Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

I also want to protect others, not just my own children. Because I possess the basic human qualities of empathy and sympathy. So, while others may think they display some sort of nobility when they say they are only looking out for "their own", they are displaying the opposite and are displaying the qualities of a failed human.
Elizabeth Warren has said 'it's time' to start packing the Supreme Court, claiming that the current set of judges 'threaten the democratic foundations of our nation.'
She said she supported expanding the high court by at least four seats and urged Congress to act after the 'extremist' justices upheld the 'racist Muslim ban' and 'threatened to eliminate Roe v. Wade.'

Warren is a delusional far left extremist.
There was no "Muslim ban" and Muslims are not a race.
Reversing Roe v Wade would just make abortion a State issue.
The real threat to our democracy are the corrupt Democrat Party's abuses of power.
Obama illegally used the IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ and FISA court as political weapons, and he got away with it.
The corrupt Democrat Senator Adam Schiff is fabricating evidence in a 110% political witch hunt.
The corrupt Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton illegally destroyed incriminating evidence, and she got away with it.
The Democrat Party's crazy Russian Collusion conspiracy and the Mueller Report was a thinly veiled coup attempt against President Trump.
Pelosi's two bogus impeachments against Trump were a blow against our democracy.
The Democrats are using the Tech Giants to censor political opinions.
Blocking Voter ID laws and mandating Mail-In ballots are a threat to legitimate secure elections and a threat to our democracy.
But finally, packing the Supreme Court with far left extremist judges does not girder our democracy, it does the opposite.
The Voters of MA should be ashamed of themselves.
lets these idiot democlowns start packing the Supreme Court but what goes around comes around. when conservatives have the upper hand let the court packing continue to stop this idiot liberals from destroying the USA.
lets these idiot democlowns start packing the Supreme Court but what goes around comes around. when conservatives have the upper hand let the court packing continue to stop this idiot liberals from destroying the USA.
Go right ahead. The court is already a farce.
but what goes around comes around. when conservatives have the upper hand let the court packing continue to stop this
You RWI's via McConnell already did this.
Fuck McConnell, even if he turns on trump.
He set up this cluster fuck of a SCOTUS.
Already did. More than once. Seriously bro, you are embarrassing yourself. Move on.
When did you admit it, Holmes? Show me the post and I ll apologize. How many times must I embarrass you on this board? When will you learn that this version of the Democratic Party has moved too far left and most of the country is lashing out? Biden won VA by 10pts. Less than a year later it went full RED. Wonder why?
When did you admit it, Holmes? Show me the post and I ll apologize. How many times must I embarrass you on this board? When will you learn that this version of the Democratic Party has moved too far left and most of the country is lashing out? Biden won VA by 10pts. Less than a year later it went full RED. Wonder why?
I don't care about your apology or about this at all. So post 1000 more times about it, or don't. It's your time to waste.
I don't care about your apology or about this at all. So post 1000 more times about it, or don't. It's your time to waste.
So you won’t admit you’re ignorant. Outstanding. Love it. Also caught you in a lie. What sort of man are you? You aren’t one
You and your Ilk are the ones crying "Stolen Election" on a daily basis.
STFU you crybaby.
POS trump lost fair and square. Free and Fair Election.
I cried “stolen election”? Really? So you can find that post then? Produce it please.
So you won’t admit you’re ignorant. Outstanding. Love it. Also caught you in a lie. What sort of man are you? You aren’t one
Haha, still talking about me. Okay. Yes, I am ignorant of most things, and make mistakes. Good grief. Put the gold sticker in your diary nest to my picture and move on with yer night...
Haha, still talking about me. Okay. Yes, I am ignorant of most things, and make mistakes. Good grief. Put the gold sticker in your diary nest to my picture and move on with yer night...
Yep. Your biggest mistake is you believe this is still the Democratic Party of Obama. It’s not. It’s the party of the Squad and Sanders. Hence the country is turning on it.
Your biggest mistake is you believe this is still the Democratic Party of Obama. It’s not. It’s the party of the Squad and Sanders.
Yet, we elected Biden.

Sanders? Please. There is zero traction for his ideas in the congress. These are not the power players of the democrat party.

Ask Obama what he thinks about taxes, climate change, healthcare, education,, etc., and I think you would consider his ideas far more "radical" than any bill coming to Congress today.
They should. Republicans packed the court. It is time to retaliate.

"Packed the court". You mean, approved judges of their choice because they were the dominant party, as is their Constitutional prerogative? Or do you just mean, "Dared to appoint judges who won't do what the left wants, NO ONE is allowed to influence politics except US, HOW DARE YOU, WAAAAaaahhhh!!!"?

What YOU are supporting is packing the court, and no amount of, "We deserve it because we DO" will make you anything but the shitbag in this topic.
Nope. Barack Obama was prohibited from installing the 9th justice.

And it was completely legal and Constitutional. Maybe if you tried reading the document, instead of believing it says, "Democrats get whatever they want, and ONLY Democrats" like your masters told you to, you wouldn't sound like such a dumbass.

Just a thought.

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