September Jobs Report

Tramp LOST over 3 million jobs during the SAME pandemic where Biden created over 3.6 million jobs. And it was Tramp and the GQP governors who shut down the country.
Hey Dumbass, the economy was shutting down in 2020, and is opening up in 2021 thanks to Trump's vaccines.

See if you can figure out from those facts why jobs were lost in 2020, and gained in 2021. Find a third grader to explain it if you can't figure it out.
Ok as a truck driver, I've got to comment on this "shortage of truck drivers" bullshit.

There are only as many truck drivers as the economy can support. They said they have "tens of thousands of drivers shortages right now." The problem with that is that they assume there are 10s of thousands of empty trucks sitting around begging for drivers. There are NOT. Most companies don't have many empty trucks at all and are keeping trucks longer than they used to. My company of 200 trucks just finally bought 8 new trucks, ZERO last year.

Also, there is very little parking for trucks in this country. So if you would introduce 20 or 30 thousand more trucks you'd have these rigs parked on the side of the road because the parking spots would be full. We simply don't have the infrastructure right now to support that many trucks. Also, the government is the one creating the problem as they limit us to 11 hours of driving in a 24 hour period. So we are FORCED to park when we could easily drive further and deliver more goods.

So don't create the fucking problem then say you're fixing it and expect us drivers to call you a fucking hero.
Ok as a truck driver, I've got to comment on this "shortage of truck drivers" bullshit.

There are only as many truck drivers as the economy can support. They said they have "tens of thousands of drivers shortages right now." The problem with that is that they assume there are 10s of thousands of empty trucks sitting around begging for drivers. There are NOT. Most companies don't have many empty trucks at all and are keeping trucks longer than they used to. My company of 200 trucks just finally bought 8 new trucks, ZERO last year.

Also, there is very little parking for trucks in this country. So if you would introduce 20 or 30 thousand more trucks you'd have these rigs parked on the side of the road because the parking spots would be full. We simply don't have the infrastructure right now to support that many trucks. Also, the government is the one creating the problem as they limit us to 11 hours of driving in a 24 hour period. So we are FORCED to park when we could easily drive further and deliver more goods.

So don't create the fucking problem then say you're fixing it and expect us drivers to call you a fucking hero.

IMO you can't drive 20 miles on any highway without running into a DOT cop sitting in the middle or on the side of the road. Back when I got into it during the mid 90's, if you seen one DOT cop a month that was a lot. I don't have to tell you that once they select you to pull over, even if you pass everything, it's an hour before they let you go.

This all started after 911. The government used that as a reason to hire all these cops and have these random stops just to check you out. Who wants to deal with all this government bullshit? As for your complaint about rest areas and truck stops, you are absolutely correct. I was a local driver and if I needed a bathroom first thing in the morning, I was in trouble unless I could hold it to my stop. Every rest area was wall to wall trucks, even on the sides of the entrance/ exit ramps. We have several major highways that go through Cleveland which is in Cuyahgoa county. We don't have one rest area in the entire county outside of the turnpike.
IMO you can't drive 20 miles on any highway without running into a DOT cop sitting in the middle or on the side of the road. Back when I got into it during the mid 90's, if you seen one DOT cop a month that was a lot. I don't have to tell you that once they select you to pull over, even if you pass everything, it's an hour before they let you go.

This all started after 911. The government used that as a reason to hire all these cops and have these random stops just to check you out. Who wants to deal with all this government bullshit? As for your complaint about rest areas and truck stops, you are absolutely correct. I was a local driver and if I needed a bathroom first thing in the morning, I was in trouble unless I could hold it to my stop. Every rest area was wall to wall trucks, even on the sides of the entrance/ exit ramps. We have several major highways that go through Cleveland which is in Cuyahgoa county. We don't have one rest area in the entire county outside of the turnpike.
my house in the suburbs is about 45 miles from our farm.

I typically see 2 or 3 DOT trucks on the trip. It's ridiculous.
my house in the suburbs is about 45 miles from our farm.

I typically see 2 or 3 DOT trucks on the trip. It's ridiculous.

In our state they got tired of having just DOT cops, so they started to train the state troopers to do DOT inspections. Now they are all over the place because many of the state troopers do the DOT. I'm so glad I'm not doing that anymore, but it does help point to why it's hard to get people interested in driving these days.
Biden building back better...better than Haiti.

Another disappointing jobs report. US businesses added fewer jobs than forecast in September, signaling the recovery was still on the ropes as fall began.

The US added 194,000 jobs in September, badly missing the 500,000-payroll estimate and slowing even further from dismal August hiring.

Fine job Biden, ya fricken clown.

September jobs report misses expectations with just 194,000 new payrolls amid Delta slowdown

Anyone who wants a job can get one. The Biden economy is still going strong. Also a lot of people are quitting because they are fed up with being treated like slaves. If companies want workers, they will have to increase wages by a lot. Jim Cramer pointed out that when the Bakken boom hit in ND, a lot of workers went to ND to participate. They hated it but the money was too good. Today businesses are piling more work on their workers and giving them nothing in terms of higher pay.
This isn't Biden's fault either.
There are over 40 container ships sitting off the coast of San Diego as we speak. They cannot come to dock because there's a shortage of truck drivers in this country. And our supply chain got fucked up by the pandemic when everybody started hoarding last year. The supply chain had to be reconstructed to meet demand. Just ask Jeff Bezos.

The interesting thing is the fact that these ports were not open 24/7. That would have been logical. If you pay people enough, they will work for you even if they hate it.
Anyone who wants a job can get one. The Biden economy is still going strong. Also a lot of people are quitting because they are fed up with being treated like slaves. If companies want workers, they will have to increase wages by a lot. Jim Cramer pointed out that when the Bakken boom hit in ND, a lot of workers went to ND to participate. They hated it but the money was too good. Today businesses are piling more work on their workers and giving them nothing in terms of higher pay.

Christ sake, you listen to Jim Cramer, no wonder you ass-wipes are so stupid.
Anyone who wants a job can get one. The Biden economy is still going strong. Also a lot of people are quitting because they are fed up with being treated like slaves. If companies want workers, they will have to increase wages by a lot.

Which will increase inflation by a lot. :eusa_shhh:
As you well know but pretend not to so you can LIE, 19 GQP governors shut down their states in 2020.

Complete lie. One Democrat state did try but it was stopped by the courts.

It was the Communist cities that shut everything down, not any Republican areas. Again I ask, what Republican shut down their state? Let's go one at a time since I'll be posting links to how full of shit you are.
Tramp ended his failed economy with a NEGATIVE 3.5% 2020 GDP, the worst since Hoover, and an average for his 4 years lower than Obama's 8.

Right, because you leftists are so stupid to think that anybody will believe the virus that destroyed the economy worldwide was Trump's fault. See what I mean about trying to win debates with lies? You only make yourself look like a complete fool.
We are entering a time where workers will be walking off over vax mandates and then they will walk off over wages. Perhaps it's a turning point for the positive

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