Sensible gun control

Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
People are robbed while at ATM's, being carjacked and women and children abducted. Such things happen in broad daylight on the street. Personally, I'm licensed to carry a loaded firearm. I've had the license for about 13 years and guess what.......I haven't had the urge to shoot a single person, even when I vehemently disagree with someone. I am armed so that in the event that the need arises to protect not only myself, but those who travel with me, I can at least attempt to do so, given the opportunity. I've been using firearms since I was eight years old, served a career in the military and can hit what I aim at. I will not give up my right to "bear arms."
There are eighty million plus private firearms owners across the United States and as of 2015, the number of concealed carry individuals is up to 12.8 percent of them (approximately 10,240,000 individuals) and they aren't a danger to you.
If you look at the school shooters, they have one common denominator......"age." They're all young men and teens. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully formed until the age of twenty-five, what we should do is raise the purchase age for those wanting to own a firearm, to the age of twenty-five, thus maturity has come into play.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
People are robbed while at ATM's, being carjacked and women and children abducted. Such things happen in broad daylight on the street. Personally, I'm licensed to carry a loaded firearm. I've had the license for about 13 years and guess what.......I haven't had the urge to shoot a single person, even when I vehemently disagree with someone. I am armed so that in the event that the need arises to protect not only myself, but those who travel with me, I can at least attempt to do so, given the opportunity. I've been using firearms since I was eight years old, served a career in the military and can hit what I aim at. I will not give up my right to "bear arms."
There are eighty million plus private firearms owners across the United States and as of 2015, the number of concealed carry individuals is up to 12.8 percent of them (approximately 10,240,000 individuals) and they aren't a danger to you.
If you look at the school shooters, they have one common denominator......"age." They're all young men and teens. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully formed until the age of twenty-five, what we should do is raise the purchase age for those wanting to own a firearm, to the age of twenty-five, thus maturity has come into play.

25? Un-uh. 21-23, unless enlisted. That's a solution.

One of the things about nowadays is that less parents don't let their kids have play guns, B.B. guns or real guns after giving them training.

Most families did all that for many, many years in America.

The leftists made BB guns and play-gun cop-and-robber play verboten.

I played with guns since 3 yrs old. As did most American males since its inception. Nothing wrong with females playing with guns, but they usually liked dolls n toy cooking n stuff.

It's a fun thing to aim at a target and hit your mark.

Why deprive children of that?
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Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
People are robbed while at ATM's, being carjacked and women and children abducted. Such things happen in broad daylight on the street. Personally, I'm licensed to carry a loaded firearm. I've had the license for about 13 years and guess what.......I haven't had the urge to shoot a single person, even when I vehemently disagree with someone. I am armed so that in the event that the need arises to protect not only myself, but those who travel with me, I can at least attempt to do so, given the opportunity. I've been using firearms since I was eight years old, served a career in the military and can hit what I aim at. I will not give up my right to "bear arms."
There are eighty million plus private firearms owners across the United States and as of 2015, the number of concealed carry individuals is up to 12.8 percent of them (approximately 10,240,000 individuals) and they aren't a danger to you.
If you look at the school shooters, they have one common denominator......"age." They're all young men and teens. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully formed until the age of twenty-five, what we should do is raise the purchase age for those wanting to own a firearm, to the age of twenty-five, thus maturity has come into play.

25? Un-uh. 21-23, unless enlisted. That's a solution.

One of the things about nowadays is that less parents don't let their kids have play guns, B.B. guns or real guns after giving them training.

Most families did all that for many, many years in America.

The leftists made BB guns and play-gun cop-and-robber play verboten.

I played with guns since 3 yrs old. As did most American males since its inception. Nothing wrong with females playing with guns, but they usually liked dolls n toy cooking n stuff.

It's a fun thing to aim at a target and hit your mark.

Why deprive children of that?
I don't see a problem with adult supervision with firearms. When I was a kid on my uncle's farm, we had .22 rifles and went out and shot nuisance varmints. Kids today are too sheltered. However, in the city, gun-safes are advisable and the children shouldn't know the combination. If a threat comes into the house they need to just get the hell out.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Watch out, you got the open carry assholes, most gun folks hate them, but these dinks want to walk into Starbuck with an AR-15 thinking they'll save us all from the shooter.

If you wear some kind of sign stating that you do not want to be saved then they won't.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
Someone’s ownership and carrying a firearms is none of your fucking business. You sound like a spineless coward

It is when they are slaughtering young children
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
People are robbed while at ATM's, being carjacked and women and children abducted. Such things happen in broad daylight on the street. Personally, I'm licensed to carry a loaded firearm. I've had the license for about 13 years and guess what.......I haven't had the urge to shoot a single person, even when I vehemently disagree with someone. I am armed so that in the event that the need arises to protect not only myself, but those who travel with me, I can at least attempt to do so, given the opportunity. I've been using firearms since I was eight years old, served a career in the military and can hit what I aim at. I will not give up my right to "bear arms."
There are eighty million plus private firearms owners across the United States and as of 2015, the number of concealed carry individuals is up to 12.8 percent of them (approximately 10,240,000 individuals) and they aren't a danger to you.
If you look at the school shooters, they have one common denominator......"age." They're all young men and teens. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully formed until the age of twenty-five, what we should do is raise the purchase age for those wanting to own a firearm, to the age of twenty-five, thus maturity has come into play.

25? Un-uh. 21-23, unless enlisted. That's a solution.

One of the things about nowadays is that less parents don't let their kids have play guns, B.B. guns or real guns after giving them training.

Most families did all that for many, many years in America.

The leftists made BB guns and play-gun cop-and-robber play verboten.

I played with guns since 3 yrs old. As did most American males since its inception. Nothing wrong with females playing with guns, but they usually liked dolls n toy cooking n stuff.

It's a fun thing to aim at a target and hit your mark.

Why deprive children of that?

Most children today grow up without exposure to guns.
Families shooting together is becoming rarer and hunting is way down

Our gun culture is slowly eroding
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Yeah, criminals would love it, just make every law abiding American a soft target, after all it's worked so well in schools.

Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Courts have already ruled against your loony idea

lol, suddenly she loves the unelected tyrants on the Court.

I believe in the second amendment and typically side with the right... however, the republicans are on the wrong side of this issue
And if these kids can keep their momentum it spells bad news for the republicans in Sept
My ideas are as follows.1) Why in the hell does anyone need an “ AR” of any kind? Ban them and if you find one , take the license away from the gun shop that sold it ... if you can trace it.
2) stricter background checks.
3) if someone “ says something, follow up.. damn it!
4) metal detectors at the doors.
I think the above gives something of value to both parties. And would help protect the American students
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Courts have already ruled against your loony idea

lol, suddenly she loves the unelected tyrants on the Court.

I believe in the second amendment and typically side with the right... however, the republicans are on the wrong side of this issue
And if these kids can keep their momentum it spells bad news for the republicans in Sept
My ideas are as follows.1) Why in the hell does anyone need an “ AR” of any kind? Ban them and if you find one , take the license away from the gun shop that sold it ... if you can trace it.
2) stricter background checks.
3) if someone “ says something, follow up.. damn it!
4) metal detectors at the doors.
I think the above gives something of value to both parties. And would help protect the American students

You side with the Second but then go on to say republicans are on the wrong side of the issue? You side with the Second and in the next breath say ban them?

Really? I don't think you truly understand the Second
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
People are robbed while at ATM's, being carjacked and women and children abducted. Such things happen in broad daylight on the street. Personally, I'm licensed to carry a loaded firearm. I've had the license for about 13 years and guess what.......I haven't had the urge to shoot a single person, even when I vehemently disagree with someone. I am armed so that in the event that the need arises to protect not only myself, but those who travel with me, I can at least attempt to do so, given the opportunity. I've been using firearms since I was eight years old, served a career in the military and can hit what I aim at. I will not give up my right to "bear arms."
There are eighty million plus private firearms owners across the United States and as of 2015, the number of concealed carry individuals is up to 12.8 percent of them (approximately 10,240,000 individuals) and they aren't a danger to you.
If you look at the school shooters, they have one common denominator......"age." They're all young men and teens. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully formed until the age of twenty-five, what we should do is raise the purchase age for those wanting to own a firearm, to the age of twenty-five, thus maturity has come into play.

25? Un-uh. 21-23, unless enlisted. That's a solution.

One of the things about nowadays is that less parents don't let their kids have play guns, B.B. guns or real guns after giving them training.

Most families did all that for many, many years in America.

The leftists made BB guns and play-gun cop-and-robber play verboten.

I played with guns since 3 yrs old. As did most American males since its inception. Nothing wrong with females playing with guns, but they usually liked dolls n toy cooking n stuff.

It's a fun thing to aim at a target and hit your mark.

Why deprive children of that?

Most children today grow up without exposure to guns.
Families shooting together is becoming rarer and hunting is way down

Our gun culture is slowly eroding

That's what the tyrants want, for nobody to know how to handle a gun and shoot.
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Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens
Someone’s ownership and carrying a firearms is none of your fucking business. You sound like a spineless coward

It is when they are slaughtering young children
The reason for “slaughtered children” is gun free zones, We have a bunch of dead kids as proof...
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Well that will surely flummox the thugs and crazies! Sure they'll disobey every other law, including murder, but that one they'll SURELY follow.

Well done my man, well done.

Now, back to the real world...

It's not my idea.......its Ron Reagan's
You know, Americas greatest conservative

He signed it into law to keep guns out of the hands of black people

Of course he did, 'cuz you know what's in the hearts and minds of other men.


Oh, and not a Reagan fan, but nice try.
It is how Conservatives deal with gun control......when it applies to black people

Ah, the "Because I say so" retort.

"Any GOP who supports some new gun restriction NOW (which will do nothing) is admitting that he could have “done something” after Orlando, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, etc, but refused." - Supercilious Ann Coulter
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Dude, unless you have a CC, it is illegal almost everywhere. You honestly think the thugs here in NOLA walking the streets of Central City give a rat's ass that something is illegal?
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Yeah, criminals would love it, just make every law abiding American a soft target, after all it's worked so well in schools.


What's a gun culture?



I obviously responded to the wrong post... my bad.
Just ban the carrying of loaded weapons in the street

There is no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons

The proposal would work no hardship on honest citizens

Hey, the criminals down the street just called and asked if it was OK to ignore this proposed law?


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