Senator Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate: He Is A Citizen Of Canada

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

You make a correct statement in the first post and then come back and contradict it in the second....?

What's wrong with you?


Was Cruz' Mother not 19 years old when he was born?

Plus the FACT that few countries, VERY few, confer citizenship on newborns just because they got squirted out of somebody's vag on their soil.

Contrary to popular, and ignorant, dimocrap propaganda that is fact.

The US is one of the only very few that do that. For reasons I'm not in the mood to elaborate on.

So, if we go by your supposition, that any person born on Foreign Soil to an American Citizen doesn't autmatically become an American Citizen (they do if the mother is 18 and some Months) then if an American Mother gives birth in Country that doesn't automatically confer Citizenship on a baby born in their Country (most don't) we would have State-Less babies born of American Mothers by the thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

What about all the Military wives in Foreign Countries whose Soldier husbands are in a War Zone who give birth on Foreign Soil in Foreign Private Hospitals?

"Hey, Sgt Jones! That son your wife just gave birth to while you were serving your Country by being shot at by some low life scumbags in Asscrackistan?"

"You can't bring him home because he's not a Citizen"

Cruz may not be entitled to run for POTUS but if this all you got, then you need to do a lot more work to prove it.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

Just like Obama, dual citizenship disqualifies him from being President. Unlike obama he is a Republican so now the democrats feel we should follow the law. Bunch of hypocrites.
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You make a correct statement in the first post and then come back and contradict it in the second....?

What's wrong with you?


Was Cruz' Mother not 19 years old when he was born?

Plus the FACT that few countries, VERY few, confer citizenship on newborns just because they got squirted out of somebody's vag on their soil.

Contrary to popular, and ignorant, dimocrap propaganda that is fact.

The US is one of the only very few that do that. For reasons I'm not in the mood to elaborate on.

So, if we go by your supposition, that any person born on Foreign Soil to an American Citizen doesn't autmatically become an American Citizen (they do if the mother is 18 and some Months) then if an American Mother gives birth in Country that doesn't automatically confer Citizenship on a baby born in their Country (most don't) we would have State-Less babies born of American Mothers by the thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

What about all the Military wives in Foreign Countries whose Soldier husbands are in a War Zone who give birth on Foreign Soil in Foreign Private Hospitals?

"Hey, Sgt Jones! That son your wife just gave birth to while you were serving your Country by being shot at by some low life scumbags in Asscrackistan?"

"You can't bring him home because he's not a Citizen"

Cruz may not be entitled to run for POTUS but if this all you got, then you need to do a lot more work to prove it.
Not sure about Cruz's mothers age. We need Cruz to release his long form. Read this:

"A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship."
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I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

its not that clear. there is something about the mother not being of legal age at the time of the foreign birth.

someone care to expand on this?

sorry, someone already posted it:

"A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship."

Looks like obama may have some legal issues after all.
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He also has an American birth certificate and an American passport. He is a dual citizen.

Allowing dual citizens to become president is going to come back and bite us in the ass one day. Ted Cruz may be the best, the most patriotic, a new leader for a new time and this will still have ramifications way beyond a single election.

We looked the other way to elect Obama, that's what gave Cruz what he needed to overcome limitations so if democrats don't like the idea of Cruz running, they have only themselves to blame.

Ted Cruz is a sorry excuse for a human being -- a 3rd rate McCarthy and embarrassment to Harvard Law.

He will never be President -- but it will be amusing watching him show up in New Hampshire and Idaho only to be laughed at and mocked.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

So because Obama was a citizen of Kenya when he was born he shouldn't be president, right?

btw, no one gives a shit what you think the law is.

Was Cruz' Mother not 19 years old when he was born?

Plus the FACT that few countries, VERY few, confer citizenship on newborns just because they got squirted out of somebody's vag on their soil.

Contrary to popular, and ignorant, dimocrap propaganda that is fact.

The US is one of the only very few that do that. For reasons I'm not in the mood to elaborate on.

So, if we go by your supposition, that any person born on Foreign Soil to an American Citizen doesn't autmatically become an American Citizen (they do if the mother is 18 and some Months) then if an American Mother gives birth in Country that doesn't automatically confer Citizenship on a baby born in their Country (most don't) we would have State-Less babies born of American Mothers by the thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

What about all the Military wives in Foreign Countries whose Soldier husbands are in a War Zone who give birth on Foreign Soil in Foreign Private Hospitals?

"Hey, Sgt Jones! That son your wife just gave birth to while you were serving your Country by being shot at by some low life scumbags in Asscrackistan?"

"You can't bring him home because he's not a Citizen"

Cruz may not be entitled to run for POTUS but if this all you got, then you need to do a lot more work to prove it.
Not sure about Cruz's mothers age. We need Cruz to release his long form. Read this:

"A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship."

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

Better yet, read your own link.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship. No more problem.

If that doesn't suit you, try reading the law....
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This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Morning News' Friday and it wasn't a American birth was Canadian from the Edmonton Dept. Of Health. This means that since Ted had a American mother, he is a true dual Citizen. Representative John Bingham, the father of the 14th Amendment who wrote the first section of it on citizenship defined a natural born Citizen as this:

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

Clearly as you can see on the birth certificate, Ted Cruz was not born in the jurisdiction of the United States and his father Rafael owed allegiance to a foreign sovereignty called Cuba. He is not a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen. A statutory citizen (bestowed by man’s pen) can never be a “natural born” citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Canada-born Ted Cruz became a citizen of that country as well as U.S. | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Perhaps, but precedent was established in the 2008 election that proving your citizenship is not essential to being a candidate.
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

Just like Obama, dual citizenship disqualifies him from being President. Unlike obama he is a Republican so now the democrats feel we should follow the law. Bunch of hypocrites.

Obama was a citizen since birth

Hawaii was a state at that time and still is
There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

The birth certificate proves Cruz is a true Canadian citizen. He can be president of that country.......and possible Cuba. This is something the founders did not want. That is why they installed the natural born Citizen clause strictly for the presidency and vice presidency in Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

Personally, I think it's a stupid rule. This is a country based on persons seeking a better life for themselves and their lineage...what better way to celebrate this particulary American trait than giving one of those who sought a better life for themselves and their lineage a chance to the highest elective office in the land?
Was Cruz' Mother not 19 years old when he was born?

Plus the FACT that few countries, VERY few, confer citizenship on newborns just because they got squirted out of somebody's vag on their soil.

Contrary to popular, and ignorant, dimocrap propaganda that is fact.

The US is one of the only very few that do that. For reasons I'm not in the mood to elaborate on.

So, if we go by your supposition, that any person born on Foreign Soil to an American Citizen doesn't autmatically become an American Citizen (they do if the mother is 18 and some Months) then if an American Mother gives birth in Country that doesn't automatically confer Citizenship on a baby born in their Country (most don't) we would have State-Less babies born of American Mothers by the thousands. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

What about all the Military wives in Foreign Countries whose Soldier husbands are in a War Zone who give birth on Foreign Soil in Foreign Private Hospitals?

"Hey, Sgt Jones! That son your wife just gave birth to while you were serving your Country by being shot at by some low life scumbags in Asscrackistan?"

"You can't bring him home because he's not a Citizen"

Cruz may not be entitled to run for POTUS but if this all you got, then you need to do a lot more work to prove it.
Not sure about Cruz's mothers age. We need Cruz to release his long form. Read this:

"A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship."

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

Better yet, read your own link.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship. No more problem.

If that doesn't suit you, try reading the law....

Richard Nixon: Address on the State of the Union Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Congress
A natural born Citizen is a person who at birth has no foreign sovereignty laws that govern his Citizenship. Cruz is a statutory Citizen and was never eligible to be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen at birth due to his foreign national father and his birth in a foreign sovereigty. Natural born Citizens never have to renounce foreign citizenships.
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There's another part of CONUS that needs changing. It's discriminatory and therefore evil.

To me, it should be quite simple

You are natural born if you have never been a citizen of another country. If at birth, you were a US citizen you are qualified to be president regardless of where you were born

Not sure if Cruz qualifies. If he was ever a Canadian or Cuban citizen, I would say no

So because Obama was a citizen of Kenya when he was born he shouldn't be president, right?

btw, no one gives a shit what you think the law is.

I watch Judge Judy every day

That more than qualifies me to offer legal advice on the interweb
This is Ted Cruz's dad making a speech.

[ame=]Ted Cruz's Dad Gives Epic Speech on Patriotism, Blasts Obama's Castro-Like Tendencies. - YouTube[/ame]

Can you tell he was a cold blooded hit man for the Fascist Cuban dictator Fulgencio Battista, who both fled the country after killing tens of thousands of Cuban citizens?

What is this dirt bag's giveaway?

Not sure about Cruz's mothers age. We need Cruz to release his long form. Read this:

"A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be genetically related to the child to transmit U.S. citizenship."

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

Better yet, read your own link.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship. No more problem.

If that doesn't suit you, try reading the law....

Richard Nixon: Address on the State of the Union Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Congress
A natural born Citizen is a person who at birth has no foreign sovereignty laws that govern his Citizenship. Cruz is a statutory Citizen and was never eligible to be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen at birth. Natural born Citizens never have to renounce foreign citizenships.

Simply wrong.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship and he's all set.

Show me in the Constitution where it says any different.

And BTW, Cruz is a Harvard trained Constitutional Lawyer who clerked for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

If he thinks it's okay for him to run for POTUS, then I think he knows a little more about it than you do
has anyone seen obama's college applications yet? NO? don't you wonder why?

could it be that he applied as a foreign student in order to get free money for tuition? could it be that he applied as a muslim? If he is an american citizen as you all believe, did he commit fraud?

why has he paid lawyers to keep his college records sealed from view?

fear not----some day we will know the truth. Just as someday we will know the truth about Kennedy's killing.
Better yet, read your own link.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship. No more problem.

If that doesn't suit you, try reading the law....

Richard Nixon: Address on the State of the Union Delivered Before a Joint Session of the Congress
A natural born Citizen is a person who at birth has no foreign sovereignty laws that govern his Citizenship. Cruz is a statutory Citizen and was never eligible to be an Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen at birth. Natural born Citizens never have to renounce foreign citizenships.

Simply wrong.

All he has to do is renounce his Canadian Citizenship and he's all set.

No he will not be set. It is you that has it wrong. Renouncing his Citizenship (if he ever did) makes him a Citizen eligible for the Senate or House of Representatives. To be president, you have to be a natural born Citizen. Citizen and natural born Citizen are not the same.
has anyone seen obama's college applications yet? NO? don't you wonder why?

could it be that he applied as a foreign student in order to get free money for tuition? could it be that he applied as a muslim? If he is an american citizen as you all believe, did he commit fraud?

why has he paid lawyers to keep his college records sealed from view?

fear not----some day we will know the truth. Just as someday we will know the truth about Kennedy's killing.

I am still waiting on Ted Cruz's application for a new car loan
I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.

That was a State law as I remember and has no bearing on US Citizenship.My son was born in Okinawa and his mother is Filipino by birth, he could still run for President.
I had the understanding that when an American citizen has a child born abroad, the child is still a citizen of the US.

So this means even if the moonbat messiah was born in Kenya, he was still a citizen.

If Obama was born in Kenya, due to our citizenship laws in 1961, his mother was to young to confer U.S. citizenship to him. She had to be 19 years old to do it but she was 4 months shy at age 18 That law affected children born abroad in foreign sovereignties between 1952 and 1986. Barack would have been a Kenyan national at his birth. Never the less, since his father was a Kenyan national, the British Act of 1948 made the man sitting in the White House a dual citizen.

That was a State law as I remember and has no bearing on US Citizenship.My son was born in Okinawa and his mother is Filipino by birth, he could still run for President.

because YOU, as the american citizen parent, were over the age requirement. Whereas, obama's mother, as the american citizen parent, was not.

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