Serial false rape claimant

Women who do that are worse than rapists. They should go to prison for a very long time. That guy spent nearly 10 years in prison because this bitch lied. And what's with the jury who convicted him without ANY physical evidence, just her saying that he raped her? What the fuck was wrong with them?

Men, you had better wise up and keep a close watch on this. We can't have a society where women can get revenge on men or toy with men by easily getting them convicted of rape. This kind of nonsense will backfire and make it harder for convictions in true cases of rape.
Feminists don't even want the accused to be able to defend themselves. They say it is like putting the victim on trial a d are upset there isn't 100 percent conviction rate. If a woman says she had been raped , feminist think that is enough for a verdict
This false accusation of rape is a blatant criminal act and should be treated as such. And always count on a woman to use the rape or battered woman card as a means of keeping the focus off her own fucked up behavior...see Jodie Arias!
Well, she seems to be one sick puppy. That being said, she faces charges in this latest case, & I'm assuming that MI will look into the Valley Vanguard case. & CA should be looking into the cases there.

It seems sloppy to me that CA missed the history of previous cases of assault/rape for the same person in the same state. Sounds like somebody in the various DA's offices didn't do their due diligence.

If she's brought up on charges in each instance, & gets convicted on each of the several charges, it could be a long time before she gets a date again ...
Feminists will be outraged if she is punished. If a man is accused then he is guilty. They literally believe that
This is why women's and children's testimony used to be considered unreliable.
Feminists will be outraged if she is punished. If a man is accused then he is guilty. They literally believe that

I don't know about that, novasteve. I consider myself a feminist and I hate women who think like that...they are holding us back.

For example, I believe women should be allowed into combat...and when a draft is reinstituted some day, women should be drafted for combat. You'll really hear them squeal then. lol

But I think I am a true feminist...I believe women should have the opportunity to compete with men, but if they don't measure up they aren't just allowed in anyway.

I believe that women who do measure up will rise to the top, with or without a feminist movement. There have been women throughout history who have demonstrated this. But all the silly, fluffy airheads should just stay in their place and let the real women excel based on their own merits.

A lot of women don't like me for thinking like this. But I don't like a lot of women. For example, the women bosses I've had have all been self-centered bitches who didn't want me to succeed too much, lest I rise above them. Thanks to the men bosses in my life I have gotten to where I am. If it was up to the women who used to supervise me I would still be a receptionist rather than the manager of a department. Interesting that it took men supervisors to recognize my potential. I work very hard NOT to be like those women bosses who stood in my way, and to help anyone who works for me to develop to their full potential.
To send a man to jail because of false accusations of rape is unforgivable!
I hope the accuser will be fined and punished!
and I hope the innocent man is rewarded monetary compensation!

Scorned women (or men for that matter) should take their anger elsewhere!
Referring more to hardcore man hating feminists , not ones who want equal responsibilities as well as equal rights. Constantly on the bbc anything less than a 100 percent conviction rate for rape is a crime against humanity and men should be allowed to defend themselves against an accusation. If she says tape, you are guilty and any defense is persecuting women
Should false rape accusations be considered hate crimes if a specific person is accused falsely?
Feminists will be outraged if she is punished. If a man is accused then he is guilty. They literally believe that

(My bold)

Our legal system doesn't (or @ least shouldn't) run on outrage. If feminists want to change the laws, they're free to advocate all they want. Her false testimony - if that's what is was - constitutes a taking, for which she's the principal cause. Then there are the civil case possibilities.

Meanwhile, false informing in criminal cases runs high penalties. Times multiple incidents ...
This is why women's and children's testimony used to be considered unreliable.

Women (& children, I suppose) were treated as chattel - as "things" more or less belonging to their fathers & then to their husbands. We've gotten past that notion, however reluctantly.

Once women gained the right to own property, vote & so on, the right to testify in court came along as part of that constellation of rights & responsibilities.

It's routine for women to testify anymore. The case for child testimony is more difficult, but it does happen in some cases, especially if the child is the only eye-witness. But the child witness is treated differently - not usually cross-examined, for instance.
Feminists will be outraged if she is punished. If a man is accused then he is guilty. They literally believe that

(My bold)

Our legal system doesn't (or @ least shouldn't) run on outrage. If feminists want to change the laws, they're free to advocate all they want. Her false testimony - if that's what is was - constitutes a taking, for which she's the principal cause. Then there are the civil case possibilities.

Meanwhile, false informing in criminal cases runs high penalties. Times multiple incidents ...

Look at rape shield laws which are designed to prevent men from seeking exculpatory evidence. THey are so unconstitutional they actually write into the rape shield laws "unless otherwise unconstitutional".
She should be in jail for longer than the accused! She knew he did nothing wrong and sat on her ass while he rotted away for 10 years.

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