Senator Ted Cruz Releases Canadian Birth Certificate: He Is A Citizen Of Canada

I'm gonna go ahead and state this up front - if he was born to a U.S. citizen, he is a natural born citizen and he's eligible to run, no matter what the media says or the Democrats (or what Republicans may have said in the past). I disagree with anyone who says otherwise and frankly I don't even think he needs to renounce his Canadian citizenship. The Founders would have thought about that if it were an issue. Certainly, part of the reason they included 14 year residency requirement was to make sure that someone who was a U.S. natural citizen by law was also loyal to the U.S. in spirit.

Yeah, that's the page I'm on.
So let me get this straight. Tom Cruz was born in Canada to a commie Cuban and a commie lover who clearly hated America. They probably went to Canuk land for the free medical care while they gave birth to this Manchurian candidate.

This guided Cruz missile is aimed straight for the White House! We better ask for his Voter ID. It's the only way to stop him.
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Not only is Ted Cruz a Canadian National by birth, and therefore ineligible of running for President (Renouncing his Canadian Citizenship does not change the fact that Cruz was in fact born in Canada), his Father (Rafael Cruz) fought with the Fidelistas against Flugencio Batista.

Ted Cruz was born Alberta Canada.

His Father fought with Fidel Castro.

Cruz is a Canadian National.

His Father is known supporter of Castro.

RePugs want him to run....oh joy.

Fulgencio Batista (Cuban dictator) -- Encyclopedia Britannica.

His father's politics have no bearing on him. By that "logic", no Kennedy should be allowed to hold office because the family patriarch was pro-Nazi.
Prescott Bush got in trouble for funding Adolf Hitler. I guess neither Bush, Sr. nor Bush, Jr. should have been allowed to serve as president.
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His Father fought with Fidel Castro...His Father is known supporter of Castro.

Not quite ...

Cruz's father was an enforcer for the right wing Fascist Fulgencio Battista, who Castro threw out of Cuba ... needless to say, his father is not a supporter of Fidel Castro.

But you know this ....

His father's politics have no bearing on him.

You better believe they do .... Cruz and Rubio, both sons of Cuban right wing Fascisti, think like their fathers ....

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This story is breaking and it has a lot of people upset. Cruz released his birth certificate to the 'Dallas Mornin-u.s..ece"]Canada-born Ted Cruz became a citizen of that country as well as U.S. | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News[/URL]

He was naturally born from his mother, an American citizen. That makes him a naturally born American, just like Obama, no matter where he was born. In other words, wherever Americans are, they carry a little bit of America with them, just like the US Embassy is actually an American enclave separate from the foreign country it is located in.

What a dope.

You're confusing American citizenship with Jewish tribalism.

You lose your common sense if some legalistic idiot makes some silly restriction a law. The scum who run things do this on purpose: if the people will take such nonsense seriously, then they must really be sheep afraid to assert the least bit of common sense. We don't have to obey such bullies and they must be dealt with soon. Not by a conformist robot like you, but by real Americans.
Parthian (aka; Parting) shot.....

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act:

The term "national of the United States" means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

I am surrounded by mental midgets

We are ruled by mental midgets. These childish brats stick their tongues out at us when they make such silly laws just to show that they have so much power over our minds we obey them even if we think this issue is like a debate between mental patients. Same goes with that nonsense that the child of an illegal alien becomes a citizen if born in the United States. Two sides of the same proof that our rulers have no right to make our laws and must be removed from power.

BUT, the simple fact is, Ted Cruz is not qualified to be in congress or in the (OMG, I just threw up in my mouth at this thought) the White House.

He's qualified to be what he is - a ideological froot loop. As such, he has a career waiting for him on fux tv.
Parthian (aka; Parting) shot.....

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality

Section 101(a)(22) of the Immigration and Nationality Act:

The term "national of the United States" means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.

I am surrounded by mental midgets

We are ruled by mental midgets. These childish brats stick their tongues out at us when they make such silly laws just to show that they have so much power over our minds we obey them even if we think this issue is like a debate between mental patients. Same goes with that nonsense that the child of an illegal alien becomes a citizen if born in the United States. Two sides of the same proof that our rulers have no right to make our laws and must be removed from power.

I agree. We have an entire political party that is more than willing to force our country into total collapse just to make a point. The R does not work FOR the United States. They have stated they want to force our country into financial ruin if they don't get their way. Tune in to cspan and watch them laying on the floor of congress, kicking their little feet when they don't get their way.

How can the Ds fight this? I'm not real impressed with what I've seen from them but really, WHAT can they do to get the Rs to behave like adults who actually give a fuck about their own country?
Parthian (aka; Parting) shot.....

Certificates of Non Citizen Nationality

I am surrounded by mental midgets

We are ruled by mental midgets. These childish brats stick their tongues out at us when they make such silly laws just to show that they have so much power over our minds we obey them even if we think this issue is like a debate between mental patients. Same goes with that nonsense that the child of an illegal alien becomes a citizen if born in the United States. Two sides of the same proof that our rulers have no right to make our laws and must be removed from power.

I agree. We have an entire political party that is more than willing to force our country into total collapse just to make a point. The R does not work FOR the United States. They have stated they want to force our country into financial ruin if they don't get their way. Tune in to cspan and watch them lying on the floor of Congress, kicking their little feet when they don't get their way.

How can the Ds fight this? I'm not real impressed with what I've seen from them but really, WHAT can they do to get the Rs to behave like adults who actually give a fuck about their own country?

R&D doesn't stand for Research and Development, it stands for Ruin and Distract. Left and Right are merely two fists of the ruling-class dumb jock bully. If you are squeamish about violence, look at how many times over the centuries that the ruling class abdicated without violence. By definition, they are outnumbered 100 to 1, so they know that they can easily be overthrown if the 99% wake up to this orchestrated fraud of Leftist and Rightist alternatives. We should let them keep enough of the money they stole from us to establish a lower-middleclass lifestyle in another country.

The 1%'s Right Fist says, "We got ours and we're not going to let you get yours."
Its Heirhead Left Fist says, "We got ours and we're going to give yours away."

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