Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

Sending jets to the Ukraine. That is the topic of this thread.

What has this "answer" to do with my words? Are you an AI (artificial idiocy) program?

Very short: Donald Trump took care that this will not work when he cancelled the INF-treaty. In the moment an intermediate range rocket will start direction Russia their intercontinental nukes could start and waste the USA. If you remember the Cuba crisis: only the reasonability of captain Wasili Archipow saved this days the world from a nuclear war.

... But the situation was to come to a head. Off the coast of Cuba, eleven American destroyers and an aircraft carrier had surrounded one of the submarines, the B-59. However, the Americans knew nothing about the submarine's being equipped with nuclear warheads. So they began dropping depth charges to force the boat to surface. The officers on board had to decide whether to fight back or not.

The captain of the submarine, Valentin Savitsky, tried to contact Moscow, but a connection could not be established. In the process, the detonations of depth charges moved closer and closer to the B-59. "It sounded like you were sitting in a barrel of iron while someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer," recalled Vadim Orlov, who was on board as an information officer.

Slowly but surely, the submarine was running out of fuel and air to breathe. A surface run was urgently needed, but the crew did not know if the American ships were planning an attack for this eventuality. Perhaps World War III had already begun, they speculated.

Three officers had a tough decision to make: surface as the Americans demanded or fire torpedoes, including one with a nuclear warhead. According to Orlov's testimony, Captain Savitsky was ready to strike and was also supported by the political officer, the so-called zampolit.

Orlov reported that Savitsky, nervous and certain that the war had already begun, shouted loudly, "We will now fire on them! We will not violate the honor of our navy!" But the third officer, Captain Vasily Archipov, who commanded the entire fleet, convinced his colleagues that firing a nuclear torpedo was too great a risk. ...

Translated with (free version)

By the way: In such a situation no one needs narcissists. And Donald Trump is a narcissist - such a man is not able to be a commander because he never could make a decision which hurts the own vanity.

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I don’t really care about your www acquired wisdom that predates 2012 in regards to e.g. HIMARS

When have you last been at the testing grounds of White-Sands – off course you have never been there.
You also got no idea at all as to what missile types and sub-munitions HIMARS presently employs and as to what exactly has been send to Ukraine – how should you.

The present advanced systems especially PrSM and variants are all subjected to (JADO/JADC2), (LRPF) with enhanced battle space coverage. Independent of models having heat seeker devices, the entire program runs under TITAN since 2016, and Ukraine is an extensive testing ground. EC, ISR, SIGINT capable aircraft e.g. Australia's MC-55 and known UAV’s are used for this – again you are playing word-games in regards to me forwarding AWACS.

What you describe are pre-preped standard missiles deployed via MLRS and also by HIMARS onto stationary targets.
Oh Jesus you are so full of it.

You were the one claiming AWACS were needed- that was part of your "proof" that the US is controlling HIMARS targeting in Ukraine.

Yes, I do know what munitions were supplied with HIMARS. They have received the M30 and M31 unitary warhead and M31A1 alternate warhead versions. The M26's were all taken out of service in the US and Europe, due to they use cluster munitions. Germany also supplied an unspecified quantity of M26 rockets modified with 28xAT2 mines for remote mine laying. I don't know the qty, but however many it was, I am confident it was not very many because 1, it's Germany, and 2, they are not cheap.

Some M26's are being refitted with GBU-39 SDB's in a version called GL-SDB. That is a joint venture between Boeing and Saab, and there were reportedly a small number of test rockets provided to Ukraine but that is not confirmed.

The only current long-range missile for HIMARS/M270 is the MGM-140 ATACMS, and they are not provided to Ukraine. They are very expensive, extremely limited in number, and no longer produced.

The PrSM is still under development. They are not through SDD and IOC is not expected before 2025. The moving target capability is just a future option that Lockmart is offering to develop. As of today it's vaporware, and it's only intended for maritime targets anyway.

The range of PrSM will exceed the MTCR limit so it's not going to be provided to foreign users unless a shorter range version (<300km) is also produced for export.

As far as the rest of your speculations, post your sources. JADO/JADC2 is a CONOPS for a common command and control network that would (in theory) enable all the armed forces (air force, space force, navy, army, marines) to communicate on the same network- it has nothing to do with Ukraine or HIMARS, and nothing is "subject to" JADC2- It's just a concept. There have been a couple of proof-of-concept tests, but it isn't even an official program and has no budget.

We don't know what JADC2 may eventually look like, but no way will we be building weapons systems that depend on it for functionality. Networks get interrupted, and weapons have to function in a high ECM/EW environment.

"What you describe are pre-preped standard missiles deployed via MLRS and also by HIMARS onto stationary targets."

HIMARS is an MLRS system. It just happens to use GPS guided rockets. Yes, it is for stationary targets. That doesn't mean it can't be used to take out a convoy- they can target a crossing or a treeline or whatever, and ambush advancing armor. The AFU does that with both HIMARS and conventional artillery already- they use drones or spotters to let the artillery know when to fire. But the targeting is a stationary location (GPS coordinate)- the rocket cannot track the target (it has no seeker).

Stop making shit up.
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That's stupid nonsense. The USA did do nothing - absolutelly nothing - what provoked Russia to attack the Ukraine and to start in this way also a war against Europe. Now after Russia had done so the USA - like every other NATO member - has a very big titanic problem with Russia.
Exactly. This is what treason sounds like.
Exactly. This is what treason sounds like.

What has Putins treason on Russia to do with the USA, Europe or the NATO? The problem is the war on Europe which Russia had started in the Ukraine. Russia is a much more powerful conventional military power than the Ukraine - and she is a nuclear power. The antiquated business model "war on aggression" has to have very serios negative consequences for Russia.
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What has Putins treason on Russia to do with the USA, Europe or the NATO? The problem is the war on Europe which Russia had started in the Ukraine. Russia is a much more powerful conventional military power than the Ukraine - and she is a nuclear power. The antiquated business model "war on aggression" has to have very serios negative consequences for Russia.
If the EU wants to support Ukraine, that’s fine. After all, this war is in their back yard. It’s not in our back yard and not within US national interests.

if you don't support the Ukraine, that is your choice. Also, the U.S. is being invaded by people from countries south of the border. It is in our national interest to slaughter them all.
Range, in case you need help. We have not sent artillery, drones or other munitions capable of destroying missile launching frigates in the surrounding seas. What makes you think we should supplying fighters we don’t even supply to all our NATO nations, capable of attacking well into Russia and well out to sea ? The only thing that makes sense, is to replace the same planes used by Urkrain as needed that were made in Russia that are also used by some of our NATO allies. You do know that Ukraine has 50 fighters and only uses them in a limited way. Ever ask why ?

If the Ukraine wants fighters, I say send them fighters. Have you not seen all those bombed out apartment buildings in the Ukraine? The Ukraine deserves our support.
The best weapons are their pilots. It doesn’t matter what is sent, it matters only who can use the equipment.
They may not even have enough pilots. They have plenty of aircraft.

I doubt if the Ukraine would be asking for F-16 if they didn't have people to fly them. Weapons that they can't use are no use to them.
It's not speculation
US Government knowingly funded nazis in Ukraine for years.
That's not a conspiracy theory, or russian propaganda, It is literally in legislation

There is nobody better to support than Nazis. Shall I explain? I wonder if I would be allowed to.
if you don't support the Ukraine, that is your choice. Also, the U.S. is being invaded by people from countries south of the border. It is in our national interest to slaughter them all.
It’s in our interests to secure our borders, not kill those who attempt to cross illegally.
Oh Jesus you are so full of it. Stop making shit up.
This is mine - show me yours - since you don't have the qualification and actual knowledge - spare me with your www and twitter wisdom.


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This is mine - show me yours - since you don't have the qualification and actual knowledge - spare me with your www and twitter wisdom.
Fail. That would make you about 100 years old.

I don't answer to Internet posers- I don't have to show you shit.

Fucking chicom troll.
Fail. That would make you about 100 years old.
Fail - before one get's to see White-Sands, one needs to pass respective qualification courses at Ft.Sill
Since you are in need of the www to pose as an; I know it all
I don't answer to Internet posers- I don't have to show you shit.
Fail - certainly you don't - since you can't show for anything - aside your www and twitter wisdom.
Fucking chicom troll.
Fucking Armchair-general - now troll back to your recliner chair and PC.
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You can talk garbage if you want to. I have better things to do than to reply to garbage.
If that's the case why did you get off the bus just now? Oh yeah ..... because the driver's gone home and you've got no goal or destination or even a useful thought to convey. :26:

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