Sequels you wish they'd make


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Still hoping hoping hoping they make the sequel and third movies for the "Golden Compass" line. That was so obviously part 1 leaving it dangling there in space with no followup really sucks. Especially since it was such an awesome premise.
Since two City Slickers were made, to me, a third one should have been made. The same thing goes for the film named National Treasure. Two have been made so far, so in my opinion, a third one should be made as well. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I would also like to know why a third film was not made to go with the ones named The Fugitive and U.S. Marshals. In my opinion, both of them films were good. :) :) :)
Still hoping hoping hoping they make the sequel and third movies for the "Golden Compass" line. That was so obviously part 1 leaving it dangling there in space with no followup really sucks. Especially since it was such an awesome premise.

That's what I thought of before I opened the thread.

The books are wonderful - would love to see the full series on film.
Paper Moon.

This time Addie Pray is a grown woman who's inherited a midwestern traveling carnival, and she meets a son she gave up for adoption who is working the Tilt-A-Whirl for her or some such in say, Duluth, Minnesota.

It isn't hard to imagine all the possible outcomes of a sequel like that. Would be a lot of fun.

I just hope that Tatum O'Neal would return to take the part of Addie.
The movie, Deliverance, was/is one of my favorite movies of all time. I don't know if a sequel could have been possible but I would have like to have seen how the group would have interacted and coped with that ordeal.
Frankly, I kind of would've liked to have seen a sequel to 2006's Superman Returns.
There was a spy movie made in 1952 about a English spy named James Bond.

I wonder whatever happened to him.
Supposedly the sequel to Easy Rider was Out of the Blue.
Never seen though so...

Hm, how about a sequel, or at least updated reworking of Dark Crystal?
Still hoping hoping hoping they make the sequel and third movies for the "Golden Compass" line. That was so obviously part 1 leaving it dangling there in space with no followup really sucks. Especially since it was such an awesome premise.

Incredibles 2,
Termintor 4: Meaning right after rise of the machine. I mean immediate after. How the machines start to attack the survivors. How the humans acquire lasers that actually harm the robots. No more time travel. Fight the war already.

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