trauma - AfricAvenir International

This mask was a very concrete piece, a real instrument, which became a part of the European colonial project for than three hundred years. It was composed of a bit, placed inside the mouth of the Black subject, clamped between the tongue and the jaw, and fixed behind the head with two strings: one surrounding the chin and the second surrounding the nose and the forehead.
Formally, the mask was used by white masters to prevent enslaved Africans from eating sugar cane or cocoa beans, while working on the plantations, but its primary function was to implement a sense of speechlessness and fear, inasmuch as the mouth was at the same time a place of muteness and a place of torture.

The Mouth
The mouth is a very special organ, it symbolizes speech and enunciation. Within racism it becomes the organ of oppression par excellence, it represents the organ whites want – and need – to control, and therefore, the organ which historically has been severely confined.

In this particular scenario, the mouth is also a metaphor to possession. It is fantasized that the Black subject wants to possess something which belongs to the white master, the fruits. She or he wants to eat them, to devour them, dispossessing the master from its goods. Although the plantation, and its fruits, do ‘morally’ belong to the colonized, the colonizer interprets it perversely, reading it as a sign of robbery. “We are taking what is Theirs” becomes “They are taking what is Ours.” We are dealing here with a process of denial, for the master denies its project of colonization and asserts it onto the colonized. It is this moment of asserting onto the other, what the subject refuses to recognize in her-himself, which characterizes this ego defence mechanism. In racism denial is used to maintain and to legitimate violent structures of racial exclusion: “They want to take what is Ours, therefore, They have to be excluded.”
So basically getting the vaccine accomplishes nothing you get it and your still supposed to wear a mask and social distance.

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