Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

Interesting that folks on the left blame the leaders of the audit. .
. . . and folks on the right blame the administrators of the election.
When you have votes counted over and over again In a Republican state and it keeps coming up 'Biden won', how can we trust this sudden revelation about the ballots? The audit has been going on for almost a month. Why are they only reporting this now? IMO, they're getting desperate and I wouldn't put it past them to phony up ballots.
Listen. . .

. . . I'm really impartial on this.

I don't think you are going to seriously listen to the concerns of the other side. . . all you want is for them to listen to you tell them they are nuts.

If you REALLY want to understand, in a non-partisan way, that the PROCESS, really is, more important than the politics?

I recommend looking into, and watching this documentary. You can find it on YouTube if you look.

There really are forces that are more powerful, and more interested in things greater than partisan politics, that really don't give a shit about the average American; on the left, or the right.

"UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of all elections. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof.

UNCOUNTED shares well documented stories about the spine-chilling disregard for the right to vote in America. In Florida, computer programmer Clint Curtis is directed by his boss to create software that will “flip” votes from one candidate to another. In Utah, County Clerk Bruce Funk is locked out of his office for raising questions about security flaws in electronic voting machines. Californian Steve Heller gets convicted of a felony after he leaks secret documents detailing illegal activities committed by a major voting machine company. And Tennessee entrepreneur, Athan Gibbs, finds verifiable voting a hard sell in America and dies before his dream of honest elections can be realized."

IMO? The corporacracy chooses the candidates, and they will make sure to put the folks in place that serve their interests. If you want to believe you have a choice, and that in the long run your choice makes a difference? That is your right.

Until real reform happens? I choose to disagree.

Well, well, this is interesting.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves?
Because there is absolutely ZERO evidence to suggest so?

There's a definite agenda to prove something went on
There's a definite agenda to try to get to the FACTS. And a definite agenda by all in the democratic party and leftwing to obscure those facts, resist in every way possible and STOP these audits!

. . . just the fact that there are Republican ruling elites defending the election and the system?

Tells me all I need to know. :rolleyes:
Kind of like when Kerry conceded to Bush, even though he knew the whole thing was a joke in 2004.
If she has that power, arrest the assholes.
Interesting that folks on the left blame the leaders of the audit. .
. . . and folks on the right blame the administrators of the election.
When you have votes counted over and over again In a Republican state and it keeps coming up 'Biden won', how can we trust this sudden revelation about the ballots? The audit has been going on for almost a month. Why are they only reporting this now? IMO, they're getting desperate and I wouldn't put it past them to phony up ballots.
Because illegal ballots can be counted a million times but the ballots are still illegal.
Illegal ballots that they've consistently failed to produce? Nice try, but I'm not as stupid as the average Trumpista.
The audit just produced some, jackass.
No they didn’t. No one has seen these supposed ballots and the legitimate election officials are saying the whole thing is a mess and lies are being told.
Interesting that folks on the left blame the leaders of the audit. .
. . . and folks on the right blame the administrators of the election.
When you have votes counted over and over again In a Republican state and it keeps coming up 'Biden won', how can we trust this sudden revelation about the ballots? The audit has been going on for almost a month. Why are they only reporting this now? IMO, they're getting desperate and I wouldn't put it past them to phony up ballots.
Because illegal ballots can be counted a million times but the ballots are still illegal.
Illegal ballots that they've consistently failed to produce? Nice try, but I'm not as stupid as the average Trumpista.
The audit just produced some, jackass.
No they didn’t. No one has seen these supposed ballots and the legitimate election officials are saying the whole thing is a mess and lies are being told.
The lies are being told by the election officials.
Overseas and military voters can vote a generic federal ballot. These have no serial numbers. They must be duplicated onto the voter’s proper ballot.
Interesting that folks on the left blame the leaders of the audit. .
. . . and folks on the right blame the administrators of the election.
When you have votes counted over and over again In a Republican state and it keeps coming up 'Biden won', how can we trust this sudden revelation about the ballots? The audit has been going on for almost a month. Why are they only reporting this now? IMO, they're getting desperate and I wouldn't put it past them to phony up ballots.
Because illegal ballots can be counted a million times but the ballots are still illegal.
Illegal ballots that they've consistently failed to produce? Nice try, but I'm not as stupid as the average Trumpista.
The audit just produced some, jackass.
No they didn’t. No one has seen these supposed ballots and the legitimate election officials are saying the whole thing is a mess and lies are being told.
No one can see them because they don't exist, moron. They've only seen the copies with no reference back to the supposed original.

Are you really that stupid?
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
If a ballot is missing its serial number--it shouldn't be counted at all...

How do we know it was missing the serial number before the Cyber Ninjas got their hands on it? They are not following procedures or state audit rules. What evidence is there that they didn't remove the serial numbers?
What did they use? Whiteout? You are an idiot.
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
If a ballot is missing its serial number--it shouldn't be counted at all...

How do we know it was missing the serial number before the Cyber Ninjas got their hands on it? They are not following procedures or state audit rules. What evidence is there that they didn't remove the serial numbers?
Another idiot who imagines they use stickers to affix the serial number to the ballot copy.
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
If a ballot is missing its serial number--it shouldn't be counted at all...

How do we know it was missing the serial number before the Cyber Ninjas got their hands on it? They are not following procedures or state audit rules. What evidence is there that they didn't remove the serial numbers?
What did they use? Whiteout? You are an idiot.
Asking that question is proof that you're one of the dumbest posters in the forum.
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
If a ballot is missing its serial number--it shouldn't be counted at all...

How do we know it was missing the serial number before the Cyber Ninjas got their hands on it? They are not following procedures or state audit rules. What evidence is there that they didn't remove the serial numbers?
What did they use? Whiteout? You are an idiot.
Asking that question is proof that you're one of the dumbest posters in the forum.
I am not sure what you meant there, but you notice Dragonlady wants a negative proven. That is what they say when we ask for evidence that there was no fraud. She cannot have it both ways. But if she insists, then Dominion and the Maricopa board have to prove there was no fraud just not deny it.

They have backed themselves into a corner and only Dominion releasing those source codes will either prove or disprove fraud. What is their problem?
Overseas and military voters can vote a generic federal ballot. These have no serial numbers. They must be duplicated onto the voter’s proper ballot.
If that is the case, then wouldn't they have a federal serial number to keep track of the ballots? Hmmm

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