Serial Killers/rapists Liked Porn First

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

Good point, but I think it is proportional.
More people criticize women for porn as sluts or whores
but see the men in porn flicks as the guy to cheer on for getting some or multiple acts at once.
Celebrated for men, but downgraded for women.

So in that context it would make sense that
people would see more women as victims than men.

This same thing happens with rape cases where
male students are cheered on for having sex with female teachers, even treated as a joke,
but the public is horrified when it's a male teacher and a younger female student.

We may never get over that bias.

But if we focus on treating criminal illness, addiction and cycles of abuse
as a disease that can infect other people, maybe that will make it closer to gender neutral.
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.
Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

Good point, but I think it is proportional.
More people criticize women for porn as sluts or whores
but see the men in porn flicks as the guy to cheer on for getting some or multiple acts at once.
Celebrated for men, but downgraded for women.

So in that context it would make sense that
people would see more women as victims than men.

This same thing happens with rape cases where
male students are cheered on for having sex with female teachers, even treated as a joke,
but the public is horrified when it's a male teacher and a younger female student.

We may never get over that bias.

But if we focus on treating criminal illness, addiction and cycles of abuse
as a disease that can infect other people, maybe that will make it closer to gender neutral.

Funny how anyone who'd call an adult performer degrading names like slut and whore a) knows they even exist, or b) is discussing how porn is dehumanizing or degrading. Calling other people vile names isn't dehumanizing or degrading?

Reminds me of a line from "Absolutely Fabulous"

"That's disgusting!" (girl says looking over her Mom's friend's shoulder looking at a porn mag)

"Why? She's holding the whip." :)
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.

YES! So again koshergrl
if we know there is addiction and abuse going on,
why not demand research into the known cures.

Why keep letting extreme secular media bias
censor the spiritual healing and help that has literally saved lives
otherwise lost to drug and criminal addiction.

Why is this knowledge being suppressed
when we have scientific technology and resources that can prove it?
It's suppressed because the depraved minority doesn't want the behaviors modified.
It's suppressed because the depraved minority doesn't want the behaviors modified.

Actually the activists I know DO want the prison system
converted into better treatment for the mentally and criminally ill,
and to distinguish cases that aren't violent and manage those better, too.

Both the liberal and conservative activists are against the mess going on now with the criminal justice system.
They just don't trust the motives of each other (and politicians taking advantage of that to scare up votes
using each other's fears as a bogeyman),
and people do not believe that criminal illness can be treated and/or cured like other diseases.
(even if a sick addict is not physically cured or cureable, as long as they are spiritually healed, they
will work honestly with authorities instead of denying their sickness, so they can still be detained and cooperate
even if their physical illness keeps them detained, they do not fight legally against that when
they are spiritual healed and recognize and accept their situation instead of rebelling against authority and help)

The only option pushed in the media and politics is either
* kill off criminally sick people (like how people wanted to kill off lepers before a cure was found)
* or blame the liberals for wanting to house and treat the sick at taxpayer expense
(my solution is have the convicts pay and work off restitution to support the cost
with support of people who believe in funding life in prison, treatment, rehab and work for restitution instead of execuctions)

We need to explain the process to the liberal activists who don't know how spiritual healing
can be applied to even the most dangerous forms of criminal illness (because of social stigma
in the media and science against religious practices they don't know are natural and consistent with science)
The false rejection and division between secular science and religious faith-based practices that work,
is the main cause of the obstruction of information and solutions.

And stop the polarized propaganda of "either/or" politics, restricting the two choices
as either "killing the criminals" or "setting them free"
as if it isn't a choice to have the liberal and conservative activists fund
programs that WOULD keep dangerous convicts safely detained for life
while also treating them while managing work, housing, and services sustainably without costing the public.

If people keep fighting politically
how can we ever get working on the solutions that require support of activists on all sides?

This has long been pointed out as the problem:
both sides protest the system, demand reform to stop the loss and waste of lives and rsources
on a failed criminal justice system. They just don't agree what to change it to,
and the solutions on both sides get DEMONIZED for political points insted
of putting their COMMON goals and ideas together and getting the problems solved.

The worst part is the political demonization that blocks anything else from getting resolved.
How can we work together if we don't get over that first?
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.

YES! So again koshergrl
if we know there is addiction and abuse going on,
why not demand research into the known cures.

Why keep letting extreme secular media bias
censor the spiritual healing and help that has literally saved lives
otherwise lost to drug and criminal addiction.

Why is this knowledge being suppressed
when we have scientific technology and resources that can prove it?

The adult industry rates of SI/HIV infection are lower than in the general public. Reports to the contrary were junk science:

"Rather than only using data from the regulated facilities where adult performers test every two weeks, and which would provide a true random sampling, AHF solicited a portion of their participants instead from an STI treatment clinic, which they knew would skew numbers higher."
Porn s STD Rates Spark Battle The Informer Los Angeles Los Angeles News and Events LA Weekly

"The business argues that the second clinic, West Oaks, is only a place where one would go for treatment (and not for testing), thus negatively affecting the results because those participants would almost definitely have had something.

Kenslea told us a majority of the 366 respondents were found at Talent Testing Service, where much of the industry goes for routine testing.

The trade group says AHF is behind the study and that researchers twisted the results to fit the foundation's mission to get porn to adopt condom use (AHF is behind a state bill that would mandate condoms in adult film throughout California)."

same link as above
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.

YES! So again koshergrl
if we know there is addiction and abuse going on,
why not demand research into the known cures.

Why keep letting extreme secular media bias
censor the spiritual healing and help that has literally saved lives
otherwise lost to drug and criminal addiction.

Why is this knowledge being suppressed
when we have scientific technology and resources that can prove it?

The cure for most addiction is to stop doing it.

In this case, we're talking about porn..which progressive nutbags claim is actually *healthy* and should be offered to people like pedophiles and youngsters in order to somehow *prevent* sex crimes and the spread of STDs.

It's hogwash, of course. You don't prevent the spread of stds via the porn industry, and you don't cure pedophiles by giving them kiddie porn. Even if it is animated, as Delta4 suggests. Freaking gross.
Likewise, they think the best way to "prevent" sex abuse of children is to indoctrinate youngsters into the joys of sex when they're still in grade school. Makes about as much sense as any of the garbage they spout.
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.

YES! So again koshergrl
if we know there is addiction and abuse going on,
why not demand research into the known cures.

Why keep letting extreme secular media bias
censor the spiritual healing and help that has literally saved lives
otherwise lost to drug and criminal addiction.

Why is this knowledge being suppressed
when we have scientific technology and resources that can prove it?

The cure for most addiction is to stop doing it.

In this case, we're talking about porn..which progressive nutbags claim is actually *healthy* and should be offered to people like pedophiles and youngsters in order to somehow *prevent* sex crimes and the spread of STDs.

It's hogwash, of course. You don't prevent the spread of stds via the porn industry, and you don't cure pedophiles by giving them kiddie porn. Even if it is animated, as Delta4 suggests. Freaking gross.

Someone alert the media, cure for addiction found on discussion website! Just stop doing it! Wee! Nobel prize coming your way Kosher I have no doubt.

Studies prove, as porn availability goes up, sex crimes go down. If you have a study contradicting this by all means share.

"Title: Pornography, Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime: A Review


A vocal segment of the population has serious concerns about the effect of pornography in society and challenges its public use and acceptance. This manuscript reviews the major issues associated with the availability of sexually explicit material. It has been found everywhere scientifically investigated that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased..."
Pacific Center for Sex and Society - Pornography Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime A Review

Larger report here of above's international studies on the matter.

"The Effects of Pornography: An International Perspective

Milton Diamond, Ph.D.
University of Hawai`i, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy & Reproductive Biology
Pacific Center for Sex and Society"
The effects of Pornography An
Lots of people like porn and will never become rapists and killers.

This argument is just as stupid as the ones that say gun owners are eventually going to snap and start shooting people

The concern that countries allowing pornography and liberal anti-obscenity laws would show increased sex crime rates due to modeling or that children or adolescents in particular would be negatively vulnerable to and receptive to such models or that society would be otherwise adversely effected is not supported by evidence. It is certainly clear from the data reviewed, and the new data and analysis presented, that a massive increase in available pornography in Japan, the United States and elsewhere has been correlated with a dramatic decrease in sexual crimes and most so among youngsters as perpetrators or victims. Even in this area of concern no "clear and present danger" exists for the suppression of SEM. There is no evidence that pornography is intended or likely to produce "imminent lawless action" (see Brandenberg v. Ohio, 1969). It is reasonable that the U.S. Supreme Court has consistently rejected the principal that speech or expression can be punished because it offends some people's sensibilities or beliefs. Compared with "hate speech" or "commercial speech" there seems even less justification for banning "sex speech.""
The effects of Pornography An
Japan can't be used as an example because they have societal changes that we don't have. The men in Japan are becoming emasculated.

Japan s grass eaters turn their backs on macho ways World news The Observer
He is patience personified when passers-by do a double take while he poses for the Observer's photographer. When I ask him when he decided to become an unrepentant "grass eater", he doesn't flinch. It is not an unkind reference to his diet. Sakurai is a proud member of a new tribe of Japanese men who have eschewed traditional notions of masculinity and adopted a gentler, more "feminine" persona.
He is a soshokukei danshi – herbivorous boy – a term coined two years ago by the commentator Maki Fukasawa to describe the proliferation of men who, in appearance and attitude, bear little resemblance to the two dominant Japanese male groups of the past century: soldiers and their peacetime offspring, corporate warriors.
The typical herbivore cares, sometimes a little too much, about his appearance, eats sparingly, prefers afternoon tea with female friends to an evening spent drinking and shows little interest in the obsession that consumes so many of his peers: sex.

Japanese Grass-eaters a New Type of Metrosexual Men
Some even say that they are not that interested in sex.
Instead, they express a love for sweets and beauty habits like eyebrow plucking.

Japan panics about the rise of herbivores mdash young men who shun sex don t spend money and like taking walks.

Men who have no interest in sex don't become rapists.
Japan can't be used as an example because they have societal changes that we don't have. The men in Japan are becoming emasculated.

Japan s grass eaters turn their backs on macho ways World news The Observer
He is patience personified when passers-by do a double take while he poses for the Observer's photographer. When I ask him when he decided to become an unrepentant "grass eater", he doesn't flinch. It is not an unkind reference to his diet. Sakurai is a proud member of a new tribe of Japanese men who have eschewed traditional notions of masculinity and adopted a gentler, more "feminine" persona.
He is a soshokukei danshi – herbivorous boy – a term coined two years ago by the commentator Maki Fukasawa to describe the proliferation of men who, in appearance and attitude, bear little resemblance to the two dominant Japanese male groups of the past century: soldiers and their peacetime offspring, corporate warriors.
The typical herbivore cares, sometimes a little too much, about his appearance, eats sparingly, prefers afternoon tea with female friends to an evening spent drinking and shows little interest in the obsession that consumes so many of his peers: sex.

Japanese Grass-eaters a New Type of Metrosexual Men
Some even say that they are not that interested in sex.
Instead, they express a love for sweets and beauty habits like eyebrow plucking.

Japan panics about the rise of herbivores mdash young men who shun sex don t spend money and like taking walks.

Men who have no interest in sex don't become rapists.

Here's a silly thought, rely on science and univeristies the US Supreme Court and Presidents listen to for this kind of information instead of sites with dubious names like 'The Observer.' :)

"Portions of this paper have been published in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

Sex abuse of any kind is deplorable and should be eliminated. Rape and sex crimes, like any criminal activities are blights on society which should be expunged. The question remains "How best to do this?" Most assuredly, focusing energy in the wrong direction, or taking actions just to placate victims, politicians or irate citizens will not solve the problem nor help. Nor will spreading myths or misinformation. Removing pornography from our midst will, according to the evidence, only hurt rather than help society."
The effects of Pornography An

Search/Find down to References to see who put this all together. Then compare to online sources for counter-information like Koshergrl, The Observer, etc. :)
Wouldn't be surprised if sport hunters/fisherman (vs subsistance ones or those who actually eat their catches,) rapists, and murderers (let's call serial murderers what they are and not confuse it with what soldiers do,) all share the anomolous brain structure problems seen in many criminals of various types. I like to think it takes actual organic brain damage or birth defects to rape and murder and it isn't something intrinsic to us as human beings, predators or not.
The problem with porn is that the industry itself spreads disease and and abuses women and children. It uses money paid by people who ALSO engage in abusive, illegal behavior and then pays people to lobby for legislation that relaxes the restrictions on those activities.

But that's not exactly what I'm arguing in this thread. My point in this thread isn't that you shouldn't look at porn. I don't give a shit if you look at porn.

My point is that the lunatics who say we must have porn or we'll have more serial rapists are lying sacks of shit.

If people view exclusively gay male porn would that make you happy? No kids, no women......

Funny, people rarely talk about the victimization of male porn stars.

No, I recognize that the porn industry preys upon homosexuals and underaged men as well.

YES! So again koshergrl
if we know there is addiction and abuse going on,
why not demand research into the known cures.

Why keep letting extreme secular media bias
censor the spiritual healing and help that has literally saved lives
otherwise lost to drug and criminal addiction.

Why is this knowledge being suppressed
when we have scientific technology and resources that can prove it?

The cure for most addiction is to stop doing it.

In this case, we're talking about porn..which progressive nutbags claim is actually *healthy* and should be offered to people like pedophiles and youngsters in order to somehow *prevent* sex crimes and the spread of STDs.

It's hogwash, of course. You don't prevent the spread of stds via the porn industry, and you don't cure pedophiles by giving them kiddie porn. Even if it is animated, as Delta4 suggests. Freaking gross.

Someone alert the media, cure for addiction found on discussion website! Just stop doing it! Wee! Nobel prize coming your way Kosher I have no doubt.

Studies prove, as porn availability goes up, sex crimes go down. If you have a study contradicting this by all means share.

"Title: Pornography, Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime: A Review


A vocal segment of the population has serious concerns about the effect of pornography in society and challenges its public use and acceptance. This manuscript reviews the major issues associated with the availability of sexually explicit material. It has been found everywhere scientifically investigated that as pornography has increased in availability, sex crimes have either decreased or not increased..."
Pacific Center for Sex and Society - Pornography Public Acceptance and Sex Related Crime A Review

Larger report here of above's international studies on the matter.

"The Effects of Pornography: An International Perspective

Milton Diamond, Ph.D.
University of Hawai`i, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy & Reproductive Biology
Pacific Center for Sex and Society"
The effects of Pornography An

Hi Delta4Embassy:
You remind me of the studies that show a drop in crime right after executions take place.
Does that mean we should rely on executions to reduce crime?

Making porn available STILL does not address the Cure of the Cause of sexual addiction and abuse.
Neither do executions ADDRESS the CAUSE of the sickness to Prevent crime.

So just because it correlates with a reduction
still doesn't solve the problem, sorry.

If anything Delta4Embassy,
it may correlated with FORGIVENESS.

If people are not angry and judging people for their sickness,
there is more of a chance of outreach to help people who really are sick!

So if that is the correlating factor, the forgiveness and dropping of negative judgment agianst people,
then that part is consistent with the spiritual healing process that has
helped people come forward and work on therapy to address the cause of their spiritual sickness addiction or abuses.

Forgiveness is the first step to getting help, otherwise you are right,
the problem is made worse.

Forgiveness of the fact some people are sick and abusive
would correlate with less focus on trying to ban porn and more focus on trying to cure the sick addictions
to reduce the demand for it.

similar to forgiving drug addictions to focus on rehab and recovery
and to focus less on punitive measures that make people run from getting help and thus make the problems worse.

so your arguments are similar to drug decriminalization:
the point is NOT to make drugs readily available which still poses risks,
but the point is to quit the negative focus on punishment and focus more on positive outreach
for addressing addictions in an OPEN healing environment where people are free to get help without fear of judgment.

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