September Jobs Report

You know that Trump was in charge when the economy went over the cliff.

Fucks sake Republican Presidents keep on screwing up economies and then complain that Democrats don't fix it fast enough...

Trump borrowed like a drunk sailor while at the end of Obama boom... This is awful economic management... But then again Economics is a science and we know how the Trumpers think about science..

The best economy in 50 years. The only thing that stopped our economy was the same thing that stopped economies worldwide, and that is Biden's buddies in China sending us their virus.

But it's understandable that you leftists can't have a debate without lying. It's all you really have.
Lockdowns are worse than the virus.


Why are you lefties so fucking stupid?

The left is vaxxed, and masked, and getting back to normal. The non-vaxxed, covid deniers are the ones who are dying now.

Why are you conservatives so fucking stupid????
Jobs have INCREASED every month Biden has been in office!
I know you TrumpNAZIS hate anything good that happens in America and love it when Tramp LOSES over 2 million jobs, but you need to get used to the good things for the next 7 years.
Learn to read, you twit.

Nope. Job growth has declined for three Months in a row, and. Veggie Joe thinks that is trending in the right direction. :cuckoo:
Joe Dufus let in more Illegals than there were jobs created last month.

Someone would have to be a real idiot to have voted for the Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election.
Nope. Job growth has declined for three Months in a row,

actually only 2 months in a row.

Interesting thing going on. As more and more UE benefits are stopped, job creation goes down. This is counterintuitive as to what would be expected.
The left is vaxxed, and masked, and getting back to normal. The non-vaxxed, covid deniers are the ones who are dying now.

Why are you conservatives so fucking stupid????

Those are just surveys of a couple thousand people. However the largest group of people documented to be vax resistant are the blacks which vote over 90% Democrat every election.
Once AGAIN you are proven to be a LIAR with ZERO CREDIBILITY...

As the NY Times reports the Sept Jobs Report was the 3rd straight decline in a row, proving job growth is SLOWING!

You are a shameless Biden-apllogist and proven LIAR, again who - like Biden - has NO CREDIBILITY! You have shown reading what you post is a waste of time ... unless one is desiring FICTION.

Your own link says "JOB GAINS"
Your own link says "JOB GAINS"
Do you even know what 'declining job growth' is?

Good God you are embarrassing yourself....

Biden is adding job...less and LESS every month fir the last 3 months.

There is a reason Biden was MOCKED for trying to take a 'Victory lap' over September's numbers.

There is a reason why President 'The Buck Stops Here' and Psaki rushed to blame the unvaccinated for the numbers after his attempt to take a 'Victory lap' over these numbers was mocked.

Dementia-ravaged Joe, like you, believed as long as you are adding jobs it must be a good thing, even though the additions have been getting less and less when they should be increasing every month.

We have a supply chain crisis because we don't have enough workers to unload the shops, load thd trucks, & drive the trucks.

Restaurants are going out of business because they are finding it difficult to $individuals enough food to serve and staff to cook / serve / wait tables.

Small little companies, even gas stations / food marts I have seen are offering bonuses and huge wages to try to entice people to apply for jobs.

- Only an IDIOT - or someone ravaged by dementia - would be doing their illegal best to fire thousands of workers at a time like this.

And at a time while Biden has surrendered our border and national security to Cartels, Coyotes, and over 1.6 MILLION illegals he and his administration not only let into this country buy also helped traffic them all over the US, endangering Anericans' lives.....

At a time when the domestic terrorists Antifa & BLM they have aided, abetted, bailed out, are STILL committing acts of terrorism - destroying property / businesses, attacking people, killing people....

At a time when black-on-black crime is at historic levels in Chicago, where in average there are 45 - 50 shootings and 9- 10 murders - to include kids / infants - every weekend...

Biden's UN-Constitutional vaccine mandate is about to be responsible for massive numbers of police officers being fired, leaving communities unprotected and Americans in danger.

But you, like Biden, believe 3 straight months of declining numbers of people getting hired is 'progress', a reason for a 'Victory lap'.

People who are as mentally challenged (dumb) as you and Jod Biden should not be allowed to drive, operate heavy machinery...or breed.
Yes it is still JOB GROWTH, unlike Tramp who LOST over 2 million jobs, which clearly is NOT job growth!!!!!!
Ok you have proven you have no idea what you are talking about, so I am not wasting my time anymore.
Yes. What do you NOT get about declining job growth signaling a slowing economy?!
Your original post did not specify your reference. In fact, it barely qualifies as a post. No amount of growth satisfies dipshit righties. They whined under Obama for 8 years then magically in Nov of 17 thought it was all fixed. Partisan morons.
3 straight declines - Biden calls that 'progress'.


now do before the pandemic and the leftists shutting down the country.
Tramp LOST over 3 million jobs during the SAME pandemic where Biden created over 3.6 million jobs. And it was Tramp and the GQP governors who shut down the country.
Tramp LOST over 3 million jobs during the SAME pandemic where Biden created over 3.6 million jobs. And it was Tramp and the GQP governors who shut down the country.

You have no idea what an idiot you look like telling lies to try and convince people your lies are actual truths. Under Donald Trump the US had the least GDP losses of all G7 countries. The unemployment rate kept decreasing under Trump once we got an idea what this virus was going to do. Now what GOP Governor shutdown his or her state?

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