Serious Bible question for those in the know

I was replying to the OP, dude.

Sorry about that. Thought because your post followed mine, you were speaking to me.


OP did miniscule reading on a subject 50 years ago and NOW he has a question

Nahhh OP is a militant atheist who likely got yelled at by a pastor for pulling a little girl's hair when he was 6 and still hates religion.
Why are atheists so.... evangelical? It seems our resident atheists are far more interested in religion than those of us who believe. Could it be that they are second guessing their decision to deny the existence of a Higher Power?
lol. That is hysterical. Who does Dante think wrote the bibe?

Instead of making fun of him, you could ask him.

I will never understand this elitist attitude.



I wrote that without noticing it was you who making fun of Dante.

Yes, I just wrote the line That is hysterical who does he think wrote the bible? I mean to me it is funny, Leddly! I do not know Dante. Is Dante an intellectual? I had no idea. I must have missed that! I'm married into a family of those type. Quite the challenge. ( for them! )

I had a go with our tithing by your gross paycheck Pastor last night too, lol! I've been busy. Hey! I gave up writing about politics I have to write about something! Lol! I loved the "Its a racket" line.... I agreed with you on that one you know! You were right on! Good job! - Jeremiah
Leddley, I wasn't making fun of Dante, I was laughing at his not realizing the Jews wrote the bible. It surprised me. It was not meant to be offensive. Hope you got that? Thanks. - Jeremiah
lol. That is hysterical. Who does Dante think wrote the bibe?

Instead of making fun of him, you could ask him.

I will never understand this elitist attitude.



I wrote that without noticing it was you who making fun of Dante.

I wasn't trying to harm him I hope you realise. Dante! If you are reading this and are offended at my finding it funny the bible is jewish book comment - please forgive me. I wasn't trying to offend you. I don't even know you ! I know nothing about this Dante person. Nothing. - J.
READ the bible???

No thanks. I already said I put in my time already.

I'd sooner read The Collected Works of The Tooth Fairy and its certainly just as meaningful.

As to the reason for my question - My memory was that "The Devil" was a relatively modern day construct. Just more of the agenda-driven fairy tale that Avatar says was removed by "the adversary".

I gotta hand it to bible thumpers - they always have a retort. And, when all else fails, there's always that good old standby, "god moves in mysterious ways". LOL

You start off so well, with a meaningful question, and then you descend to your usual unsufferable condescending prick mode.

Isn't that funny. I was just thinking the same about the rude and nasty christians.

Read the thread and you'll see I'm right.
Christians are taught to turn the other cheek. I don't think the Bible says which cheek they must present. Buttcheeks included.
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I find that your courtesy, respectful nature, and pleasant discourse to be very refreshing. I completely disagree with your beliefs, but you are the kind of person that I would like to enjoy a beer and good conversation with.

I regret to say that I do not find that in the majority of believers that I have met. Instead, I find either the pseudo believer, who mouths the words, because it is expected of him, and he wants to fit in with the community, or much worse, those that have all the answers to unanswerable questions, with a level of arrogance that is somewhere up there with Dennis Rodman and Donald Trump. Unfortunately, this later type is often found on message boards.

History is my hobby, and I study the basis of Christianity from a historical point of view, with all the mysticism removed. I consider myself pretty well informed, from that perspective. I have also read the Bible, cover to cover, three times. My belief is that it is made up of centuries of Jewish folk tales with little basis in fact, translation errors from the original languages, and downright fabrications, by those who had much to gain by revising history. I believe that Revelations was written by a mad man. I am also fascinated by the branches of Christianity that taught completely different messages, but were wiped out by religious authorities. I have read the books that were rejected as holy scripture. Early Christianity, which was split between the teachings of Paul, and the teachings of Peter, and Jesus' brother, James, is fascinating. In fact, if Paul had lost that battle, my understanding is that Christianity would today be no more than a Jewish sect.

Anyway, thanks for the respectful tone, and discourse. I believe that you present a good example of your beliefs...and I have a positive rep. for you...
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Dante said:
Jeremiah said:
... I had responded to a post that said Dante didn't know the Jews wrote the bible. I replied that is hysterical. He didn't know the book was Jewish? Anyhow, Leddley felt I was making fun of you because I had asked that question while stating it was funny to me....... and I wanted to be clear it was never my intention to embarrass you.

Lots of people do not realize the history of how the bible came about even though it is the most famous, documented - accurate article of antiquity ( book ) we have in the world today according to the foremost experts, scholars on the subject. Josh McDowells book, Evidence that demands a Verdict does a splendid job of explaining every detail of how the Torah / NT were recorded. If you'd be interested in learning more.

Anyhow, If in any way I humiliated you or caused you embarrassment by my laughing over it I do apologise. It was never intended to be construed as my mocking your intelligence. Just wanted to be clear about that. Thank you for your time.

Best regards, Jeremiah

Like quatumnitwit you missed the point were Dante specifically addressed the Christian Bible? :laugh2: good gawd you people do not read what you comment on. :laugh2:

Because Dante is an expert in everything, except Dante forgot to mention that Jewish scholars have been debating these things for far longer than the Christians, which implies that Dante does not know everything.

Except if QuanticuckooDooshbagh had read what he comments on he'd see Dante specifically addressed the Christian Bible:clap2:

Dante doesn't know most of the Bible was written by Jews.

put down the keyboard and slowly walk away from the 'puter... breath in, breath out, relax...

go back and read the posts...Dante specifically addresses the Christian Bible

All through my childhood, religion, church and God was used to harm me. The "Christians" I knew used their Bible as a weapon and always made it very clear that I would never be "good enough".
I appreciate your honesty and your openness, Jeremiah. You seem to be very unlike others in this thread and unlike many other "Christians" I have known. If you know of an open and welcoming real Christian website, would you mind sharing the url?


I fully understand your bitterness towards Christians. I also understand your confusion about Christianity stemming from the behavior of Christians. I've stood in your shoes.

To get a quick and clear understanding of Christianity, I recommend reading the Sermon on the Mount. It's only about 5 pages. It's in the first book of the New Testament, the book of Matthew. Most Bibles will have the words of Christ in red. When advising the curious about Christianity, many people will say, "read the red parts":) As was said before in this thread, if you learn about Christ, there's no way a sane human would not want to emulate his behavior.

When you read the Sermon on the Mount it will reinforce what you already think about Christians. We fall far short of the high bar set by Christ. For a human to attempt to follow Christ is a trail of failure. The standard he sets for us is more than any human can achieve. Some achieve more than others. I'm an abject failure but I know I must continue to try. Your curiosity is part of such an attempt.

Why did I go to the trouble of posting this in response to your question? I've been exactly where you seem to be. The contradiction between the behavior of Christians and the reality of what Christ offers was too far of a leap for me to rationally make. In your bitter posts, I hear my voice from not too long ago. I wish for you the peace I have now. It's yours for the asking and you are starting to ask. Bravo.

I'm no expert but this site might help with any Bible questions you have. Just type a word or question in the search window and you'll get several responses:
Bible Questions Answered

All the best, Bill
To get a clear understanding of Christianity and it's Bible, reading a friggin sermon is a complete waste of time

Read about where and what the Christian movement came out of and how it evolved into what we know today. Reading the Bible(C) is not what the early Christians did. They wrote the Bible(C) and later fought over what would and would not go into it.

they slaughtered each other over fine points they called heresies. The history is enough to turn any thinking person away from Christianity

Desert Fathers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Church Fathers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doctor of the Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will get answers

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Council of Trent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Why would someone want to join a group that tells them they aren't good enough?

God loves us all, He also would like us to take care of each other.

You become "good enough" when you follow the 10 Commandments and take care of the planet and your fellow humans.

It is impossible to follow the 10 Commandments.

Really? It's impossible to follow the 10 Commandments?

Got news for you all......................the only really defined "sins" in the Bible are those that go against the 10 Commandments. Remember John 3:16............."For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosover believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life". Basically, that means if you follow the teachings of Jesus (Yeshua is His proper name), you will live forever (nothing said about eternal here), but if you don't, you're gonna perish.

Besides..................remember......................."the wages of sin are death".

How does this relate to keeping the 10 Commandments?'s a way to stay alive..........................

The Ten Commandments

20 And God spoke all these words:

2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Exodus 20 NIV - The Ten Commandments - And God spoke - Bible Gateway does this relate to keeping you alive? Simple..............let me explain..............

1. You shall have no gods before Me. If you worship something other than what created you, there may be problems. Can a Harley Davidson mechanic fix a Prius?

2. Don't worship idols or graven images. Can a piece of rock or wood, or whatever you like, REALLY help you? Only the Creator can.

3. Don't misuse the name of God. Simple actually...........would you help someone who put slander against you? Probably not............and since we don't like it when someone speaks badly of us, why would God like it if we spoke badly of Him?

4. Keep the Sabbath. Remember...............all work and no rest wears a person out. God is reminding us that we need to take a break once in a while and think about Him (or how we got ourselves into the position that we are in, for the atheists).

5. Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Well, many different cultures have told us that God is Father Sky (to use the Native American analogy), and the planet is Mother Earth, which gives rise to us all. If we don't respect the planet, how can we possibly survive?

6. You shall not murder. Pretty self evident. If you kill someone unjustly, their family will come looking for you to kill. If they die because of self defense? Well, they shouldn't have attacked in the first place, because they may have been looking to murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery. Again...........self evident...............if you go and take the love that someone (like a spouse) is supposed to give to their siginificant other, don't you think that significant other is gonna come looking for the person that made their relationship go to crap? It's a good way to keep from getting murdered.

8. You shall not steal. Self evident yet again.................if someone steals something really significant from you, wouldn't you feel like killing them (or at the least hurting them) for taking something from you?

9. You shall not give false testimony. How many of us like being lied to? And, if the lie is significant enough, wouldn't you feel like hurting them (or killing them)?

10. Don't covet your neighbor's belongings. If you think about what your neighbor has, and the fact that you don't, eventually...................if you obsess about it long enough, you're either gonna steal it (resulting in death), or kill your neighbor to get it (resulting in murder and death).

So..........................if you think about it logically, the 10 Commandments are pretty easy to keep (unless you've got a death wish), and are also good rules to follow so that a community can thrive.

That is not news, it is a complete misrepresentation of the Bible.

Matthew 12:31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Please don't force me to take your position apart point by point by reposting it.
Except if QuanticuckooDooshbagh had read what he comments on he'd see Dante specifically addressed the Christian Bible:clap2:

Dante doesn't know most of the Bible was written by Jews.

lol. That is hysterical. Who does Dante think wrote the bibe?

Apparently he thinks Christians have a different version of the Bible than anyone else. As far as I know, the only major Abrahamic religion that felt a need to rewrite the Old Testament is Islam.
Dante doesn't know most of the Bible was written by Jews.

lol. That is hysterical. Who does Dante think wrote the bibe?

Instead of making fun of him, you could ask him.

I will never understand this elitist attitude.

I am responding to a guy who specifically said that there is a Christian Bible that is significantly different from the Jewish Bible, making fun of him is all he deserves.

By the way, elitist believe that they deserve better treatment because of their social status, a good example of that would be Pelosi saying that a pay cut is beneath the dignity of Congress. Me making fun of Dante because he is Dante is not elitism.
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Except if QuanticuckooDooshbagh had read what he comments on he'd see Dante specifically addressed the Christian Bible:clap2:

Dante doesn't know most of the Bible was written by Jews.

put down the keyboard and slowly walk away from the 'puter... breath in, breath out, relax...

go back and read the posts...Dante specifically addresses the Christian Bible


The "Christian" Bible only exists in the minds of ignoramuses and idiots who believe that Jesus wants Christians to set up a theocracy to usher in his millennial rule, which are you?
we read the Garden ...

oddly the fallen angels does not occur to Bible Christians their book may be the same, as misinterpretation's and its consequences - by its History of persecution.

certainly believing Mankind to be particular among the creatures is undoubtedly one of them - and is a reason not to read the book any further.

Could you possibly elaborate? What you're saying isn't making much sense.

finding truths in the Christian Bible is not accomplished by reading it.

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