Separation of Chuch and State, even Jesus said so and Paul Ryan

Here is Jesus again:

Matthew 6:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
6 But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

Matthew 24:14 ESV
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school.

It was recently reported by several community members to FFRF that Wayne County High School was broadcasting prayer over its public announcement system to students during the morning announcements. A video posted in the Tennessee River Valley News Facebook page on March 23 shows a student leading a prayer over the P.A. system with the caption, “How Fridays begin at Wayne County High School in Tennessee.”

She went on to pray:

“Good morning and let’s pray. Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for this day that you’ve given us, Lord. And Lord, I want to thank you for the protection that you continue to put over our school, God. And Lord, I just thank you for our teachers and our principals and every student that you have here, God. And let us just remember that you’re always with us and by our side throughout the schoolday, God. Dear Lord, I just ask you to let us be safe over spring break and come back safely back to school, God. I thank you for our country and I ask you to continue to keep us safe here, God, and let us just remember to make decisions that go towards you, Lord. And Lord, I thank you for your son who died on a cross for our sins, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

can you just imagine having to listen to this at a public school?

"The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school."


what part of the Constitution did it violate?

It violated freedom of religion. Is it now against the law to be an atheist??

no, stopping him was a violation of religion.

Is atheism a religion now?

Is it against the law?
The other side does the same damn thing penelope
I get so tired of listening to disingenuous outrage
America needs to grow the fuck up

As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Like the hobby lobby case
The Supreme Court Just Made A Big Ruling On Birth Control — Here's What You Need To Know
ACA in of its self is anti American and is a disgusting affront to the liberty of a free society forcing others to pay for your personal needs. If you Gates and the Rockefeller or whoever else wants to have Plan Parenthood stay alive then y'all can pay for it outta your own pockets. If you don't like the policy or personal beliefs of an employer simply don't go to work for that employer or better yet open a business of you own and become that employers you despise competition.

You do not understand the ACA or health ins before it or you wouldn't think its unconstitutional.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school.

It was recently reported by several community members to FFRF that Wayne County High School was broadcasting prayer over its public announcement system to students during the morning announcements. A video posted in the Tennessee River Valley News Facebook page on March 23 shows a student leading a prayer over the P.A. system with the caption, “How Fridays begin at Wayne County High School in Tennessee.”

She went on to pray:

“Good morning and let’s pray. Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for this day that you’ve given us, Lord. And Lord, I want to thank you for the protection that you continue to put over our school, God. And Lord, I just thank you for our teachers and our principals and every student that you have here, God. And let us just remember that you’re always with us and by our side throughout the schoolday, God. Dear Lord, I just ask you to let us be safe over spring break and come back safely back to school, God. I thank you for our country and I ask you to continue to keep us safe here, God, and let us just remember to make decisions that go towards you, Lord. And Lord, I thank you for your son who died on a cross for our sins, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”

can you just imagine having to listen to this at a public school?

"The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school."


what part of the Constitution did it violate?

It violated freedom of religion. Is it now against the law to be an atheist??

no, stopping him was a violation of religion.

Is atheism a religion now?

Is it against the law?


is it a religion?

(I thought this thread was about Freedom of Religion?)
Here is Jesus again:

Matthew 6:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
6 But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

Matthew 24:14 ESV
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

In a church.
Here is Jesus again:

Matthew 6:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
6 But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

Matthew 24:14 ESV
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

In a church.

In a Church?

Where does it say, 'in a church'?

Did the Sermon on the Mount take place in a church?
As soon as they quit making religious laws. Tell that to the Evans in Congress.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Like the hobby lobby case
The Supreme Court Just Made A Big Ruling On Birth Control — Here's What You Need To Know
ACA in of its self is anti American and is a disgusting affront to the liberty of a free society forcing others to pay for your personal needs. If you Gates and the Rockefeller or whoever else wants to have Plan Parenthood stay alive then y'all can pay for it outta your own pockets. If you don't like the policy or personal beliefs of an employer simply don't go to work for that employer or better yet open a business of you own and become that employers you despise competition.

You do not understand the ACA or health ins before it or you wouldn't think its unconstitutional.
I understand that forcing everyone and their brother to buy insurance is not freedom and not only that it created more expensive health care all the way around throughout along with taking away options for healthcare that was previously available to the poorest of our society. It merely increased the beast and left a lot of people out in the cold or worse subject to a third party deciding if they deserved to have a doctor's care or not. Previously I could go to my doctor's office without a dime in my pocket or checkbook. You people have medical care so screwed up at this point doctors like my wonderful former doctor cannot survive what you have done so they left private practice all together.

If the powers that be truly gave a damn about the peoples overall health they would stop letting giants poison everyone and the environment we must all live in.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school.

It was recently reported by several community members to FFRF that Wayne County High School was broadcasting prayer over its public announcement system to students during the morning announcements. A video posted in the Tennessee River Valley News Facebook page on March 23 shows a student leading a prayer over the P.A. system with the caption, “How Fridays begin at Wayne County High School in Tennessee.”

She went on to pray:

can you just imagine having to listen to this at a public school?

"The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school."


what part of the Constitution did it violate?

It violated freedom of religion. Is it now against the law to be an atheist??

no, stopping him was a violation of religion.

Is atheism a religion now?

Is it against the law?


is it a religion?

(I thought this thread was about Freedom of Religion?)

Actually this tread is about the Separation of Church and State. Freedom of Religion also mean freedom from religion, so yes one could classify as atheism as a religion. Money can also be a religion to some people.

I usually don't take the bible out of context, but I know protestants and evans do.

Matthew 6:24 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
God and Money. 24 “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Dependence on God.

  1. 6:24 Mammon: an Aramaic word meaning wealth or property.
  2. 6:25–34 Jesus does not deny the reality of human needs (Mt 6:32), but forbids making them the object of anxious care and, in effect, becoming their slave.
As soon as they quit making laws that suppress the right to express their religion freely. Tell that to the statist bedwetters in Congress.
Do you see how this works yet?

The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Like the hobby lobby case
The Supreme Court Just Made A Big Ruling On Birth Control — Here's What You Need To Know
ACA in of its self is anti American and is a disgusting affront to the liberty of a free society forcing others to pay for your personal needs. If you Gates and the Rockefeller or whoever else wants to have Plan Parenthood stay alive then y'all can pay for it outta your own pockets. If you don't like the policy or personal beliefs of an employer simply don't go to work for that employer or better yet open a business of you own and become that employers you despise competition.

You do not understand the ACA or health ins before it or you wouldn't think its unconstitutional.
I understand that forcing everyone and their brother to buy insurance is not freedom and not only that it created more expensive health care all the way around throughout along with taking away options for healthcare that was previously available to the poorest of our society. It merely increased the beast and left a lot of people out in the cold or worse subject to a third party deciding if they deserved to have a doctor's care or not. Previously I could go to my doctor's office without a dime in my pocket or checkbook. You people have medical care so screwed up at this point doctors like my wonderful former doctor cannot survive what you have done so they left private practice all together.

If the powers that be truly gave a damn about the peoples overall health they would stop letting giants poison everyone and the environment we must all live in.

If you can afford ins and do not have it, do not go to the ER for anything. Also what about preexisting conditions, do you have one? Most do?
"The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put an end to the unconstitutional endorsement of religion at a Tennessee public high school."


what part of the Constitution did it violate?

It violated freedom of religion. Is it now against the law to be an atheist??

no, stopping him was a violation of religion.

Is atheism a religion now?

Is it against the law?


is it a religion?

(I thought this thread was about Freedom of Religion?)

Actually this tread is about the Separation of Church and State. Freedom of Religion also mean freedom from religion, so yes one could classify as atheism as a religion. Money can also be a religion to some people.

I usually don't take the bible out of context, but I know protestants and evans do.

Matthew 6:24 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
God and Money. 24 “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Dependence on God.

  1. 6:24 Mammon: an Aramaic word meaning wealth or property.
  2. 6:25–34 Jesus does not deny the reality of human needs (Mt 6:32), but forbids making them the object of anxious care and, in effect, becoming their slave.

Freedom of Religion also mean freedom from religion,

according to whom?
The laws I have seen come out of the USSC lately trample on others rights in the name of Religion.
Like the hobby lobby case
The Supreme Court Just Made A Big Ruling On Birth Control — Here's What You Need To Know
ACA in of its self is anti American and is a disgusting affront to the liberty of a free society forcing others to pay for your personal needs. If you Gates and the Rockefeller or whoever else wants to have Plan Parenthood stay alive then y'all can pay for it outta your own pockets. If you don't like the policy or personal beliefs of an employer simply don't go to work for that employer or better yet open a business of you own and become that employers you despise competition.

You do not understand the ACA or health ins before it or you wouldn't think its unconstitutional.
I understand that forcing everyone and their brother to buy insurance is not freedom and not only that it created more expensive health care all the way around throughout along with taking away options for healthcare that was previously available to the poorest of our society. It merely increased the beast and left a lot of people out in the cold or worse subject to a third party deciding if they deserved to have a doctor's care or not. Previously I could go to my doctor's office without a dime in my pocket or checkbook. You people have medical care so screwed up at this point doctors like my wonderful former doctor cannot survive what you have done so they left private practice all together.

If the powers that be truly gave a damn about the peoples overall health they would stop letting giants poison everyone and the environment we must all live in.

If you can afford ins and do not have it, do not go to the ER for anything. Also what about preexisting conditions, do you have one? Most do?
I don't have insurance of any kind. I am sure I told you that before. Even if insurance companies are suppose to cover you that does not guarantee that they will. Workers comp in some areas is the absolute worse as the whole system basically does whatever the fuck they want regardless of the injuries a worker receives on the job. Not that I ever would have done that to one of my employees but it does seem from everything I have experienced and have checked into it is rampant to deny workers care whenever they can. That is an overall moral issue and a scourge of immoral people in positions they have no business being in and ACA won't cure that and neither will Atheism or telling people that you don't want to hear about their faith.
Here is Jesus again:

Matthew 6:6 New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
6 But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

Jesus was clever ... And perhaps the message is not clear enough.

Think of it this way ...
If God is all knowing ... There are no secrets from God ... And no God that "sees in secret".

God is not afraid of man ... He has no need to hide from man in secret.
If man chooses to hide in secret from man when he worships God ...
Then man is praying in fear to a God that doesn't exist ... And will be rewarded accordingly.

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