Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

It depends on how many "some" is for me.

If you're talking tens of thousands and above then yeah, interesting - it might say how many in the article on the link but I've not clicked it.

But you will always get degrees of voter fraud, fake/damaged/duplicate/doctored ballot papers in every election. We get degrees of this even in my own town here when it comes to Council elections in which the vote count is literally only several thousand.
Here you go babe---almost 28,000 duplicate ballots
Cheers. 28 thousand is a shit load and a clear pattern of something sinister.

Cheating bastards.

Babe though? :talktothehand:
Nope! They've given you right wing propaganda.?

A court ordered audit was done in December 2020, before their electoral college vote, for the duplicate ballots, which Kelli Ward R requested in a lawsuit. Judge let her team examine a sampling of 100 ballots, and there were 2 mistakes in the duplicate ballot counts ...a 2% error rate, so Ward requested a larger sampling of duplicates from the court and she got 1500 more random duplicate ballots and found a 99% accuracy rate, 1% error rate.

The court and everyone agreed that the error rate of 2% if applied to the duplicate ballots for the 50,000 duplicate ballots for the whole State, at the 2% rate of error,

would be a difference of 200 votes added to Trump total, if all were in Trumps favor.

Also a forensic audit of voting equipment, was done February 2021 by certified election auditor firms...


GOP poll watchers testify about problems with duplicate ballots; fewer than 200 votes may be at stake​

Maria PollettaRyan Randazzo
Arizona Republic
Arizona votes on Election Day, November 2020
Arizona votes on Election Day, November 2020
Republican poll observers testified in Maricopa County Superior Court on Thursday that they witnessed several problems during the ballot duplication process that they believe cost President Donald Trump votes in Arizona.
But a review of more than 1,600 duplicate ballots presented in court turned up only nine mistakes in the presidential race — amounting to a net loss of just six votes for Trump. That error rate, if applied to all duplicates, would not provide Trump with anywhere near the thousands of votes he would need to win the state.
Judge Randall Warner heard more than four hours of testimony on Thursday in a lawsuit brought by state Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward, who is attempting to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s 10,457-vote win in Arizona.


Is that left-wing propaganda though?
No, it's local Arizona News...generally, you can get the true story and real facts, from the local Press. Too many people on hand in a region to be witnesses somehow, to the truth.... also, in general, local newspapers want to sell their newspapers to everyone local that they can, Both left and right wing, and moderates, way to do that, is report the facts...

These other national blog and alleged news sites... posing as news, when they are only left wing or right wing partisan articles loaded with speculative commentary, should be avoided, always.... imo.

So, I don't think the articles I linked to are propaganda.
You can follow the money in the local news business too. Where do you think they get their money from? No media is deemed credible anymore.
Last week it was deleted data files that weren’t.
This week damaged ballots missing some numbers

When are we going to see the stolen election stuff?
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
No, the copies were missing the serial number that allows you to find the original. That means those ballots are worthless. There is no original.
So, what did they do with the originals? Have they been trashing the real ballots and creating phony ones? The leaders of this audit have a lot of explaining to do.
There are no originals, moron.
Says who?
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
No, the copies were missing the serial number that allows you to find the original. That means those ballots are worthless. There is no original.
So, what did they do with the originals? Have they been trashing the real ballots and creating phony ones? The leaders of this audit have a lot of explaining to do.
There are no originals, moron.
Says who?
Just wait till “the rest of the story” comes out

It will turn out that photocopies of some of the ballots chopped off some of the serial numbers
It depends on how many "some" is for me.

If you're talking tens of thousands and above then yeah, interesting - it might say how many in the article on the link but I've not clicked it.

But you will always get degrees of voter fraud, fake/damaged/duplicate/doctored ballot papers in every election. We get degrees of this even in my own town here when it comes to Council elections in which the vote count is literally only several thousand.
Here you go babe---almost 28,000 duplicate ballots
Cheers. 28 thousand is a shit load and a clear pattern of something sinister.

Cheating bastards.

Babe though? :talktothehand:
Nope! They've given you right wing propaganda.?

A court ordered audit was done in December 2020, before their electoral college vote, for the duplicate ballots, which Kelli Ward R requested in a lawsuit. Judge let her team examine a sampling of 100 ballots, and there were 2 mistakes in the duplicate ballot counts ...a 2% error rate, so Ward requested a larger sampling of duplicates from the court and she got 1500 more random duplicate ballots and found a 99% accuracy rate, 1% error rate.

The court and everyone agreed that the error rate of 2% if applied to the duplicate ballots for the 50,000 duplicate ballots for the whole State, at the 2% rate of error,

would be a difference of 200 votes added to Trump total, if all were in Trumps favor.

Also a forensic audit of voting equipment, was done February 2021 by certified election auditor firms...


GOP poll watchers testify about problems with duplicate ballots; fewer than 200 votes may be at stake​

Maria PollettaRyan Randazzo
Arizona Republic
Arizona votes on Election Day, November 2020
Arizona votes on Election Day, November 2020
Republican poll observers testified in Maricopa County Superior Court on Thursday that they witnessed several problems during the ballot duplication process that they believe cost President Donald Trump votes in Arizona.
But a review of more than 1,600 duplicate ballots presented in court turned up only nine mistakes in the presidential race — amounting to a net loss of just six votes for Trump. That error rate, if applied to all duplicates, would not provide Trump with anywhere near the thousands of votes he would need to win the state.
Judge Randall Warner heard more than four hours of testimony on Thursday in a lawsuit brought by state Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward, who is attempting to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s 10,457-vote win in Arizona.


Is that left-wing propaganda though?
No, it's local Arizona News...generally, you can get the true story and real facts, from the local Press. Too many people on hand in a region to be witnesses somehow, to the truth.... also, in general, local newspapers want to sell their newspapers to everyone local that they can, Both left and right wing, and moderates, way to do that, is report the facts...

These other national blog and alleged news sites... posing as news, when they are only left wing or right wing partisan articles loaded with speculative commentary, should be avoided, always.... imo.

So, I don't think the articles I linked to are propaganda.
You can follow the money in the local news business too. Where do you think they get their money from? No media is deemed credible anymore.
I sort of disagree.... I totally trust my local newspaper and news channels....still....

Though I have seen a move on local tv stations being bought up by major corporations....
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
No, the copies were missing the serial number that allows you to find the original. That means those ballots are worthless. There is no original.
So, what did they do with the originals? Have they been trashing the real ballots and creating phony ones? The leaders of this audit have a lot of explaining to do.
There are no originals, moron.
Says who?
Just wait till “the rest of the story” comes out

It will turn out that photocopies of some of the ballots chopped off some of the serial numbers
It's staged, like a soap opera Friday show, ending with a cliff hanger that you have to anxiously wait till the following Monday's show to find out what happened, or Who shot J.R.? kind of thing!

Only to find out on Monday's show or the new season of Dallas, you have to wait till the end of the week, Thursday to find out, then Friday ending with another cliff hanger.... And on Dallas you had to go through another whole season, to find out....

This is being "Directed" like any Show, would be.... by OAN, the only media allowed in 24/7 with cameras.
Last week it was deleted data files that weren’t.
This week damaged ballots missing some numbers

When are we going to see the stolen election stuff?
Are you engaging in a fantasy?
The only fantasy I see is the notion that this audit garbage is going to do anything to change the outcome of the election.
It will change AZ results.
No, it really won't change Arizona results. That's not the Audit purpose, according to Kelli Ward.
Last week it was deleted data files that weren’t.
This week damaged ballots missing some numbers

When are we going to see the stolen election stuff?
Are you engaging in a fantasy?
The only fantasy I see is the notion that this audit garbage is going to do anything to change the outcome of the election.
It will change AZ results.
Whatever, that wouldn't change the election results.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?
Last edited:
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?
Jackass! He did not campaign from his basement and there was plenty of enthusiasm for him
He got more black votes because more black people, and people in general came out to vote for Biden and against the Orange Orangatange.

And NO dumb fuck , he did not win the popular vote.

Are YOU stupid or something
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president bin history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?
We voted for Joe Biden, for the most of us liberals, to get rid of Trump.... To say, with overwhelming glee,

Donald J Trump, you're fired!I

No one needed Joe to have Super Spreader events..... Joe not having them, made us want to actually vote for him vs a reckless Donald Trump.

You are clueless on what was going on in the real world, outside of your comfortable bubble imo!!!

Donald Trump was very clear and very vocal from the get go, how much he HATED more than half of Americans who didn't vote for him...he seeded the hatred from the moment he came down that golden escalator, and his inaugural speech....set off his divisive, hate filled 4 years....and we hated him back!

It could have been Kermit the Frog on the Democratic ticket, and we all would have voted for Kermit, like our lives depended on it, and voted like our country's survival, depended on it..!!!

Then you have the fact that millions of hourly wage and tip earners, were laid off and sitting home twiddling their thumbs.... More citizens had the time to get involved in politics, (and protests)and more had the time to vote, in person or via absentee ballot.

Seriously, I speak the truth on this!!!

Biden won, big time!! But truly it wasn't that Biden did anything other than being the likeable, and trustworthy on covid candidate to win so big.

It was more that Donald Trump's LOSS was so big.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?
Jackass! He did not campaign from his basement and there was plenty of enthusiasm for him
He got more black votes because more black people, and people in general came out to vote for Biden and against the Orange Orangatange.

And NO dumb fuck , he did not win the popular vote.

Are YOU stupid or something

Hahahaha. More black people and people in general came out to vote for Trump too you leftist fool. The finger rapist generated very little enthusiasm. He was his usual gaff machine during the dem debates. Even Camelhoe called him out for being a racist. His campaign events were a massive flop. Shutting down the counting on election night has never happened in the history of this country.
I never mentioned the popular vote which is meaninglessness anyway dipshit! I enjoy the fact that you know Dementia Mumbling *Joe was installed and you continue to lie to yourself.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?
Jackass! He did not campaign from his basement and there was plenty of enthusiasm for him
He got more black votes because more black people, and people in general came out to vote for Biden and against the Orange Orangatange.

And NO dumb fuck , he did not win the popular vote.

Are YOU stupid or something
Biden campaigned from his basement and you are suffering from dementia.

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