SERIOUS question for all Trump acolytes on this forum....

ERGO......would you then OPENLY ADMIT that the orange clown is NOT fir to sit in the oval office???
I think he lacks the intellectual, behavioral or temperamental capacity to be President, which is why I voted against him.

But that's not enough to get rid of him. Those are not high crimes. I'm not blinded by a partisan ideology. We'll see what the investigations bring.

Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
Obstruction would be enough, but like everything else, it's a matter of degree.

When the investigations are done, we'll see.


There is more evidence of obstruction by Trump than any other president by a factor of 10.
A factor of 10. Okay, got it, thanks.

Read the report.
"Possible" obstruction of justice accusations for an alleged crime that was never committed with an investigation started by a bogus "Trump Dossier" that was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign using Fusion GPS as a proxy and paying (along with be FBI) and bankrolling former MI5 agent Steele whom wouldn't even testify under oath to the veracity of the claims he was paid to either conjure up or intel received by the very ones that Trump was accused of "colluding with?" by using Carter Page, a known FBI informant stooge thus justifying FISA warrants to spy on any and everyone connected with the Trump campaign???? The jokes practically write themselves. I didn't vote for Trump as I do not participate in the utter joke of what passes for elections in this banana republic (and has been for at the very minimum, the last fifty six years) but anyone that can't see this for what it most certainly is? Well, let's just say that they are part of the "double digit I.Q Score Club".

But allow me to make this perfectly clear, etch it in stone and commit it to memory.....I would never tout a leftard much less support the candidacy of one. The odds are infinitely better of me slitting the throat of one before that ever happens. Leftists sicken me in a BIG time way.
ERGO......would you then OPENLY ADMIT that the orange clown is NOT fir to sit in the oval office???
I think he lacks the intellectual, behavioral or temperamental capacity to be President, which is why I voted against him.

But that's not enough to get rid of him. Those are not high crimes. I'm not blinded by a partisan ideology. We'll see what the investigations bring.

Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
Obstruction would be enough, but like everything else, it's a matter of degree.

When the investigations are done, we'll see.


There is more evidence of obstruction by Trump than any other president by a factor of 10.

What part of the United States did Trump give away to Putin?

More flexibility to do what? < I want that question answered now. It's our turn to get to the bottom of this Russian collusion thing that is so upsetting to the Democrats...

Stay on topic, loser. I know it's difficult but try.
I think he lacks the intellectual, behavioral or temperamental capacity to be President, which is why I voted against him.

But that's not enough to get rid of him. Those are not high crimes. I'm not blinded by a partisan ideology. We'll see what the investigations bring.

Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
Obstruction would be enough, but like everything else, it's a matter of degree.

When the investigations are done, we'll see.


There is more evidence of obstruction by Trump than any other president by a factor of 10.

What part of the United States did Trump give away to Putin?

More flexibility to do what? < I want that question answered now. It's our turn to get to the bottom of this Russian collusion thing that is so upsetting to the Democrats...

Stay on topic, loser. I know it's difficult but try.

YOU???? Calling someone a "loser"????????

WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
We can say it didnt convict him and that we all think you like big wennies
Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
Obstruction would be enough, but like everything else, it's a matter of degree.

When the investigations are done, we'll see.


There is more evidence of obstruction by Trump than any other president by a factor of 10.

What part of the United States did Trump give away to Putin?

More flexibility to do what? < I want that question answered now. It's our turn to get to the bottom of this Russian collusion thing that is so upsetting to the Democrats...

Stay on topic, loser. I know it's difficult but try.

YOU???? Calling someone a "loser"????????

View attachment 257079 View attachment 257079 View attachment 257080

Is that all you have to offer, loser?
.... it's about ignorance & fear.

You may see it as ignorance and fear, but for many of us these ways of looking st the world are long-taught and staunchly held belief systems that we do not intend to give up any time soon.

oh no doubt your ideologies are as ancient as the knuckledraggers who originated them.... no one is expecting anything even close to that from the select few that make up your ilk. but being outnumbered is the reality to wit you will never become accustomed due to the lack of 'evolution' in your DNA.
Trump: 'Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing'

Giuliani: 'Truth isn't truth'

Kellyanne Conway : "You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're saying Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

that's the world they live in.
But, they were right.

All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun. They all said there was collusion. They all said Trump is a puppet of Russia, which there are people on this forum still saying it to this day.

They all said "here's the truth! Trump is (insert accusation after accusation)"

And now we know for a fact...... Truth isn't truth. Giuliani was right. 'Don't believe what you're reading and seeing', and Trump was right.

So you can say that's the world we live in.... because it's the world you live in too. Jessie Smollett anyone? Don't believe what you see and hear, because the left is full of liars.

oh bullshit.

the only reason mueller wrote a declination on 'collusion' was because 'documentary' evidence had been destroyed AND he couldn't get trump to do an interview. he didn't have enough to recommend charging him with conspiracy although itprobably would have gone that way. hence the obstruction... hence he wants congress to take it up per DOJ policy.

Really? I seem to remember an email server where the information was wiped by professional data wiping software, and that didn't stop you from saying Hillary was innocent, when her only 'alibi' was that she didn't know what classified information was... you know... after being in high office for decades she couldn't tell what was classified.

Now suddenly, because "the information was destroyed" is grounds to claim he was guilty? What information are we talking about? What document proving collusion did he destroy?

Hypocrites all of you.

a small 'c' within chainmails is not the standard 'classified' markings on materials. & ummmm... panty waist jared has been outed for using 'what's app' , & couldn't get a security clearance if his life depended on it - yet donny granted one to him whilst lying that he did just that.

lol... next?
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WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

They could not report a single instant of any Americans, let alone anyone in the Administration, colluding with Russia election "tampering" whatever wide all bullshit definition you use for that.

It was all bullshit and fairy farts.

Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence
Tech challenges prevented special counsel from establishing full picture of what happened

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III concluded that there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against individuals connected with President Donald Trump’s campaign for their ties to Russia, but he said the investigation faced numerous challenges, including technological ones, in establishing a full picture of what transpired in 2015 and 2016.

“While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges,” Mueller wrote in his report made public Thursday by the Justice Department.

In investigating ties between the Trump campaign and Russian individuals, Mueller’s team ran into technological hurdles, in addition to old-fashioned ones such as unavailable foreign witnesses, according to the report.

The special counsel’s office “learned that some of the individuals we interviewed or whose conduct we investigated — including some associated with the Trump Campaign deleted relevant communications or communicated during the relevant period using applications that feature encryption or that do not provide for long term retention of data or communication records,” the report said. “In such cases the Office was not able to corroborate witness statements through comparison to contemporaneous communications or fully question witnesses about statements that appeared inconsistent with the other known facts.”

Apps such as Snapchat, for example, delete messages once they have been viewed, and the company says it deletes all messages from its servers after 30 days. WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and Viber are some of the apps that offer end-to-end encryption of messages. The report does not mention which individuals may have used such apps.

As a result of the missing evidence, Mueller wrote that his office “cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on (or cast in a new light) the events described in the report.”

The nearly two-year-long investigation “established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government,” according to the report. “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the campaign. In some instances, the campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the campaign officials shied away.”
Mueller says messaging apps likely destroyed Trump-Russia evidence

donny still hasta worry about multiple investigations re: his inauguration, campaign finance violations, & tax problems...
lol... donny doesn't have friends... only people that can give him something. & i'm am sure you would give it to him......
oh for fuck's sake. :eusa_whistle:

you are the one defending him... so follow the bouncing orange ball..............
MAGA, thank God the old coot isn't our president
MAGA? Does that mean Donald resigned?
That means you lost, Jill. Move on, darling

not with everything else delving into donny's shenanigans.... besides - the inevitable multiple public hearing will shed much light on the cockroaches you got in twittler's orbit.
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WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.

It is neither Barr's nor Mueller's job to exonerate Trump. That is the job of a jury of his peers.

Since there is no indictment, no charge and no trial, no exoneration is necessary. There is nothing to exonerate.

DOJ policy would not allow Mueller to indict. The congress can indict.
they didn't get al capone on murder charges - but nailed him on tax evasion & fraud........

How many years in a row do you think President Donald Trump's tax returns have been audited? My guess is that if there was a year in which he was NOT audited, he would call them and ask them where's the love, have they forgotten him?

Keep on with your beautiful fantasies.

You LOST. Time and again you have LOST. Get over it!

Here's a suggestion for you. Sit back, relax and enjoy all the good things happening to our country over the next six years. In your fantasy world, maybe you can pretend that Hillary Won and all these great things are because of her.

Would that help you sleep?




A) nixon released his taxes whilst being audited, so capt crazy pants has no exuse

B) it is required for the IRS to actually make sure any 'president' not be a tax cheat. have they done their jobs the last 2 years & have actually taken a looksey into fat donny 2 scoops' taxes? that is a question that the chair wants to know & constitutionally has a right to find out. sucks there are checks & balances on the big fat orange man baby, huh?
oh for fuck's sake. :eusa_whistle:

you are the one defending him... so follow the bouncing orange ball..............
MAGA, thank God the old coot isn't our president
MAGA? Does that mean Donald resigned?
That means you lost, Jill. Move on, darling

not with everything else delving into donny's shenanigans.... besides - the inevitable multiple public hearing will shed much light on the cockroaches you got in twittler's orbit.
Whutchya got, Playtime?
Sounds like you have something that Mueller needed.
you are the one defending him... so follow the bouncing orange ball..............
MAGA, thank God the old coot isn't our president
MAGA? Does that mean Donald resigned?
That means you lost, Jill. Move on, darling

not with everything else delving into donny's shenanigans.... besides - the inevitable multiple public hearing will shed much light on the cockroaches you got in twittler's orbit.
Whutchya got, Playtime?
Sounds like you have something that Mueller needed.

not me... but the grand jury, SDNY & the NY AG. one guess as to who you think helped give them leads that he couldn't investigate himself due to the mandated scope of his appointment as special counsel?

Mueller referred 14 potential crimes for investigation
by Caitlin Yilek
| April 18, 2019 06:18 PM

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office made 14 referrals of “potential criminal activity” that were outside the scope of its jurisdiction over the course of the 22-month Russia investigation.

A redacted version of Mueller’s 448-page report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether President Trump obstructed justice was released by the Justice Department on Thursday. It included a list of the 14 referrals, a majority of which were redacted, citing “harm to ongoing matter.”

Those that were not redacted included Trump’s former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen and Gregory Craig, a former Obama White House counsel.

“Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s Office uncovered evidence of potential wire fraud and [Federal Election Campaign Act] violations pertaining to Michael Cohen,” the report said. “That evidence was referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI’s New York Field Office.”

Grand jury investigation started by Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says
By Katelyn Polantz, CNN
Updated 10:05 PM ET, Wed March 27, 2019
Grand jury investigation started by Robert Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says - CNNPolitics

Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.
We don’t yet know what Mueller found, but here’s an overview of the president’s other legal jeopardy.

By Andrew Prokop Updated Mar 23, 2019, 9:47am EDT

No matter what special counsel Robert Mueller found, it won’t be the end of the president’s legal woes — because he, his business, and his family are in jeopardy from many other investigationS and lawsuits.

The Justice Department is digging into the Trump Organization’s role in hush money payments and the Trump inaugural committee’s finances. Congressional committees are probing everything from how Trump’s son-in-law and daughter got security clearances to Trump’s taxes. State investigators are looking into Trump’s foundation and business.
Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.

New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects
State investigators are seeking records from Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank on Trump projects as a result of Michael Cohen's congressional testimony.
New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects

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MAGA, thank God the old coot isn't our president
MAGA? Does that mean Donald resigned?
That means you lost, Jill. Move on, darling

not with everything else delving into donny's shenanigans.... besides - the inevitable multiple public hearing will shed much light on the cockroaches you got in twittler's orbit.
Whutchya got, Playtime?
Sounds like you have something that Mueller needed.

not me... but the grand jury, SDNY & the NY AG. one guess as to who you think helped give them leads that he couldn't investigate himself due to the mandated scope of his appointment as special counsel?

Mueller referred 14 potential crimes for investigation
by Caitlin Yilek
| April 18, 2019 06:18 PM

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office made 14 referrals of “potential criminal activity” that were outside the scope of its jurisdiction over the course of the 22-month Russia investigation.

A redacted version of Mueller’s 448-page report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether President Trump obstructed justice was released by the Justice Department on Thursday. It included a list of the 14 referrals, a majority of which were redacted, citing “harm to ongoing matter.”

Those that were not redacted included Trump’s former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen and Gregory Craig, a former Obama White House counsel.

“Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s Office uncovered evidence of potential wire fraud and [Federal Election Campaign Act] violations pertaining to Michael Cohen,” the report said. “That evidence was referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI’s New York Field Office.”

Grand jury investigation started by Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says
By Katelyn Polantz, CNN
Updated 10:05 PM ET, Wed March 27, 2019
Grand jury investigation started by Robert Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says - CNNPolitics

Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.
We don’t yet know what Mueller found, but here’s an overview of the president’s other legal jeopardy.

By Andrew Prokop Updated Mar 23, 2019, 9:47am EDT

No matter what special counsel Robert Mueller found, it won’t be the end of the president’s legal woes — because he, his business, and his family are in jeopardy from many other investigationS and lawsuits.

The Justice Department is digging into the Trump Organization’s role in hush money payments and the Trump inaugural committee’s finances. Congressional committees are probing everything from how Trump’s son-in-law and daughter got security clearances to Trump’s taxes. State investigators are looking into Trump’s foundation and business.
Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.

New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects
State investigators are seeking records from Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank on Trump projects as a result of Michael Cohen's congressional testimony.
New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects

So got got nuttin'
That's what I thought. Maybe's, might have's, potential's, could have's :auiqs.jpg:
oh no doubt your ideologies are as ancient as the knuckledraggers who originated them.... no one is expecting anything even close to that from the select few that make up your ilk. but being outnumbered is the reality to wit you will never become accustomed due to the lack of 'evolution' in your DNA.

We may be outnumbered in terms of ballots, but we will never be outnumbered when it comes to bullets. That’s what you folks always miss. I don’t care about elections. Sheer force can overturn elections.
MAGA? Does that mean Donald resigned?
That means you lost, Jill. Move on, darling

not with everything else delving into donny's shenanigans.... besides - the inevitable multiple public hearing will shed much light on the cockroaches you got in twittler's orbit.
Whutchya got, Playtime?
Sounds like you have something that Mueller needed.

not me... but the grand jury, SDNY & the NY AG. one guess as to who you think helped give them leads that he couldn't investigate himself due to the mandated scope of his appointment as special counsel?

Mueller referred 14 potential crimes for investigation
by Caitlin Yilek
| April 18, 2019 06:18 PM

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office made 14 referrals of “potential criminal activity” that were outside the scope of its jurisdiction over the course of the 22-month Russia investigation.

A redacted version of Mueller’s 448-page report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether President Trump obstructed justice was released by the Justice Department on Thursday. It included a list of the 14 referrals, a majority of which were redacted, citing “harm to ongoing matter.”

Those that were not redacted included Trump’s former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen and Gregory Craig, a former Obama White House counsel.

“Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel’s Office uncovered evidence of potential wire fraud and [Federal Election Campaign Act] violations pertaining to Michael Cohen,” the report said. “That evidence was referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI’s New York Field Office.”

Grand jury investigation started by Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says
By Katelyn Polantz, CNN
Updated 10:05 PM ET, Wed March 27, 2019
Grand jury investigation started by Robert Mueller 'continuing robustly,' prosecutor says - CNNPolitics

Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.
We don’t yet know what Mueller found, but here’s an overview of the president’s other legal jeopardy.

By Andrew Prokop Updated Mar 23, 2019, 9:47am EDT

No matter what special counsel Robert Mueller found, it won’t be the end of the president’s legal woes — because he, his business, and his family are in jeopardy from many other investigationS and lawsuits.

The Justice Department is digging into the Trump Organization’s role in hush money payments and the Trump inaugural committee’s finances. Congressional committees are probing everything from how Trump’s son-in-law and daughter got security clearances to Trump’s taxes. State investigators are looking into Trump’s foundation and business.
Mueller is done. Trump’s legal woes aren’t.

New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects
State investigators are seeking records from Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank on Trump projects as a result of Michael Cohen's congressional testimony.
New York attorney general subpoenas banks about Trump projects

So got got nuttin'
That's what I thought. Maybe's, might have's, potential's, could have's :auiqs.jpg:

read the report.
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oh no doubt your ideologies are as ancient as the knuckledraggers who originated them.... no one is expecting anything even close to that from the select few that make up your ilk. but being outnumbered is the reality to wit you will never become accustomed due to the lack of 'evolution' in your DNA.

We may be outnumbered in terms of ballots, but we will never be outnumbered when it comes to bullets. That’s what you folks always miss. I don’t care about elections. Sheer force can overturn elections.

uh-huh. i'll let you in on a little secret... liberals have guns too.
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Trump is in huge trouble. This is not even close to over. And as normal American citizens see the behavior of Trump during this investigation, republicans in the senate can get right or get voted out.

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