Serious Question for Progressives


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Yep. We can probably break up the country into several smaller ones. That way, we can shrink the government in each of those countries. That's not a solution I'd advocate, but it's probably a reasonable way to shrink government.
Yep. We can probably break up the country into several smaller ones. That way, we can shrink the government in each of those countries. That's not a solution I'd advocate, but it's probably a reasonable way to shrink government.
it's stinky bait. LOL
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

I found this interesting : I find it a "Do What I Say Not What I Do" kind of view

Yes, admittedly, there is plenty of GOP support for small government when it comes to cutting taxes on the wealthy, limiting regulation of big business, gutting environmental regulations, weakening legal protections for workers and racial minorities, and slashing government funding for public education, public health, and social welfare services. But there is a common denominator to this kind of small government action. It is all designed to serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. Thus, the Republican Party opposes government alleviation of hunger through the distribution of food stamps, but supports government subsidies to corporations.

The Republican "Small Government" Fraud
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Terrorists have just attacked the US. I know! We need a Department of Homeland Security! We need to spy on all Americans!

Oh, wait...

We need to win re-election in 1984. I know! Let's create a new trillion dollar government entitlement program for seniors!

Oh, wait...

We need to increase Defense spending to WWII levels even though we aren't in a world war!

Oh, wait...
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

The reason our military is smaller is because the government now uses defense contractors for many of the duties that used to be performed by the military.

This was supposed to REDUCE the cost of Defense. How's that working out for us?

Once we cut back the federal government and make it useless, we can start focusing on the tyrannical state governments, and after that.. ANARCHY!
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

I found this interesting : I find it a "Do What I Say Not What I Do" kind of view

Yes, admittedly, there is plenty of GOP support for small government when it comes to cutting taxes on the wealthy, limiting regulation of big business, gutting environmental regulations, weakening legal protections for workers and racial minorities, and slashing government funding for public education, public health, and social welfare services. But there is a common denominator to this kind of small government action. It is all designed to serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. Thus, the Republican Party opposes government alleviation of hunger through the distribution of food stamps, but supports government subsidies to corporations.

The Republican "Small Government" Fraud

Is English not your first language?
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

Just fine if we'd stay the Hell out of everyone else's wars.
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Terrorists have just attacked the US. I know! We need a Department of Homeland Security! We need to spy on all Americans!

Oh, wait...

We need to win re-election in 1984. I know! Let's create a new trillion dollar government entitlement program for seniors!

Oh, wait...

We need to increase Defense spending to WWII levels even though we aren't in a world war!

Oh, wait...

Bush was a Progressive.


(Reorder your Obama Kneepads)
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

Just fine if we'd stay the Hell out of everyone else's wars.
Can't help but think of our destabilization of the Middle East and invading the wrong country..
Since the Iraq War, America has drastically increased its dependence on private companies to handle many security tasks in conflict zones around the world. In “The Invisible Soldiers: How America Outsourced Our Security,” author and former Wall Street Journal reporter Ann Hagedorn explains how companies that began as weapons manufacturers have evolved to assist U.S. military personnel with everything from police training, intelligence analysis and logistics support to border patrol, drone operations and weapons procurement and maintenance.

The privatization of defense and security has grown over the course of maybe 35 years, [moving] beyond weapons to defense and security services. That happened slowly [following] the end of World War II. Companies now assist U.S. forces in [tasks like] contingency operations and remain long after the military withdraws from combat zones. It has gone from a few companies and a few subsidiaries to a bona fide industry.

Who Is Fighting America's Battles?
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Terrorists have just attacked the US. I know! We need a Department of Homeland Security! We need to spy on all Americans!

Oh, wait...

We need to win re-election in 1984. I know! Let's create a new trillion dollar government entitlement program for seniors!

Oh, wait...

We need to increase Defense spending to WWII levels even though we aren't in a world war!

Oh, wait...

Bush was a Progressive.


(Reorder your Obama Kneepads)
He had a Republican Congress help him do it.

Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Terrorists have just attacked the US. I know! We need a Department of Homeland Security! We need to spy on all Americans!

Oh, wait...

We need to win re-election in 1984. I know! Let's create a new trillion dollar government entitlement program for seniors!

Oh, wait...

We need to increase Defense spending to WWII levels even though we aren't in a world war!

Oh, wait...

Bush was a Progressive.


(Reorder your Obama Kneepads)
He had a Republican Congress help him do it.


And were they Big Government Progressives or Conservatives? Many Republicans are Progressives
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Terrorists have just attacked the US. I know! We need a Department of Homeland Security! We need to spy on all Americans!

Oh, wait...

We need to win re-election in 1984. I know! Let's create a new trillion dollar government entitlement program for seniors!

Oh, wait...

We need to increase Defense spending to WWII levels even though we aren't in a world war!

Oh, wait...

Bush was a Progressive.


(Reorder your Obama Kneepads)
He had a Republican Congress help him do it.


And were they Big Government Progressives or Conservatives? Many Republicans are Progressives
Conservatives on this forum tend to support a huge military, NEXT.

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