Sensible gun control

Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
Tell us why criminals would obey that law?
Both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control. Governor Ronald Reagan was present when the protesters arrived and later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will." In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act "would work no hardship on the honest citizen."

The bill was signed by Reagan and became California penal code 25850 and 171c.

And he was wrong......your point?
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $5,122,000
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $4,802,000
Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $320,000

National Rifle Assn Lobbying by Industry
Industry Total
Gun Rights $5,122,000

Man, the congressmen blocking gun regs are like the cheapest whores on the street.

Me love you long time!!!
Total Lobbying Expenditures: $5,122,000
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $4,802,000
Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $320,000

National Rifle Assn Lobbying by Industry
Industry Total
Gun Rights $5,122,000

Man, the congressmen blocking gun regs are like the cheapest whores on the street.

Me love you long time!!!
You spew bullshit as well as a paid informant.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

"The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens"

does rendering honest citizens helpless in the face of armed criminals not work a hardship?
Don't ask me

Ask Ronnie Reagan.........he said it

He didn't post it; you did.
Idiotic no matter who says it.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

You mean except for the over 16.3 million people who already do it in this country each year...?

Self defense doesn't give you time to load your gun......that is why you carry it loaded......

And as more Americans carry guns......loaded....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Don't look at me

This is how Reagan responded to armed black people in the street
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

So nobody can fire back if a crazy dude gets an illegal weapon and goes nuts in a crowded place because nobody's armed? Please do me a favor, and kick yourself in the balls. That's one asinine, self-defeating post you got going on there.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
Someone’s ownership and carrying a firearms is none of your fucking business. You sound like a spineless coward
All this blame on the FBI for not confiscating guns.

I miss the good old days when Wayne LaPierre call the feds 'jackbooted thugs.'
They should’ve locked the little fuckup, up... 37 times and they cannot figure it out? Lol
The deep state is a bunch of fuck ups
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Well that will surely flummox the thugs and crazies! Sure they'll disobey every other law, including murder, but that one they'll SURELY follow.

Well done my man, well done.

Now, back to the real world...

It's not my idea.......its Ron Reagan's
You know, Americas greatest conservative

He signed it into law to keep guns out of the hands of black people
We’ve only had one conservative president in the last hundred plus years, Calvin Coolidge
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

"The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens"

does rendering honest citizens helpless in the face of armed criminals not work a hardship?
Don't ask me

Ask Ronnie Reagan.........he said it
He was a career politician, you can’t trust any career politicians
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Well that will surely flummox the thugs and crazies! Sure they'll disobey every other law, including murder, but that one they'll SURELY follow.

Well done my man, well done.

Now, back to the real world...

It's not my idea.......its Ron Reagan's
You know, Americas greatest conservative

He signed it into law to keep guns out of the hands of black people

Of course he did, 'cuz you know what's in the hearts and minds of other men.


Oh, and not a Reagan fan, but nice try.
It is how Conservatives deal with gun control......when it applies to black people
Ask a left winger hater of the NRA, if the NRA is a big spender in lobbying Congress. Their response will be the NRA is one of the top lobbying spenders, which of course is absolute ignorance.

Total Lobbying Expenditures: $5,122,000
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $4,802,000
Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $320,000

National Rifle Assn Lobbying by Industry
Industry Total
Gun Rights $5,122,000

Top Lobbying Organizations....
Lobbying Client Total
US Chamber of Commerce $1,411,255,680
National Assn of Realtors $470,639,435
American Medical Assn $372,777,500
General Electric $353,772,000
American Hospital Assn $348,488,013
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $336,375,300
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $320,053,270
AARP $274,331,064
Business Roundtable $260,960,000
Boeing Co $259,683,310
Northrop Grumman $255,352,213
Exxon Mobil $243,592,742
Lockheed Martin $241,738,668
Verizon Communications $232,897,043
AT&T Inc $229,985,644
Edison Electric Institute $216,686,789
National Assn of Broadcasters $215,078,000
Southern Co $211,060,694
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $193,830,000
Altria Group $187,515,200
Progressive shit stains should pick a scarier boogie than the NRA, Not only is it not pro-gun enough it’s harmless. America should be better armed than what they are...
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Watch out, you got the open carry assholes, most gun folks hate them, but these dinks want to walk into Starbuck with an AR-15 thinking they'll save us all from the shooter.
You sound like a bitch in heat
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
When was the last time you went through Jersey
Well that will surely flummox the thugs and crazies! Sure they'll disobey every other law, including murder, but that one they'll SURELY follow.

Well done my man, well done.

Now, back to the real world...

It's not my idea.......its Ron Reagan's
You know, Americas greatest conservative

He signed it into law to keep guns out of the hands of black people

Of course he did, 'cuz you know what's in the hearts and minds of other men.


Oh, and not a Reagan fan, but nice try.
It is how Conservatives deal with gun control......when it applies to black people
Ask a left winger hater of the NRA, if the NRA is a big spender in lobbying Congress. Their response will be the NRA is one of the top lobbying spenders, which of course is absolute ignorance.

Total Lobbying Expenditures: $5,122,000
Subtotal for Parent National Rifle Assn: $4,802,000
Subtotal for Subsidiary NRA Institute for Legislative Action: $320,000

National Rifle Assn Lobbying by Industry
Industry Total
Gun Rights $5,122,000

Top Lobbying Organizations....
Lobbying Client Total
US Chamber of Commerce $1,411,255,680
National Assn of Realtors $470,639,435
American Medical Assn $372,777,500
General Electric $353,772,000
American Hospital Assn $348,488,013
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $336,375,300
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $320,053,270
AARP $274,331,064
Business Roundtable $260,960,000
Boeing Co $259,683,310
Northrop Grumman $255,352,213
Exxon Mobil $243,592,742
Lockheed Martin $241,738,668
Verizon Communications $232,897,043
AT&T Inc $229,985,644
Edison Electric Institute $216,686,789
National Assn of Broadcasters $215,078,000
Southern Co $211,060,694
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $193,830,000
Altria Group $187,515,200
Progressive shit stains should pick a scarier boogie than the NRA, Not only is it not pro-gun enough it’s harmless. America should be better armed than what they are...
Thank you Rustic, but you really shouldn't call progressives shit stains. Lighten up a bit on the condemnation and they will be more willing to debate you openly and fairly...well some will.
All this blame on the FBI for not confiscating guns.

I miss the good old days when Wayne LaPierre call the feds 'jackbooted thugs.'

:mad: You're such a shallow Marxist shill, I cannot begin to describe the level of how you suck. You probably make your post count, though.

How's that snow, faggot? Been out the house lately? Or are you too lazy to shovel your driveway?

FBI confiscating guns? Is that in their charter?

Seems kinda anti 2nd amendment and America to me. Hitler, now Hitler confiscated some guns.

If one wants to follow his ways, are they a Nazi? Or no?

I say yes!

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