September Jobs Report

Job growth has gone down 3 straight months.
Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!
I know you TrumpNAZIS hate anything good that happens in America and love it when Tramp LOSES over 2 million jobs, but you need to get used to the good things for the next 7 years.
I guess they didn’t factor in what a complete Clusterfuck Veggie Joe is. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure a "clusterfuck" who has created over 3.6 million jobs during a pandemic when Jackass Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs during the same pandemic. What does that say about Tramp when he is out performed by a "clusterfuck?"
Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!

They would have increased months ago but the dementia patient decided to pay people more to stay home than work. He didn't create one jobs. The jobs have been there begging for help for months.
No of course not those were Tramp's policies, as you well know.
Obama's playbook had this:
“Each section of this playbook includes specific questions that should be asked and decisions that should be made at multiple levels” within the national security apparatus, the playbook urges, repeatedly advising officials to question the numbers on viral spread, ensure appropriate diagnostic capacity and check on the U.S. stockpile of emergency resources.

The playbook also stresses the significant responsibility facing the White House to contain risks of potential pandemics, a stark contrast with the Trump administration’s delays in deploying an all-of-government response and President Donald Trump's recent signals that he might roll back public health recommendations.

“The U.S. government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow or mitigate the spread of an emerging infectious disease threat,” according to the playbook’s built-in “assumptions” about fighting future threats. “The American public will look to the U.S. government for action when multi-state or other significant events occur.”

The guide further calls for a “unified message” on the federal response, in order to best manage the American public's questions and concerns. “Early coordination of risk communications through a single federal spokesperson is critical,” the playbook urges. However, the U.S. response to coronavirus has featured a rotating cast of spokespeople and conflicting messages; Trump already is discussing loosening government recommendations on coronavirus in order to “open” the economy by Easter, despite the objections of public health advisers.

Bullshit. Ears used all our resources and never replaced them. Trump had no idea because he didn't deal with that.
Biden building back better...better than Haiti.

Another disappointing jobs report. US businesses added fewer jobs than forecast in September, signaling the recovery was still on the ropes as fall began.

The US added 194,000 jobs in September, badly missing the 500,000-payroll estimate and slowing even further from dismal August hiring.

Fine job Biden, ya fricken clown.

September jobs report misses expectations with just 194,000 new payrolls amid Delta slowdown

Oops. Someone missed this

Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!
I know you TrumpNAZIS hate anything good that happens in America and love it when Tramp LOSES over 2 million jobs, but you need to get used to the good things for the next 7 years.
Nope. Job growth has declined for three Months in a row, and. Veggie Joe thinks that is trending in the right direction. :cuckoo:
Sure a "clusterfuck" who has created over 3.6 million jobs during a pandemic when Jackass Tramp LOST over 2 million jobs during the same pandemic. What does that say about Tramp when he is out performed by a "clusterfuck?"
Yes, a clusterfuck. Glad you agree.
October jobs report was soft. Conservatives have been yelling about a $300 Federal support for unemployment that expired in September for many states. About half voluntarily ended them as early as May.

Unemployment benefits ended, but hiring did not surge in September - CNNPolitics

There have been no material changes in the republican states that ended early and the ones that ended late. There has been no material change in the states that just ended them late either.

States That Cut Unemployment Benefits Saw Limited Impact on Job Growth

So what’s the republican narrative about free loaders now? You guessed. Free loaders are still the problem.

GOP senators bash weak jobs report, Biden's talk of 'progress' | Fox Business

One thing is for sure is that the pandemic has done more for low wage growth than any Republican or Democrat policy in the last 50 years. Employees are looking for safe work at a living wage. How socialist of them.

America’s unemployed are sending a message: They’ll go back to work whenthey feel safe – and well-compensated
Nope. Job growth has declined for three Months in a row, and. Veggie Joe thinks that is trending in the right direction. :cuckoo:
Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!
I know you TrumpNAZIS hate anything good that happens in America and love it when Tramp LOSES over 2 million jobs, but you need to get used to the good things for the next 7 years.
LIAR! Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!
Once AGAIN you are proven to be a LIAR with ZERO CREDIBILITY...

As the NY Times reports the Sept Jobs Report was the 3rd straight decline in a row, proving job growth is SLOWING!

You are a shameless Biden-apllogist and proven LIAR, again who - like Biden - has NO CREDIBILITY! You have shown reading what you post is a waste of time ... unless one is desiring FICTION.

Way to cherry-pick the overall rating while Biden's handling of the economy is at 67% disapproval rate, as is his border handling.

Biden is under water on just about every single individual issue.
President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 - 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac's last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating. ( It's going to go lower and fast )

Today, Republicans (94 - 4 percent) and independents (60 - 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while Democrats approve 80 - 10 percent.

October 06, 2021

Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University ( LIBERAL ) National Poll Finds; Majority Say The Biden Administration Is Not Competent

Read why: Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Majority Say The Biden Administration Is Not Competent | Quinnipiac University Poll
Proving his incompetence ... or that getting people to comply with his Un-Constitutional mandates is more important than a successful economy, getting thousands of workers fired in the middle of a slowing economy, a contracting labor force, inflation, and a pandemic he has not gotten under control as he promised hecwould do once he became President, is extremely stupid.

Presidents, especially lawyers who graduated near the bottom of their class, who have no experience running a real business are already at a disadvantage at trying to run the economy without being dementia-ravaged, as Biden is.

Based on Joe being burdened with all of the above it is amazing the economy is as 'good' as it is under Biden as President.
Once AGAIN you are proven to be a LIAR with ZERO CREDIBILITY...

As the NY Times reports the Sept Jobs Report was the 3rd straight decline in a row, proving job growth is SLOWING!

You are a shameless Biden-apllogist and proven LIAR, again who - like Biden - has NO CREDIBILITY! You have shown reading what you post is a waste of time ... unless one is desiring FICTION.

You are ‘tarded. Your link proved his point. Economy ADDED jobs just less than Biden wanted.

It's like 4 more years of the Obama economy. That happens when a dipshit who's never ran a business is in charge.
You know that Trump was in charge when the economy went over the cliff.

Fucks sake Republican Presidents keep on screwing up economies and then complain that Democrats don't fix it fast enough...

Trump borrowed like a drunk sailor while at the end of Obama boom... This is awful economic management... But then again Economics is a science and we know how the Trumpers think about science..
Lockdowns are worse than the virus.


Why are you lefties so fucking stupid?

Where did they say that and why is it lefties fault?
I didn't see lockdown killing people. How many are in hospital from lockdown.?

Do you ever read anything you write?
You're paranoid about lefties. Filled with hate and then think trump was the second coming of Christ.. grow up dickhead.
They would have increased months ago but the dementia patient decided to pay people more to stay home than work. He didn't create one jobs. The jobs have been there begging for help for months.
Trump over saw a economy which he got which had:

Trump was down on Job Growth compared to Trump...

Trump then saw COVID and he panicked... He told the country it would be over in two weeks and failed to prepare even though he had far more information even after he severely cut the team which was meant to dealt with this type of situation...

Trump basically stopped paying the house insurance & borrowed more and used the money to go to Disneyland... That was his presidency, all show while eroded the underlying institutions that were keeping Americans safe...

Adults are back in charge and this is a complaint that we didn't fix Trump's screw up quick enough...

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