Separation of church and state makes him want to throw up

Liberals insist on government intrusion when it suits their purposes then bitch about it when it doesn't. Same as the GOP. Let's not get holier than thou. Both sides play this game when it's advantageous for them.

Bull. Liberals support the separation of church and state even though it is only IMPLIED in the bill of rights. We get it.

But conservatives always refer to the first amendment to the constitution as though it clearly states there is to be a separation of church and state. You people need everything spelled out and have no critical thinking skills. But when it suits their purpose, hell no there is nothing in the first amendment about separation church and state. So save it.

Might I suggest that you go read what I wrote in posts #182, #190, #192, and #199? After that might I suggest that you go fuck yourself.

FYI: post 182 was Nosmo King, maybe you meant #187? Typo, but just clarifying.

Only when it is convenient for the GOP.

Liberals insist on government intrusion when it suits their purposes then bitch about it when it doesn't. Same as the GOP. Let's not get holier than thou. Both sides play this game when it's advantageous for them.

Bull. Liberals support the separation of church and state even though it is only IMPLIED in the bill of rights. We get it.

But conservatives always refer to the first amendment to the constitution as though it clearly states there is to be a separation of church and state. You people need everything spelled out and have no critical thinking skills. But when it suits their purpose, hell no there is nothing in the first amendment about separation church and state. So save it.
It is NOT implied. You people see something that isn't there.
Imagining things is NOT an example of critical thinking. it is an example of emoting.
Yes, but God is not barred from the Constitution either. The two are not mutually incompatible. That said, we have a lot of protections from any law being crafted to force any religion on us, save it seems, for Atheism/Humanism/Secularism. I suspect that is because of the current bias in this nation for these ideas and the general tolerance of the Christian majority.

We are not a majority rule nation as The Constitution protects the rights of the individual, not the majority.
The Founders knowing that the majority of citizens WERE Christian and religous had a great influence in them not mentioning God in The Constitution and not naming Christianity as the national religion when that was proposed by many at the convention.
We are a nation OF LAW, not men and their various and changing like the wind religous beliefs and ideology.
Yes, but that also means that you cannot prohibit God from government either. The individual Christian's beliefs are just as protected as the voodoo priest or imam.

A nation of law, yes. Not of men. But men are inseperable from their religious beliefs (no matter how they choose to couch them for even denying religion follows the same principles) and therefore cannot be used to disqualify any elected official and the free exercise of their faith in or out of office, so long as their faith does not violate any law of the land.

Most atheists, agnostics, secularists and humanists have forgotten, that their faith is protected too, for no one can force them to worship any way they do not believe. On the other hand, there is no 'freedom from religious offense' either. Just because I find Santeria offensive doesn't mean I have a right to shut down any elected official or public display of it so long as it does not violate any laws or infringes on the right of another to continue their life.

The rights of the individual are protected, even if there is a majority of them.

WTF r u talking about?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
God has no place in government.
God is 1001 different things to Americans.
Don't you know Moe? We have freedom of religion in America.
What God do we determine to be the God you speak of?
We are a nation OF LAW, not of Gods.
How come this is hard for you to understand?
The law does NOT recognize invisible men in the sky.
Something about the Constitution. THE LAW. Either respect it or get the hell out of Dodge.
God has nothing to to with THE LAW.

Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

I believe that's in the Declaration of Independence, which is not a governing document.
There is no separation of church and state mentioned in the first amendment

If you don't understand that to have freedom of religion, then you need freedom FROM religion, youre sorely misguided.

I think Rick santorum would probably be more comfortable living in the vatican. It's beautiful. Lots of great art and no one will offend his sensibilities with little inconveniences like him not being ble to force me to live by his religious tenets. :thup:
The 1st prohibits the state from establishing a religion, and from interfering with the exercise thereof; THAT DOES separate the two.

Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

That is not the US Constitution Moe.
Govern yourself accordingly before you post again. IOW: GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT SOLDIER.

Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

I believe that's in the Declaration of Independence, which is not a governing document.
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution, shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?
Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

I believe that's in the Declaration of Independence, which is not a governing document.
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution, shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?

Since you are ignoring THE LAW, why not?

Please don't push your religion on me. Your vehemence is similar to the strength an Seventh Day Adventist was told that you don't worship on a Saturday. I find that ludicrous too, but hey, it's their faith.

God is in the Constitution if you look at it honestly. 'Endowed by their creator certain inalienable rights' ring a bell?

You are unable to separate yourself from your religious beliefs as I am from mine or everyone else in the world.

That is not the US Constitution Moe.
Govern yourself accordingly before you post again. IOW: GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT SOLDIER.
Would you like a Haldol? Yeesh. Just when we were getting along lately.
I believe that's in the Declaration of Independence, which is not a governing document.
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution, shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?

Since you are ignoring THE LAW, why not?
I've ignored no law. I'm also not freaking out about this. Why do you want to violate the religious protections of the First Amendment?
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution, shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?

Since you are ignoring THE LAW, why not?
The Declaration IS one of the founding documents.
Dr. Grump feels we should just 'edit' the constitution to reflect current philosophical fads. Should anyone pay attention to the Declaration? [/sarcasm]
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution, shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?

Since you are ignoring THE LAW, why not?
The Declaration IS one of the founding documents.

Yes, the Declaration IS a founding document - but not a governing one. We are governed by the Constitution.
Ah yes, memory failure on that front. That said, since 'separation of church and state' are not in the constitution…

Separation of church and State is in the Constitution in the context of its case law; that the specific words are not in the actual text is irrelevant, such as the right to privacy or the right of the individual to own a handgun.
…shall we ignore the basic concept of 'inalienable rights'?

No, the doctrine of inalienable rights is codified by the 14th Amendment. It applies the Bill of Rights to the states and local jurisdictions, including the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, prohibiting states and local jurisdictions from conjoining church and State.
By P. Scott Russell

Consider these words from John Adams:

"The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature; and if men are now sufficiently enlightened to disabuse themselves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, and superstition, they will consider this event as an era in their history. Although the detail of the formation of the American governments is at present little known or regarded either in Europe or in America, it may hereafter become an object of curiosity. It will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of Heaven, more than those at work upon ships or houses, or laboring in merchandise or agriculture; it will forever be acknowledged that these governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses."​

Rick Santorum On Religious Freedom: What He Has Forgotten Since Law School | | AlterNet

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