Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!
You're fucked in the head, loser. Other than observers who left for a few hours because they thought counting was done, none of that happened. How sad you believe the election was stolen, not because it was, but because you're delirious. We know exactly what happened because Republicans explained it...

Is Raffensberger a card carrying member of the Mossad?

or does being a closeted homo exclude him?
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

And once again, you're posting a story that is completely false and has been debunked countless times. Neither the media, nor the GOP was sent home. The workers whose shift had ended were sent home, and the new shift came in. With poll watchers, and all of the same checks and balances that were present in the first shift.

But thanks for proving you still believes the lies Trump told you. Stupid, gullible and dishonest to the core.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
Again....stuff ballots with WHICH ballots?

Each town has a different ballot, which one do you stuff the ballot box with?

If the final count shows more votes that in those towns than people who have fraud

But the counts MATCH
Is Raffensberger a card carrying member of the Mossad?

or does being a closeted homo exclude him?

Do you have any facts in your head, or just the lies of the rabid Trump Cult? So far all you've done here is post garbage that is instantly debunked, along with racist, NAZI hate against Jews, non-whites, and others.

You may be the first poster to make my ignore list.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The delirium among America's right is off the charts.

Trump did this.

Why? Because he puts himself above the interests of America.
The round the clock intensity of the left wing hate on this subject speaks volumes about what they really know and why they are so fearful.....
When you find out, all that you were told about the election, all that you were told about Trump really winning, IS A LIE, and you blindly followed the election was stolen lies and they all turned out to be lies as well,

Will you apologize? Will you apologize for all of your efforts to destabilized our Nation, our Constitution, our democracy? And apologize to the American citizens you have falsely accused of committing fraud. The ones you defamed and also put in danger, all by your delusional lies?
They will never admit the election was not stolen

Even if the Cyber Ninja Fraudit declares the Arizona election valid, they will STILL claim it was stolen

Trump trained them well

It is Democrats that are well trained. most since elementary school. It is called indoctrination and no amount of evidence that is contrary to their indoctrination will change their minds about anything. That of course is the goal of the indoctrination in the first place. The funny/scary part is that they don't even realize they are indoctrinated. It is amazing.

You are the indoctrinated stooges of a evil criminal called Donald Trump. The ascary thing is that you are the ones plotting vagainst this country to take it over.

Pure indoctrinated ignorance.

You are the ignorant one. You are the weakminded member of a cult. You are attacking voting rights and free speech rights in this country.

You are and your party are willing to do anything to get what you want, including sacrificing the sovereignty of our nation via insecure elections and open borders. That is the epitome of both ignorance and arrogance. You and many others have been brainwashed to believe that what you are doing is for some greater good, when if fact, it is quite the opposite. Our enemies and some of our jealous allies are in LOVE with the left in this country.

I believe in election integrity, meaning we MUST verify legal voters, border security, meaning we MUST have a wall on the Southern border if we actually want to limit the number of illegal crossings, lower taxes to organically boost the economy by people spending more of their money and thus increasing government revenue as opposed to higher taxes which artificially and temporarily increases government revenue, the right to bear arms, mandating equal rights, not equal outcome as pushed by the Democrats, for every race and gender, etc. You know, all the stuff that made American great in the first place.

You and your Democratic ilk call that a “cult“ because you are anti-American to the core and likely don’t even realize it due to our great indoctrination/educational system in the US that teaches anti-US propaganda from pre-school through grad-school. It has create at least a couple of generations of ignorant enemies within our own borders.
If they will collude with Putin and create Russian Collusion and pay Putin to help them millions of dollars, and knowingly create false charges, file false affidavits, create a false Mueller investigation and impeachments over something that they not only know is false, but they know they financed it........

They will rig an election.

They will collude with The CCP and Dominion voting systems, and illegally alter election laws to their benefit, and flood the system with fictitious ballots, fictitious voters, and run algorithms to steal votes from the rightful winner, President Trump.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The delirium among America's right is off the charts.

Trump did this.

Why? Because he puts himself above the interests of America.
I really wish you would not mention America in your posts. You clearly hate this country.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The delirium among America's right is off the charts.

Trump did this.

Why? Because he puts himself above the interests of America.
You mean Americans are demanding accountability from politicians. That's why you're so hostile towards them.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.

You keep posting on probabilities and ignoring realities, and trying to put the numbers into statistical probability charts.

None of your statistical analysis matters. What matters is the vote count, and they put the lie to EVERYTHING you post.
The vote count is precisely where the fraud comes in. What you are saying is that fraud doesn't matter. We know you don't care as long as the fraud is in the Democrat's favor.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!

And once again, you're posting a story that is completely false and has been debunked countless times. Neither the media, nor the GOP was sent home. The workers whose shift had ended were sent home, and the new shift came in. With poll watchers, and all of the same checks and balances that were present in the first shift.

But thanks for proving you still believes the lies Trump told you. Stupid, gullible and dishonest to the core.
Big fat lie.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!
You're fucked in the head, loser. Other than observers who left for a few hours because they thought counting was done, none of that happened. How sad you believe the election was stolen, not because it was, but because you're delirious. We know exactly what happened because Republicans explained it...

They were told to go home, asshole, and that's precisely when the clerks pulled out boxes of ballots from under a table where they were hidden.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
Again....stuff ballots with WHICH ballots?

Each town has a different ballot, which one do you stuff the ballot box with?

If the final count shows more votes that in those towns than people who have fraud

But the counts MATCH


The count in Detroit did not match. In Detroit, GOP poll observers were forcibly removed, the windows were boarded up, and the county board GOP said the count did not match the ballots, because, as one black poll worker said, the cheaters were scanning biden ballots over and over.
The county is the lowest level. The people doing the counting would have had to do it in this case.

OK let’s go with that

The guy with the suitcases of fake ballots shows up at the county collection point and adds them to the count.
Let’s say he has 10,000 fake ballots.

Then the county publishes the results with 10,000 fake votes.
But each town in that county has recorded its own votes before they sent them to the county.

Someone would add up the votes registered by each town and conclude that there are 10,000 extra votes

Doesn’t happen
No, they would have to dump the fake ballots in the largest counties instead of worrying about each town and each county in the state which would result in Biden winning fewer counties than Obama but still having "more" votes. Remember biden only won a little over 1/2 the counties that Obama did-------------CLEARLY FRAUDULENT VOTES were added in.
Again, people don’t vote as a county. There is no generic county vote. Each town and city has its own ballot with its own candidates in local elections.
So you can’t just dump ballots at the county level. If you try it at the city or town level, the number of votes counted won’t match the number recorded in each town.
I didn't say they needed nor cared about any individual town....the dems cheated multiple ways. In this instance, they targeted larger population areas and stuff ballots there which is why we see the lopsided loss of entire counties to biden (when compared to Obama) but he somehow got more votes in the much fewer counties.

This isn't human nature--if biden was more popular than Obama, you would see more counties go for Biden not 40% or so less.

What you are babbling about has nothing to do with anything, but I think you know this right.
Again....stuff ballots with WHICH ballots?

Each town has a different ballot, which one do you stuff the ballot box with?

If the final count shows more votes that in those towns than people who have fraud

But the counts MATCH


The count in Detroit did not match. In Detroit, GOP poll observers were forcibly removed, the windows were boarded up, and the county board GOP said the count did not match the ballots, because, as one black poll worker said, the cheaters were scanning biden ballots over and over.
Everyone knows they stole the election and bent and broke every law they could to do it.

Trump and his supporters are attacking this country. You are trying to establish a dictatorship and assaulting free speech rights in this country.
Trying to get the courts to acknowledge the election was stolen is not attacking the country.
Like they did on Jan 6?
Congress are the people who fucked up Jan 6th. They knew 40% of voters wanted fraud investigated and they did nothing. It is in the hands of the people in the swing states now and they are going to prove fraud.

The Faithless Party will never be able to overturn the 2020 election. Their only hope is to overthrow the Constitution that they've obviously lost faith in.
Good job, faun.

Closing the polling station, sending the GOP and the media home, pulling out suitcases of fraud ballots and counting them with no observers....

Nothing "insecure" about that!!!
The poll workers that were there to open the absentee ballot envelopes and remove the ballots, for the counting team of poll workers, were sent home...when they were done.

The group of bipartisan poll workers that fed the ballots in to the scanners to machine count them, stayed.

This was the case with every vote counting place in the state.

In Fulton county, there was a full hand recount, to confirm there was no shenanigans. The hand recount matched the machine count....end of story, NO FRAUD.

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