Send Fighter Jets To The Ukraine.

If the EU wants to support Ukraine, that’s fine. After all, this war is in their back yard. It’s not in our back yard and not within US national interests.
Then why is the NATO's sub commission -Ramstein-Contact-Group, solely chaired and run by the USA? This war has from the very beginning been a war between Russia and the USA. Whilst dragging NATO, EU and everyone else into this conflict.
NATO and the EU have never been the guarantors for the sovereignty of Ukraine - but solely the UK, the USA and Russia.
I suspect you've decided to dodge a VERY OBVIOUS question. That's too bad because I really (seriously) thought we were going to have an open and honest discussion. But it's not the first brick wall I've encountered and I'll survive this one too.
I have no idea as to what you are talking about - if you want to play mystery - up to you.
It is, all trainings regarding e.g. combat, maintenance, etc. and transports are conducted via NATO and it's respective national armed forces. So is intel information. Collected,
gathered and analyzed by the various NATO intel communities and then centralized at NATO/NIFC/JIS and from there relayed to the Ukrainian MoD/intel branches.
This does not exclude e.g. the CIA giving such information to Ukraine without needing NATO consent or NATO even knowing about it.

GPS collected data need to be relayed via satellites and AWACS systems to e.g. HIMARS to hit a moving target - Ukraine does not have own satellites and AWACS , Google
does not provide an up-link to a HIMARS guidance control ground system or to its inertial navigation system within the individual missile. So it's guided via NATO or US
satellites - don't try to bring in e.g. Elon Musk into this.

The UDCG was instituted and is chaired solely by the USA, it's the primary tool for the USA in regards to gather and coordinate Ukraine support. - it's presiding members are
the respective defense ministers, chief of staffs, of all NATO countries and some non-NATO countries. It has no decision making ability without NATO or the respective members national governments consent. Why do you think e.g. Chancellor Scholz talks to Biden? or other heads of states? before a national parliamentary decision is done. And then relayed to NATO.
NATO doesn't just work for Ukraine alone - that is why the Ramstein-Contact Group was initiated. It's nothing else but a centralization of numerous sub-department/commissions of NATO (JWGDR, JWGDTC, NUC, CAP, etc. etc. (solely chaired and run by the USA). Unlike the e.g. Kosovo or Libya Contact Group.

Just as any instituted EU commission/contact group is chaired by the EU and run/directed by the EU or authorized to be run/conducted by a single EU member.
So to suggest that the EU migrant commission is independent to the EU is a ludicrous statement - just as stating the Ramstein-Group isn't NATO.
Blah Blah Blah.

HIMARS need AWACS to designate targets???? WTF? :auiqs.jpg:
Then why is the NATO's sub commission -Ramstein-Contact-Group, solely chaired and run by the USA? This war has from the very beginning been a war between Russia and the USA. Whilst dragging NATO, EU and everyone else into this conflict.
NATO and the EU have never been the guarantors for the sovereignty of Ukraine - but solely the UK, the USA and Russia.
Yes, this conflict has no US national interest at stake.
Yes, this conflict has no US national interest at stake.
Then how do you explain the OFFICIAL US government statement; It is the US goal to destroy Russia's economy and military ability to ensure that Russia poses no more threat towards it's neighbors?????
That you might see this personally differently - okay - but it isn't your present governments official position at all.
Then how do you explain the OFFICIAL US government statement; It is the US goal to destroy Russia's economy and military ability to ensure that Russia poses no more threat towards it's neighbors?????
That you might see this personally differently - okay - but it isn't your present governments official position at all.
The US government is always right?
Is this about the US present government being right or wrong? no, it's about you stating that the Ukraine conflict is not about US national interest.
It’s not. There’s no vital US interest nvolving that conflict.

As the US government often does, the current leadership is not minding their own business.

It’s not unusual for the US to stick their nose into things which are none of our business.
Blah blah yourself - see your ridiculous Ramstein-Group definition.
I also never stated that AWACS is needed to "designate" a target. - another blah blah by you.
This is your incomprehensible statement:

"GPS collected data need to be relayed via satellites and AWACS systems to e.g. HIMARS to hit a moving target - Ukraine does not have own satellites and AWACS , Google
does not provide an up-link to a HIMARS guidance control ground system or to its inertial navigation system within the individual missile. So it's guided via NATO or US
satellites - don't try to bring in e.g. Elon Musk into this."

You are just making up crap as you go. HIMARS rockets do not have datalinks or the seekers to enable targeting moving objects, and AWACS have no role in rocket artillery targeting and do not communicate with ground forces.

These are pre-programmed, GPS/INS guided rockets. They are for stationary targets. GPS satellites do not collect and transmit data. HIMARS uses GPS for emplacing the launcher and guiding the rockets.

To strike a moving target with a GPS guided munition it requires real-time position updates, which requires a datalink and a platform to provide the updates.

GMRLS doesn't have that. It has a GPS receiver with an INS backup and some control algorithms. The mission is programmed into the computer in advance. The launcher is moved to the launch area and it self-emplaces. Then it orients the pod to the right bearing and elevation and the rockets are sent on their way.
HIMARS rockets do not have datalinks or the seekers to enable targeting moving objects,
I don’t really care about your www acquired wisdom that predates 2012 in regards to e.g. HIMARS

When have you last been at the testing grounds of White-Sands – off course you have never been there.
You also got no idea at all as to what missile types and sub-munitions HIMARS presently employs and as to what exactly has been send to Ukraine – how should you.

The present advanced systems especially PrSM and variants are all subjected to (JADO/JADC2), (LRPF) with enhanced battle space coverage. Independent of models having heat seeker devices, the entire program runs under TITAN since 2016, and Ukraine is an extensive testing ground. EC, ISR, SIGINT capable aircraft e.g. Australia's MC-55 and known UAV’s are used for this – again you are playing word-games in regards to me forwarding AWACS.

What you describe are pre-preped standard missiles deployed via MLRS and also by HIMARS onto stationary targets.
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Trolling ?

No. Shane McGowan said so - and I believe this guy. He is authentic and not a pale tatoo like so many others in the English speaking world. "Moral" seems to be only a word for others in the English speaking world. But "right or wrong" in moral categories is indeed for everyone on this planet the same how philosophers from the direction "new existentialism" in Germany found out.

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If Russia were a democratic nation and Putin worried about his next election he wouldn’t be conducting the invasion the way he has. Unpopular wars have always had a way of grinding up and spitting out elected presidents in democracies.

The tyrant Putin and his gang have Russia nearly 100% under control - and meanwhile they have also Lukashenkos Belarus completely under control - although Lukashenko is not the president of Belarus. "Democracy" is only a myth any longer in Russia - and it is only a "nice" myth as long as the most Russians say what Putin manipulates them to say and as long as they vote for him or one of his slaves - ah sorry: "friends". :lol:
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Then why is the NATO's sub commission -Ramstein-Contact-Group, solely chaired and run by the USA? This war has from the very beginning been a war between Russia and the USA. Whilst dragging NATO, EU and everyone else into this conflict.
NATO and the EU have never been the guarantors for the sovereignty of Ukraine - but solely the UK, the USA and Russia.

That's stupid nonsense. The USA did do nothing - absolutelly nothing - what provoked Russia to attack the Ukraine and to start in this way also a war against Europe. Now after Russia had done so the USA - like every other NATO member - has a very big titanic problem with Russia.
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It’s not. There’s no vital US interest nvolving that conflict.

As the US government often does, the current leadership is not minding their own business.

It’s not unusual for the US to stick their nose into things which are none of our business.

You - better to say "the USA" because I do not know who you are - are still a member of the NATO and so you stick your nose into things which are one of your business.
Yes, this conflict has no US national interest at stake.
With regards to Ukraine (and Vietnam, Serbia, Cuba, Grenada ..... oh shit, everything since the end of WW II!) you'll have to clarify that statement by defining "US national interest". This could get complicated but I'll try not to weave in "what's good for the nation is good for the citizen" because I know it's bullshyt. So, I'm only going to say one thing - the US Military-Industrial Complex. You know and I know that "complex" isn't interested in making the lives of the average American Joe any better today than it was yesterday but they damn sure claim that's what it's all about and the f*ing politicians who are skimming the butter swear it's true. So ..... where were we ... oh yeah, "US national interest". Let's define it.
It's not speculation
US Government knowingly funded nazis in Ukraine for years.
That's not a conspiracy theory, or russian propaganda, It is literally in legislation

Ringo - you may repeat this nonsense as long as you like to repeat this nonsense. It makes not any sense to do so. The mass-murderer Stalin wan against the mass-murderer Hitler in 1945 with the help of the USA, France, England and many others - 45 nations had been in war with Germany. And in this armies of the world also fought many Jews. This war ended September, 2nd, 1945. Who is since September, 3rd, 1945 still a Nazi is just simple a self-destroying super-idiot. This date is about 77 years and 7 months in a not any longer existing past.

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