Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

The round the clock intensity of the left wing hate on this subject speaks volumes about what they really know and why they are so fearful.....
When you find out, all that you were told about the election, all that you were told about Trump really winning, IS A LIE, and you blindly followed the election was stolen lies and they all turned out to be lies as well,

Will you apologize? Will you apologize for all of your efforts to destabilized our Nation, our Constitution, our democracy? And apologize to the American citizens you have falsely accused of committing fraud. The ones you defamed and also put in danger, all by your delusional lies?
They will never admit the election was not stolen

Even if the Cyber Ninja Fraudit declares the Arizona election valid, they will STILL claim it was stolen

Trump trained them well

It is Democrats that are well trained. most since elementary school. It is called indoctrination and no amount of evidence that is contrary to their indoctrination will change their minds about anything. That of course is the goal of the indoctrination in the first place. The funny/scary part is that they don't even realize they are indoctrinated. It is amazing.

You are the indoctrinated stooges of a evil criminal called Donald Trump. The ascary thing is that you are the ones plotting vagainst this country to take it over.

Pure indoctrinated ignorance.

You are the ignorant one. You are the weakminded member of a cult. You are attacking voting rights and free speech rights in this country.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

You have no evidence of that. Your opinion is not evidence.
Your opinion is not evidence either. Try again.

I am using facts. Just because you refuse to accept them does not make them untrue.
You do not have facts you have denials by a corrupt media, big tech, and corrupt politicians. You do not have fact 1. You have proven 0.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.

That is untrue. This would still create a huge discrepancy between the number of voters and votes. CLEARLY NO FRAUDULENT VOTES were added.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

You have no evidence of that. Your opinion is not evidence.
Your opinion is not evidence either. Try again.

I am using facts. Just because you refuse to accept them does not make them untrue.
You do not have facts you have denials by a corrupt media, big tech, and corrupt politicians. You do not have fact 1. You have proven 0.

You are the one who is corrupt. Facts are facts no matter how hard you try to ignore them. You are the one who has proven nothing.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
You will never agree that anything I post is "valid." Do you expect me to find evidence of voter fraud on CNN?

That's because all of your sources are fake news. None of them can pass a fact check. I don't use CNN as a source, nor I do watch CNN. I use sources that can pass a fact check, including right wing sources.

You're not going to find evidence of fraud anywhere because there was no fraud. The ONLY people promoting the Big Lie, are LIARS.

Fact check operations are fake news, dingbat. The same people who run fake news also staff the so-called fact check operations.

"there was no fraud."

Talk about the big lie.

So you say. You are fake news. Fact checkers use facts not fake news like you do. Your fake news is so easy to prove because you ignore any facts.

You are the one spouting the big lie.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
You will never agree that anything I post is "valid." Do you expect me to find evidence of voter fraud on CNN?

That's because all of your sources are fake news. None of them can pass a fact check. I don't use CNN as a source, nor I do watch CNN. I use sources that can pass a fact check, including right wing sources.

You're not going to find evidence of fraud anywhere because there was no fraud. The ONLY people promoting the Big Lie, are LIARS.

Fact check operations are fake news, dingbat. The same people who run fake news also staff the so-called fact check operations.

"there was no fraud."

Talk about the big lie.
If you could prove fraud, you would.
That's what the audit is for.
If the audit says Biden won, will you accept that?
Of course not. They'll only demand more audits.
You got that right.
Thanks for admitting this fraudit is useless.
The election was useless.
Nope, the election got Trump thrown out of office. It couldn't have been more useful.
Trump was defrauded and no one is giving up until it is proven. Deal with it. Your lie has failed.

I am dealing with it. I'm dealing with a Biden presidency. I'm dealing with the utter lack of fraud. I'm dealing with laughing my ass off at you conspiracy nuts.
You are dealing with open borders, 100% spike in crimes in Democratic shitholes, inflation, and indoctrination of our children. You are watching the county destroyed and just do not care.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
The election was useless.

Removing an inept and dangerous leader is not useless
You are right, Biden should be removed.
You will have a chance in 2024

Good luck with that
Fraud will be proven. Fraud has been proven to half the country already.
Nope, that's a lie. Only 29% of America believes that to be true. And the vast majority of that 29% are brain-dead cons like you, so who cares?
Your numbers are lying bullshit just like the polls before the election. Next.
Nope, no lie. It's not a lie just because you don't like the numbers.

Please post he methodology for that poll. Thanks. And even with your poll 40% of Americans is not enough for Democrats to prove there was no fraud? Not to lift one finger to help prove the election had integrity? Why asshole?

40% of unAmerican Americans are batshit crazy.
Nah, you don't need to do that to defeat a sitting president that got more votes for re-election than any sitting president in history.

Trump had more people vote against him than any sitting President in history
Over 10 million of those votes are illegal. Period. The inflated numbers of registered voters is going on in every state. The guy who proved it in AZ is working on the other states now and is finding the same thing. Using those states stats and data he can prove ghost voters are real and in the millions.

Bullshit. That is opinion. You are throwing out numbers off the top of your head. There is no inflated number of voters. The guy proved no such thing and he is batshit crazy just like you.
The election was useless.

Removing an inept and dangerous leader is not useless
You are right, Biden should be removed.
You will have a chance in 2024

Good luck with that
Fraud will be proven. Fraud has been proven to half the country already.
Nope, that's a lie. Only 29% of America believes that to be true. And the vast majority of that 29% are brain-dead cons like you, so who cares?
Your numbers are lying bullshit just like the polls before the election. Next.
Nope, no lie. It's not a lie just because you don't like the numbers.

Please post he methodology for that poll. Thanks. And even with your poll 40% of Americans is not enough for Democrats to prove there was no fraud? Not to lift one finger to help prove the election had integrity? Why asshole?

68% say the election wasn't stolen.

And the methodology isn't in my link.
Even at 32% you would think Democrats would do more than threaten people and call them traitors. Why are they not helping prove there was no fraud instead of denying it happened?
One need to prove fraud when there's no evidence of it. If you think there's fraud, the onus to prove it is yours.

And no one's calling rightards "traitors" for crying the election was stolen. They're traitors for either storming the Capitol to prevent the election winner from being certified by Congress OR for supporting the traitors who did.
There is all kinda of evidence. You expect anyone to take your bullshit seriously? Only the dishonest and stupid agree with you.

You have not provided any.
Nah, you don't need to do that to defeat a sitting president that got more votes for re-election than any sitting president in history.

Trump had more people vote against him than any sitting President in history
Over 10 million of those votes are illegal. Period. The inflated numbers of registered voters is going on in every state. The guy who proved it in AZ is working on the other states now and is finding the same thing. Using those states stats and data he can prove ghost voters are real and in the millions.

Not engaging in your election fantasies
The fantasy is yours. The was massive fraud and the audits will continue without your approval.

They will be ignored by normal voters.
Well, well, this is interesting.

Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official​


The liaison between Senate Republicans who authorized the audit and county officials told a hearing Tuesday that serial numbers were missing on damaged ballots that were duplicated so they could be read by vote tabulation machines.

But he has found many batches of damaged ballots without the serial numbers that are on the duplicates, violating state law.

Asked by Fann if Maricopa County could assist in that effort, Bennett said county officials have made clear to him several times they wouldn't work with any of the auditors the Senate Republicans hired. He will ask for their help directly, Bennett said.
How do we know the auditors didn't remove them themselves? There's a definite agenda to prove something went on and some are getting nervous, because very little has been found. I wouldn't put it past the more crazed individuals to go rogue.

The crazed individuals were the leftists for 4 years before the election. I’ve never witnessed anything like it in my life. That’s one of the reasons I know the election was stolen.
The only thing that you know is what Q and the voices in your head are telling you.

You believe a rich old white 2 time presidential failure who ran a campaign in his basement and generated zero enthusiasm amongst his base received more votes than any president in history? You also believe the same rich old white guy received more black votes than the first AA president in history not only once But Twice! You believe this despite the incumbent receiving a much bigger percentage both total votes and AA votes than the first time.

Are you stupid or something?

There were more voters so even though Trump did a few points better, his deficit grew. 10% of 100 is a deficit of 80. 20% of 1,000 is a deficit of 600. 30% of 10,000 is a deficit of 4,000. Also Trump lost more votes in suburban districts especially among suburban women. Biden generated enthusiasn for his campaign largely because of Trump. Voters opposed Trump's policies.
I think you have brainwashed yourself with this horseshit. We can do simple math, but your analysis doesn't address the issue. The "deficit" consisted of fraud.

There was no measurable fraud. You are just a sore loser. I doubt you can do simple math unless Trump tells you what the answer is.
How do you know there was no measurable fraud? The AZ audit is the first attempt to measure fraud, and it's got all you Democrat Reich NAZIs pissing in your pants.

There were 2 forensic audits of the machines by companies certified to do this work. They found nothing. This is being done by a uncertified company who has never done this before. They claimed the database had been deleted and suddenly they found it. They are using UV lights to look for non-existant watermarks. Looking for bamboo. Next they will be using a ouija board. You NAZIS are so desperate to prove anything even if you have to make it up.
The counting machines aren't the main issue. Fake votes are the main source of fraud.

There are no fake votes.
We already know there are fake votes. All the "copies" that don't have a serial number are fake.


How are fake ballots inserted into the final count?
At the local? county? or state level?

This should be interesting
They come in the mail. Sometimes before they are even sent out like in PA.
Lets look at the ballots that come in the mail.
They are verified against a registered voter before they are even opened.
How do you slip in 10,000 fake ballots that are not linked to a registered voter?
You register the fake voter and fake ballot at the same time and then you back date it.
So, you do that 10,000 times?
7 million times for Trump to win
The EC does not work that way. Any state Trump wins through those audits takes electoral votes away from Biden. Those 6 states are enough for Trump to be the winner. The Left knows that and are in a panic.

Your ignorance of the Constitution is off the charts.

The Constitution says the Congress is to count the electoral votes and if a candidate receives a majority of them, that candidate is the next president.

That happened on January 7th, 2021.

There's nothing in the Constitution that states you can keep counting electoral votes after that until you get the count you want.
I never said a thing about the Constitution. I said taking those electoral votes from Biden would make Trump the winner. That is a fact.
The Constitution decides who the winner of an election is, not you.

And in accordance with the Constitution, Biden is the president and shall remain the president until at least 1/20/2025, unless he's convicted of an impeachable offense, dies, or otherwise becomes unable to perform his duties as president.

... in which case, Kamala Harris will be sworn in to complete the remainder of his term.
Fraud is an impeachable offense.

Try it and be prepared to be laughed out of Congress.
Interesting that folks on the left blame the leaders of the audit. .
. . . and folks on the right blame the administrators of the election.
When you have votes counted over and over again In a Republican state and it keeps coming up 'Biden won', how can we trust this sudden revelation about the ballots? The audit has been going on for almost a month. Why are they only reporting this now? IMO, they're getting desperate and I wouldn't put it past them to phony up ballots.
Because illegal ballots can be counted a million times but the ballots are still illegal.
Now all that you have to do is convince a court of law that there were illegal ballots. Good luck. Oh and Trump himself inadvertantly admitted that he knows the whole rigged ellection thing is bullshit. He said that there was only fraud in the states that he lost. Hoow fucking stupid is that?

The court cannot stop the results of the audit getting out. That is what matters right now.
Not at all worried. This so called audit is a sham. They are making fools of thenmselves and nothing that they come up with is going to change the outcome of the election . The only thing that it will do is reinforce the delutions of people like you who are caught up in a mass psychosis ,Get help!
The round the clock intensity of the left wing hate on this subject speaks volumes about what they really know and why they are so fearful.....
When you find out, all that you were told about the election, all that you were told about Trump really winning, IS A LIE, and you blindly followed the election was stolen lies and they all turned out to be lies as well,

Will you apologize? Will you apologize for all of your efforts to destabilized our Nation, our Constitution, our democracy? And apologize to the American citizens you have falsely accused of committing fraud. The ones you defamed and also put in danger, all by your delusional lies?
They will never admit the election was not stolen

Even if the Cyber Ninja Fraudit declares the Arizona election valid, they will STILL claim it was stolen

Trump trained them well

It is Democrats that are well trained. most since elementary school. It is called indoctrination and no amount of evidence that is contrary to their indoctrination will change their minds about anything. That of course is the goal of the indoctrination in the first place. The funny/scary part is that they don't even realize they are indoctrinated. It is amazing.

You are the indoctrinated stooges of a evil criminal called Donald Trump. The ascary thing is that you are the ones plotting vagainst this country to take it over.

Pure indoctrinated ignorance.

You are the ignorant one. You are the weakminded member of a cult. You are attacking voting rights and free speech rights in this country.

You are and your party are willing to do anything to get what you want, including sacrificing the sovereignty of our nation via insecure elections and open borders. That is the epitome of both ignorance and arrogance. You and many others have been brainwashed to believe that what you are doing is for some greater good, when if fact, it is quite the opposite. Our enemies and some of our jealous allies are in LOVE with the left in this country.

I believe in election integrity, meaning we MUST verify legal voters, border security, meaning we MUST have a wall on the Southern border if we actually want to limit the number of illegal crossings, lower taxes to organically boost the economy by people spending more of their money and thus increasing government revenue as opposed to higher taxes which artificially and temporarily increases government revenue, the right to bear arms, mandating equal rights, not equal outcome as pushed by the Democrats, for every race and gender, etc. You know, all the stuff that made American great in the first place.

You and your Democratic ilk call that a “cult“ because you are anti-American to the core and likely don’t even realize it due to our great indoctrination/educational system in the US that teaches anti-US propaganda from pre-school through grad-school. It has create at least a couple of generations of ignorant enemies within our own borders.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.

How did Trump use the courts?

Trump spent four years stocking the courts with young conservatives. He had a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS with three judges he personally appointed.

He expected loyalty out of “his court”. He expected them to rubber stamp any wild claims of election fraud in spite of no evidence.
He was wrong
The round the clock intensity of the left wing hate on this subject speaks volumes about what they really know and why they are so fearful.....
When you find out, all that you were told about the election, all that you were told about Trump really winning, IS A LIE, and you blindly followed the election was stolen lies and they all turned out to be lies as well,

Will you apologize? Will you apologize for all of your efforts to destabilized our Nation, our Constitution, our democracy? And apologize to the American citizens you have falsely accused of committing fraud. The ones you defamed and also put in danger, all by your delusional lies?
They will never admit the election was not stolen

Even if the Cyber Ninja Fraudit declares the Arizona election valid, they will STILL claim it was stolen

Trump trained them well

It is Democrats that are well trained. most since elementary school. It is called indoctrination and no amount of evidence that is contrary to their indoctrination will change their minds about anything. That of course is the goal of the indoctrination in the first place. The funny/scary part is that they don't even realize they are indoctrinated. It is amazing.

You are the indoctrinated stooges of a evil criminal called Donald Trump. The ascary thing is that you are the ones plotting vagainst this country to take it over.

Pure indoctrinated ignorance.

You are the ignorant one. You are the weakminded member of a cult. You are attacking voting rights and free speech rights in this country.

You are and your party are willing to do anything to get what you want, including sacrificing the sovereignty of our nation via insecure elections and open borders. That is the epitome of both ignorance and arrogance. You and many others have been brainwashed to believe that what you are doing is for some greater good, when if fact, it is quite the opposite. Our enemies and some of our jealous allies are in LOVE with the left in this country.

I believe in election integrity, meaning we MUST verify legal voters, border security, meaning we MUST have a wall on the Southern border if we actually want to limit the number of illegal crossings, lower taxes to organically boost the economy by people spending more of their money and thus increasing government revenue as opposed to higher taxes which artificially and temporarily increases government revenue, the right to bear arms, mandating equal rights, not equal outcome as pushed by the Democrats, for every race and gender, etc. You know, all the stuff that made American great in the first place.

You and your Democratic ilk call that a “cult“ because you are anti-American to the core and likely don’t even realize it due to our great indoctrination/educational system in the US that teaches anti-US propaganda from pre-school through grad-school. It has create at least a couple of generations of ignorant enemies within our own borders.
You're lying, there was no insecure election.

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history." ~ Trump appointed Director of CISA

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
You supported the protests last summer, why don't you support the patriots who protest on January 6?
Because Insurrection Day was more than just a protest. It was a failed coup.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

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