Separation of Chuch and State, even Jesus said so and Paul Ryan

Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?


(did that make you wet your panties?)

And therein lies the problem. We do not run government by the bible, if we had laws according to the bible, Trump would be stoned in the OT and be blind in the NT.
We do not run government by the bible,

You're correct.

despite the chicken littles running around screaming the sky is falling every time someone mentions GOD

This is about the separation of Church and State, do you believe in it?
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
Ryan told the preacher he shouldn't get into politics. Let us pray that the rich evangelical that replaces him avoids taking sides and sticks to forcing Christianity on everyone by praying out loud.

How did he get into politics, by saying the tax cut should be fair??

He didn’t. Ryan had complaints from lily livered Republicans who want to cover up their dirty I hear Ryan wants Joel Osteen. He is closing his Church,so is available.:blowup:
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You act like you know God, which God??

Well, not exactly ...
I act like if God is who He is ... He knows me, and what I think about it doesn't much matter to Him ... :thup:
I can either thank him for what He has given me ... Or deny Him to my own consequence.

17 So Jesus said to them, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” They were utterly amazed at him.

It's a trick question, with the intention to make one think ... :thup:
Jesus tells people to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what belongs to God.

But ... There is Psalms 24:1 and a plethora of other references in the Bible (referenced in the link) ...
That clearly state, the world, everything in it, and all those who dwell on it, belong to God.

Jesus is saying to give Caesar what they think is his and not God's ... Which would be nothing.


Or, you could just think, WWJD?
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?


(did that make you wet your panties?)

And therein lies the problem. We do not run government by the bible, if we had laws according to the bible, Trump would be stoned in the OT and be blind in the NT.
We do not run government by the bible,

You're correct.

despite the chicken littles running around screaming the sky is falling every time someone mentions GOD

This is about the separation of Church and State, do you believe in it?

I believe Jefferson mentioned it in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, but it has nothing to do with the Constitution.

The Constitution states Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion.

2 separate issues
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
What kinda laws do you think Christians are pushing that offend you? Please be specific as I'd really like to know.
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Mark 12:17 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
17 So Jesus said to them, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” They were utterly amazed at him.

Paul Ryan kicked the Jesuit Priest out of the House, because he said a prayer to keep the tax cuts fair.

I imagine now they will want some filthy rich evangelical like Kenneth Copeland or Pat Robertson, a prosperity preacher, to take his place.

Paul Ryan kicked the Jesuit Priest out of the House, because he said a prayer to keep the tax cuts fair.

I guess the priest didn't keep it separate.........
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.

You've seen laws come out of the USSC? Which ones?
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Which ones? Please be more specific. hopefully you know the USSC doesn't make the law but are suppose to interpret the intent of the legislators if their is a question on a specific portion in question.
Religious people are bad about that.
Non religious people are bad about forcing christians to act against their beliefs.
Weird how that works ey?

The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?

The basic question is: is it morally, ethically, and even spiritually correct to impose our own mores on people that (a) can be profoundly affected by them and (b) don’t share them? Do we have a right and (dare I even say) an obligation to say that my beliefs are more important than yours and therefore mine are the ones that stand? That as a Christian, my moral code is far superior to yours and this gives me the obligation to impose this on how you live your life?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Must be dreams. considering the USSC doesnt make laws ;)
The more the Christians push their Christianity on everyone and impose laws, the more others will become against it. Weird how that happens hey?


(did that make you wet your panties?)

And therein lies the problem. We do not run government by the bible, if we had laws according to the bible, Trump would be stoned in the OT and be blind in the NT.
We do not run government by the bible,

You're correct.

despite the chicken littles running around screaming the sky is falling every time someone mentions GOD

This is about the separation of Church and State, do you believe in it?

I believe Jefferson mentioned it in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, but it has nothing to do with the Constitution.

The Constitution states Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion.

2 separate issues

Baptist are still pro the Separation of Church and State. You do not believe in civil rights I take it.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school.

It was recently reported by several community members to FFRF that Wayne County High School was broadcasting prayer over its public announcement system to students during the morning announcements. A video posted in the Tennessee River Valley News Facebook page on March 23 shows a student leading a prayer over the P.A. system with the caption, “How Fridays begin at Wayne County High School in Tennessee.”

She went on to pray:

“Good morning and let’s pray. Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for this day that you’ve given us, Lord. And Lord, I want to thank you for the protection that you continue to put over our school, God. And Lord, I just thank you for our teachers and our principals and every student that you have here, God. And let us just remember that you’re always with us and by our side throughout the schoolday, God. Dear Lord, I just ask you to let us be safe over spring break and come back safely back to school, God. I thank you for our country and I ask you to continue to keep us safe here, God, and let us just remember to make decisions that go towards you, Lord. And Lord, I thank you for your son who died on a cross for our sins, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

can you just imagine having to listen to this at a public school?
Mark 12:17 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
17 So Jesus said to them, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” They were utterly amazed at him.

Paul Ryan kicked the Jesuit Priest out of the House, because he said a prayer to keep the tax cuts fair.

I imagine now they will want some filthy rich evangelical like Kenneth Copeland or Pat Robertson, a prosperity preacher, to take his place.

Paul Ryan kicked the Jesuit Priest out of the House, because he said a prayer to keep the tax cuts fair.

I guess the priest didn't keep it separate.........

And Paul Ryan said he has to go, we shall get a prosperity preacher in here.

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