Serious information exonerates the J6 protestors.

You couldn't hang a Ken or Barbie doll on that gallow :doubt:
Well, recently this has been happening.
I only wish to make one comment here. While there's no question that J6 prosecutions are politically motivated and there's plenty of evidence that government sponsored agents provocateur helped to fan the flames on that day...... The ultimate stupid here was the idea that somebody could trespass on federal property within impunity. Once that began to happen anyone with a shred of common sense would have cut and gone in the other direction immediately.
So then, why is nobody charged with 18 USC 2383? Simple answer, there was no insurrection
Now just stop it.... You're making him cry and it's not nice.

You are correct of course because there was no foreign government involved in this activity seeking to overthrow the United States of America.
To summarize this, you will see proof that clears the majority of J6 protestors. See for yourself that Pelosi and the Democrats were a party to this.

What makes members of the Trump Cult so ridiculous to the rest of the world, is their staunch refusal to accept reality.

Trump is a billionaire. Biden lost the election. January 6th wasn't an insurrection. Everyone is out to get Trump because he was such great President. None of these things were ever true.
So then, why is nobody charged with 18 USC 2383? Simple answer, there was no insurrection

The Proud Boys now serving time for seditiouss conspiracy would tell you you're lying:

What makes members of the Trump Cult so ridiculous to the rest of the world, is their staunch refusal to accept reality.

Trump is a billionaire. Biden lost the election. January 6th wasn't an insurrection. Everyone is out to get Trump because he was such great President. None of these things were ever true.
I went a long time before I would call this thing a cult. But with its iconic, damaged leader and its own isolated, insulated sense of realities, it became clear to me that the word is not unreasonable.

And far worse, the world has seen a group pathology like this before.
Right then lets look...

Was it violent?
View attachment 912562

View attachment 912563

Yes, clearly.

Was it against the Government?
View attachment 912564

Yes, Clearly.

So there is the simple proof.
Your definition fits the Floyd Insurrection perfectly as government buildings were attacked and a police station burned to the ground.

The stupid gallows was a poorly built prop that couldn't hold a 5lb sack of taters.

"Please, Mr. Pence, can you be s sport and kneel, so we can hang you with our shitty gallows?".


So then, why is nobody charged with 18 USC 2383? Simple answer, there was no insurrection
It's been reserved for only the worst of worst. Many other statutes were created that connect to a coup, treason, rebellion, seditious conspiracy, or insurrection etc that can be charged which are related, but with lesser punishment for the most part, is my understanding.
Your definition fits the Floyd Insurrection perfectly as government buildings were attacked and a police station burned to the ground.

The stupid gallows was a poorly built prop that couldn't hold a 5lb sack of taters.

"Please, Mr. Pence, can you be s sport and kneel, so we can hang you with our shitty gallows?".

View attachment 912596

Was BLM's purpose to stop a Constitutional joint session of Congress to certify the electoral votes in to the record?
The Proud Boys now serving time for seditiouss conspiracy would tell you you're lying:

So the United States has devolved to the point of keeping political prisoners so what?
Was BLM's purpose to stop a Constitutional joint session of Congress to certify the electoral votes in to the record?
That's YOUR projected "reason" for the PROTEST.
NO-ONE stated that that is what was happening.
That's your NARRATIVE!!!!!!
And you could shove it right up your ASS!!!!!

:flameth:The Narrative.

This topic and this discussion on it is kinda sorta well-plowed ground.
And that's OK.
I like it.
I like it because it so definitively crystallizes the Squeaky Fromme-mentality of the QAnon/MAGA's who contribute here.
In other words, it's a 'tell'.

And too, I like it because it is more fun than arguing about who voted for which immigration bill and who didn't; or about 'dueling dementias'.

So, let's kick some tires.


"Patriots" ?.......who beat the bejesus out of America's uniformed police upholding their oath to protect our elected Representatives and the Capitol of the United States of America?
Ummm, OK. I guess.
But.......but 'Patriots' for whom? China? Putin? Iran? The Houthis?

Patriots for America do not use chemical sprays on uniformed Capitol police who are simply doing their sworn duty and hoping to go home safely to their families, and whose families fervently hope they do.

Don't mean to be disrespectful, but......but that's kind of a Captain Obvious 'Rules-To-Live-By' maxim.


"There was no insurrection."
OK, let's go with that.
So, how 'bout Sedition/Seditious Conspiracy?
A whole slew of J6 Jackasses got long.....friggin' long! .....prison sentences on that 'Sedition'-thingy.
So, let's move away from 'Insurrection'.....and prosecute all those MoFos with Sedition.
We all be cool on that.

All here who think using angry epithets in ALL CAPS, the f-bomb early and often---- is a sign of a competent education, good parents, a judicious thoughtful demeanor, and a model for sons and daughters......well, raise your hands.

WHAT INSURRECTION??? :no_text11:
See, commentary above on Sedition.
It will allay your hyperventilating over that 'Insurrection' business.
Sedition does two useful things for us here:

First, it helps the QAnon/MAGA/J6Jackass constituency allay their fears of a bad word being applied to them.

Second, it allow the DOJ/FBI and responsible citizens to be satisfied with the longer prison sentences that Sedition allows versus the too short prison terms for 'Insurrection'.

Everybody gets something they can live with.
Nobody gets everything they want.
Compromise then, is useful and moves the ball downfield.
I love Amrica.
(and this bar)

there's plenty of evidence that government sponsored agents provocateur helped to fan the flames on that day.
Well, mon ami, you gotta parade your deadsolidperfect evidence that you are absolutely convinced will persuade a jury of peers that, in fact, it was a "Fedsurrection" as some RWNJ's shrill about.
So, good poster, J.O. ........ whatcha got?
Here's a chance to do your star-turn whirl&twirl.
Batter up.
And too, take your deadsolid evidence to your SOS, or the FBI or the DOJ.
You can google their contact numbers.
If you really do have that evidence.....quit sitting on it. Do something.


"The ultimate stupid here was the idea that somebody could trespass on federal property within impunity. Once that began to happen anyone with a shred of common sense would have cut and gone....."
And admirably, JustOffal demonstrates a sense of what responsible judicious behavior can be. For that.....a hat-tip.
The people who sprayed MACE-in-the-face of uniformed police; beat 'em with a iron pole; broke Capitol windows to enter; pooped in the offices; or strolled in through an open door........well, let's have America and our Department of Justice levy the appropriate justice on those J6 Jackasses.

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Your definition fits the Floyd Insurrection perfectly as government buildings were attacked and a police station burned to the ground.

The stupid gallows was a poorly built prop that couldn't hold a 5lb sack of taters.

"Please, Mr. Pence, can you be s sport and kneel, so we can hang you with our shitty gallows?".

View attachment 912596


An insurrection isn't an attack on a government BUILDING, it's an attack on the GOVERNMENT.

You need to understand the definition of "insurrection". Members of Congress and the Senate were threatened with violence. The attack on the Capitol building wasn't the Insurrection. It was the attempt to attack senior members of government as they certified the election, that make it an Insurrection.
That's YOUR projected "reason" for the PROTEST.
NO-ONE stated that that is what was happening.
That's your NARRATIVE!!!!!!
And you could shove it right up your ASS!!!!!

:flameth:The Narrative.


Where have you been? It's been the claim, all along silly one!

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