Senator Warren wants to pack 4 more judges on the Supreme Court

They are legislating from the bench
No, they are merely applying the Constitution to existing law. Legislating from the bench would be something like creating a brand-new constitutional right that didn't exist before without going through the constitutional amendment process.
BS they would sit garland and didn't follow the same logic under Trump. They packed the court.
They could have held the vote and rejected Garland, then The Fragile One would have had to start all over. Same result. They operated under the rules in play at the time, only moving to fill a vacancy caused by a sitting Justice leaving the bench. Packing is adding an arbitrary number of seats then finding idealogues to put in them.
They could have held the vote and rejected Garland, then The Fragile One would have had to start all over. Same result. They operated under the rules in play at the time, only moving to fill a vacancy caused by a sitting Justice leaving the bench. Packing is adding an arbitrary number of seats then finding idealogues to put in them.
They said they wouldn't seat garland a year before an election and then sat ACB with just a few months before an election. It was stolen. Obama had the right to seat his pick.
The Court is acting like was feared

While they claimed to be responsible, they are reverting to far right dogma
Warren's threat alone might make them reconsider...

The US democracy is in tatters... No real laws can get passed anymore...

The US system of government is showing its age... Modern democracies have different approach that makes them far better at doing things that people want.
They said they wouldn't seat garland a year before an election and then sat ACB with just a few months before an election. It was stolen. Obama had the right to seat his pick.
No, he had the right for the Senate to hold a confirmation vote, which they should have held, but he didn't have the right to have his pick seated. No president does.
No, he had the right for the Senate to hold a confirmation vote, which they should have held, but he didn't have the right to have his pick seated. No president does.
The reason they didn't have even a hearing is because smart people would of found out that they rejected garland because the right wing wanted to wait to install their own pick and stole a seat on the supreme. You got nothing.
The reason they didn't have even a hearing is because smart people would of found out that they rejected garland because the right wing wanted to wait to install their own pick and stole a seat on the supreme. You got nothing.
Still using that foil helmet to read minds, are you? I told you that thing doesn't work. They took a political gamble and won, and the reasons why are multiple.
Still using that foil helmet to read minds, are you? I told you that thing doesn't work. They took a political gamble and won, and the reasons why are multiple.
You went to insult cause you can't prove me wrong. Desperate as always. It's what you cons do when you lose. I'll take my victory lap now. 😂😂
BS they would sit garland and didn't follow the same logic under Trump. They packed the court.
After Garland declared parents as "Domestic Terrorists" it's a good thing they prevented it.
It wouldn't be a good thing to have that lying bastard sitting on the court for the rest of his life.
Obama nominated a lying POS that had a horrible record and McConnell stopped him.
It's no different from when the Democrats prevented Judge Bork from getting a seat on the SCOTUS.
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After Garland declared parents as "Domestic Terrorists" is a good thing.
It wouldn't be a good thing to have that lying bastard sitting on the court for the rest of his life.
Sure he did. You believe any garbage put in front of you by right wing media. And it shows.
After Garland declared parents as "Domestic Terrorists" it's a good thing they prevented it.
It wouldn't be a good thing to have that lying bastard sitting on the court for the rest of his life.
Obama nominated a lying POS that had a horrible record and McConnell stopped him.
It's no different from when the Democrats prevented Judge Bork from getting a seat on the SCOTUS.

You are making shit up again

Garland never said that
Sure he did. You believe any garbage put in front of you by right wing media. And it shows.
You just said he did, then turned around and claimed he didn't.
The difference between you and me is I'm more informed than you because I absorb everything......not just the corrupt media's offerings. You probably aren't aware of the fact that Garland issued a terrorist warning against parents attending school board meetings.
The reason they were there is, because of the pandemic, they saw what teachers were teaching their kids.
You probably never heard of the reasons they made a fuss over it.
Garland started investigating parents because he placed them on the terrorist watch list.


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