Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

Fail - before one get's to see White-Sands, one needs to pass respective qualification courses at Ft.Sill
Since you are in need of the www to pose as an; I know it all

Fail - certainly you don't - since you can't show for anything - aside your www and twitter wisdom.

Fucking Armchair-general - now troll back to your recliner chair and PC.
Lying sack of shit.

"I am a German national working and living in Asia for the past 20 years.
Before that I served 20 years in the Bundeswehr - Luftwaffe and Heer"

It’s in our interests to secure our borders, not kill those who attempt to cross illegally.

NEWSFLASH!...... You cant do the one without doing the other. Also, we don't need a secure border with mexico. We need a CLOSED border. But those globalist pieces of shit don't like that idea.

Lying sack of shit.

"I am a German national working and living in Asia for the past 20 years.
Before that I served 20 years in the Bundeswehr - Luftwaffe and Heer"

What are you trying to proof??
That your armchair-general, www and twitter wisdom is way off from actual insider knowledge?
You like many other military - fans, knows quite a bit - but you will never know the details and what the www doesn't tell you.

Anyone working within NATO and at a certain military rank - is aware that military units under direct NATO command - receive training courses in the USA and are further involved in joint-weapons development and trials at various sites throughout the USA.
In regards to Ft. Sill any NATO unit involved in artillery, missile artillery and ballistic missiles. The joint operations command at Ft. Sill also includes staff members from NATO countries

What makes you believe that an AWACS aircraft is not involved in GPS and link transmitting data right on to controlling an UAV? - which in turn guides ........., and to provide e.g. coordination support to Allied maritime and ground forces. However there are cheaper and more versatile specified aircraft around to perform exclusive specialized tasks

Since 2001 I am active in military related G2G functions towards head of states and military high commands. Therefore I possess direct information as to what is going on in this world.

Certainly not about everything - but still a lot more then you. Have a nice day.
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...... military - fans ..... will never know the details and what the www doesn't tell you.
It requires a comprehensive dupe not to realize that www information, misinformation, disinformation, and censorship work FOR the government not AGAINST it.
NEWSFLASH!...... You cant do the one without doing the other. Also, we don't need a secure border with mexico. We need a CLOSED border. But those globalist pieces of shit don't like that idea.

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This "globalism" vs "nationalism" debate is as far as I know only an US-American debate. Far too many problems are only able to be solved if the whole world will stand together. Also the problem of this Russian war in the Ukraine - and the verbal nuclear threats Russia used in this context - is a problem for everyone on our whole planet.

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We can’t close a border unless you first secure a border.

When you close the border, it becomes secure. What is a good way to close a border you ask? Line it with land mines. Have a no man's land between them where it is shoot to kill anybody in it. Especially the children! I am sick as hell of illegals basically using them as human shields.
This "globalism" vs "nationalism" debate is as far as I know only an US-American debate. Far too many problems are only able to be solved if the whole world will stand together. Also the problem of this Russian war in the Ukraine - and the verbal nuclear threats Russia used in this context - is a problem for everyone on our whole planet.

Well as I showed you, it is a problem in France as well. Next, fuck "the world standing together." What that means is illegals standing together with us in our country!
When you close the border, it becomes secure. What is a good way to close a border you ask? Line it with land mines. Have a no man's land between them where it is shoot to kill anybody in it. Especially the children! I am sick as hell of illegals basically using them as human shields.
No. Once you secure it, then you can close it.
What has this "answer" to do with my words? Are you an AI (artificial idiocy) program?

Very short: Donald Trump took care that this will not work when he cancelled the INF-treaty. In the moment an intermediate range rocket will start direction Russia their intercontinental nukes could start and waste the USA. If you remember the Cuba crisis: only the reasonability of captain Wasili Archipow saved this days the world from a nuclear war.

... But the situation was to come to a head. Off the coast of Cuba, eleven American destroyers and an aircraft carrier had surrounded one of the submarines, the B-59. However, the Americans knew nothing about the submarine's being equipped with nuclear warheads. So they began dropping depth charges to force the boat to surface. The officers on board had to decide whether to fight back or not.

The captain of the submarine, Valentin Savitsky, tried to contact Moscow, but a connection could not be established. In the process, the detonations of depth charges moved closer and closer to the B-59. "It sounded like you were sitting in a barrel of iron while someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer," recalled Vadim Orlov, who was on board as an information officer.

Slowly but surely, the submarine was running out of fuel and air to breathe. A surface run was urgently needed, but the crew did not know if the American ships were planning an attack for this eventuality. Perhaps World War III had already begun, they speculated.

Three officers had a tough decision to make: surface as the Americans demanded or fire torpedoes, including one with a nuclear warhead. According to Orlov's testimony, Captain Savitsky was ready to strike and was also supported by the political officer, the so-called zampolit.

Orlov reported that Savitsky, nervous and certain that the war had already begun, shouted loudly, "We will now fire on them! We will not violate the honor of our navy!" But the third officer, Captain Vasily Archipov, who commanded the entire fleet, convinced his colleagues that firing a nuclear torpedo was too great a risk. ...

Translated with (free version)

By the way: In such a situation no one needs narcissists. And Donald Trump is a narcissist - such a man is not able to be a commander because he never could make a decision which hurts the own vanity.

Actually, exchange of tactical nuclear strikes between ships hardly could escalate to all-out nuclear war between US and SU. But what was really dangerous - if the blockade was not established, the Russians delivered their SS-5s, and achieved reliable first strike capability, i.e. counter-force capability. At such circumstances they could put the USA on their knees, same way as American missiles in Turkey (Italy, Britain) could put the Russian on theirs.
The question is in the founding mutually acceptable balance. Trump successfully balanced the situation in Europe just by not encouraging German Nazies for your Drung nach Osten. Biden failed even this.
Well as I showed you, it is a problem in France as well. Next, fuck "the world standing together." What that means is illegals standing together with us in our country!

Okay - you are not able to work together with others - not even under the threat to lose everyone who you love. Have a nice death together with all mankind, idiot.
Actually, exchange of tactical nuclear strikes between ships hardly could escalate to all-out nuclear war between ...

In which psychiatric hospital do you live? Nukes are nukes. Who fires a first nuke risks the end of everything. An old scenario from the cold war which I still remember says very clear that in the first day of world war 3 will die about 750 million people. And this are only our enemies. How many from us will die in reaction to this we do not know.
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securing our.borders does not equal fascism.
"securing your borders" doesn't in itself but your method (and

dimensional) of doing it is precisely what fascism is all about.​

We don’t erect a barrier to keep people in.
Maybe you're just young and inexperienced but I lived near Nollendorfplatz in Berlin during the Cold War. The Wall was just five minutes from my place. And you know what ... ? ... "We didn't erect the wall to keep people in" is EXACTLY what the East German government said.
"securing your borders" doesn't in itself but your method (and

dimensional) of doing it is precisely what fascism is all about.​

Maybe you're just young and inexperienced but I lived near Nollendorfplatz in Berlin during the Cold War. The Wall was just five minutes from my place. And you know what ... ? ... "We didn't erect the wall to keep people in" is EXACTLY what the East German government said.
None of this is fascism. fascism refers to a dictatorship, and whatever the US does at the border has nothing to do with a dictatorship.

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