Senators Durbin and Sessions annouce invetigation into H-1B abuse


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"The letter was signed by U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), David Vitter (R-La.), Claire McCaskill (D-MO.), Bill Cassidy (R-LA.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla)."

This is a very diverse group of Senators. From ultra liberal to ultra conservative. There obviously must be something to it.

Sens. Durbin and Sessions Announce Investigation into H-1B Abuse NumbersUSA
I read the article and agree with one comment VERY strongly.
They need to name those companies.
Actually, Disneyland did the same thing.....

Disneyland sacks 250 workers hires Indians

Washington: Fresh concerns are being raised in the US over foreigners on H-1B visas, especially from India, replacing local workers — this time at the iconic Disneyland.

The theme park giant laid off 250 workers last October. They were replaced by temporary workers on H-1B brought from India by an outsourcing firm.

A Disney employee, who has been unemployed since his last working day in January last year, told New York Times that he, among others, had to train the people who replaced them. “I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs,” the worker said, adding, “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

There is a move to expand the H-1B programme to enable US companies hire more highly skilled workers from abroad to make up for a shortage at home.

There is currently an annual cap of 65,000 (plus 20,000) on fresh H-IB visas, which typically run out as soon as the government starts the application process around April every year.
Actually, Disneyland did the same thing.....

Disneyland sacks 250 workers hires Indians

Washington: Fresh concerns are being raised in the US over foreigners on H-1B visas, especially from India, replacing local workers — this time at the iconic Disneyland.

The theme park giant laid off 250 workers last October. They were replaced by temporary workers on H-1B brought from India by an outsourcing firm.

A Disney employee, who has been unemployed since his last working day in January last year, told New York Times that he, among others, had to train the people who replaced them. “I just couldn’t believe they could fly people in to sit at our desks and take over our jobs,” the worker said, adding, “It was so humiliating to train somebody else to take over your job. I still can’t grasp it.”

There is a move to expand the H-1B programme to enable US companies hire more highly skilled workers from abroad to make up for a shortage at home.

There is currently an annual cap of 65,000 (plus 20,000) on fresh H-IB visas, which typically run out as soon as the government starts the application process around April every year.

There is no shortage.

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