September Jobs Report

So what was in that playbook, to deplete all our emergency PPE so we are not prepared in the future? To allow funding to the NHS so they can give money to the Wuhan lab to help create a deadly virus and bring the world to it's knees? To have the FDA approve of only one test kit which was made by the CDC and not test them so if they were flawed (as they were) we would be screwed?
No of course not those were Tramp's policies, as you well know.
Obama's playbook had this:
“Each section of this playbook includes specific questions that should be asked and decisions that should be made at multiple levels” within the national security apparatus, the playbook urges, repeatedly advising officials to question the numbers on viral spread, ensure appropriate diagnostic capacity and check on the U.S. stockpile of emergency resources.

The playbook also stresses the significant responsibility facing the White House to contain risks of potential pandemics, a stark contrast with the Trump administration’s delays in deploying an all-of-government response and President Donald Trump's recent signals that he might roll back public health recommendations.

“The U.S. government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow or mitigate the spread of an emerging infectious disease threat,” according to the playbook’s built-in “assumptions” about fighting future threats. “The American public will look to the U.S. government for action when multi-state or other significant events occur.”

The guide further calls for a “unified message” on the federal response, in order to best manage the American public's questions and concerns. “Early coordination of risk communications through a single federal spokesperson is critical,” the playbook urges. However, the U.S. response to coronavirus has featured a rotating cast of spokespeople and conflicting messages; Trump already is discussing loosening government recommendations on coronavirus in order to “open” the economy by Easter, despite the objections of public health advisers.
And there you go again denying it didn't exist, just like Turtle McConnell did, so you can keep lying!!!
The Senate majority leader told Fox News he was mistaken in claiming that the previous administration had failed to leave guidance for the Trump White House.

It’s cute you think Barry had anything to do with that.

Now, tell us the exact actions “Barry” said to take that Trump didn’t.
Xiden and the dembot cultist only keep building back better for terrorist.
3 straight INCREASES in employment to TrumpNAZIS are declines like Tramp LOSING over 2 million jobs is progress! :cuckoo:
Job growth has gone down 3 straight months. Try to spin it any way you want to try to make you feel better while protecting Biden's failing economic agenda.
So what, the "experts" weren't so expert, now were they!
And an INCREASE no matter what size is far, far better than LOSING over 2 million jobs like the LOSING FAILURE Tramp did!
I guess they didn’t factor in what a complete Clusterfuck Veggie Joe is. :auiqs.jpg:
And there you go again denying it didn't exist, just like Turtle McConnell did, so you can keep lying!!!
The Senate majority leader told Fox News he was mistaken in claiming that the previous administration had failed to leave guidance for the Trump White House.

The Dear Leader Trump should have paid attention to Obama's guidelines. Then maybe he would have known what to do instead of acting like a moron.

But then again there wasen't anything in there about injecting bleach or lighting up people's insides with UV lights. And Obama doesn't mention anything about the next pandemic being "one guy from China, don't worry about it".

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