Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
Dims are responsible for all the chaos. The "chaos" consists of their petulant whining and crying about Trump. They still haven't gotten over the fact that Trump beat their douchebag criminal candidate. They couldn't fool the voters.

You got that backwards. Trump used the scary tactical methods of scaring Americans.
America is and always been great. Not because of your lousy POTUS.

Chaos are started and created by your dude. Without the democrats we don’t know the corruption of this corrupt POTUS. Thank you democrats.
All the chaos comes from Dims shouting in the streets, beating innocent people and rioting. Trump supporters don't do any of that.

Thanks god we have democrats.
Dims are responsible for all the chaos.
You elect a guy specifically because he was a wrecking ball (as a Trumpster describes him in post 1594), and then you complain about the chaos that ensues and blame it on the other tribe, as if Trump is merely a well-meaning victim.

This is another example of why I never know what to believe from ideologues. Either you're kidding around like this is a political version of professional wrestling, or you're so consumed by your ideology that you're simply no longer connected to reality.

This stuff is truly disturbing. Simple, fundamental reality is now so distorted and diluted that I sincerely don't know how a republic is supposed to survive in this. Worse, this is all a self-inflicted wound. We're choosing to do this to ourselves.
So you believe we should tolerate corruption and business as usual?

No. we should not tolerate corruption. But you have to start with the POTUS corruption.

When Trump bragged about grabbing pussy. For Trump supporters that was awesome and acceptable. Crap. Sadly.

When Trump asked foreign leaders and other countries to investigate a political enemies. That is acceptable to you and your buddies. Crap.

See the differences?
There is no POTUS corruption, you sleazy lying piece of shit. Every accusation against Trump is a lie - every last one of them.

You scumbags had no problem with Clinton getting a blow job in the Oval office, but you act like some vulgar locker room talk when Trump was a private citizen is a federal crime?

How does any rational person take you sleazy weasels seriously?
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
Dims are responsible for all the chaos. The "chaos" consists of their petulant whining and crying about Trump. They still haven't gotten over the fact that Trump beat their douchebag criminal candidate. They couldn't fool the voters.

You got that backwards. Trump used the scary tactical methods of scaring Americans.
America is and always been great. Not because of your lousy POTUS.

Chaos are started and created by your dude. Without the democrats we don’t know the corruption of this corrupt POTUS. Thank you democrats.
All the chaos comes from Dims shouting in the streets, beating innocent people and rioting. Trump supporters don't do any of that.

Thanks god we have democrats.
Best reason I can think of to be an atheist.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?
Dims are responsible for all the chaos. The "chaos" consists of their petulant whining and crying about Trump. They still haven't gotten over the fact that Trump beat their douchebag criminal candidate. They couldn't fool the voters.

You got that backwards. Trump used the scary tactical methods of scaring Americans.
America is and always been great. Not because of your lousy POTUS.

Chaos are started and created by your dude. Without the democrats we don’t know the corruption of this corrupt POTUS. Thank you democrats.
All the chaos comes from Dims shouting in the streets, beating innocent people and rioting. Trump supporters don't do any of that.

Thanks god we have democrats.
95% of our country's problems would disappear if it wasn't for Democrats.
The Whistle Blower had no first hand information.
Let me guess. You got that from people like you defending a conspiracy promoted by a corrupted POTUS.

How do you even know that the WB had no first hand information?
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.

If he is talking to you,Ray or jc.,Then he can use those kinds of garbage news media like Federalist. Because those are catered to poorly informed trump supporters..
You have no factual basis for calling the Federalist "garbage." You do it solely because it proves on a daily basis that your agenda is disastrous.

Sure it is. It’s pure garbage crafted to your liking or to poorly informed people. Wordings alone makes me vomit.
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.

If he is talking to you,Ray or jc.,Then he can use those kinds of garbage news media like Federalist. Because those are catered to poorly informed trump supporters..
You have no factual basis for calling the Federalist "garbage." You do it solely because it proves on a daily basis that your agenda is disastrous.

Sure it is. It’s pure garbage crafted to your liking or to poorly informed people. Wordings alone makes me vomit.
It's truth, in other words.
Agreed. And at the same time, most of the GOP and THEIR sheep are just automatically denying everything out of hand, as the tribes usually do.

Of course we are denying their made-up charges, because we all have the transcript. We all can read. It's not like Fox is reporting one thing and CNN another.
The words are being interpreted differently by the two ends of the spectrum.

Each end of the spectrum is claiming its interpretation is the right one.

You understand that, right?

No, the only people making those interpretations are the Democrats. Republicans are simply using the words he said.

That is very very funny.
The interpretation that all of you Trumpy supporters are coming from a conspiracy crap. Promoted and investigated by corrupt potus and his henchmen.

No, words mean things. If Trump did anything like the commies say he did, the transcript would have read "Trump: We are willing to sell you arms provided you launch an investigation into Joe Biden." See, those are words nobody can misconstrue. It's not mind reading or Thought Police the left so often fantasize about.
You mean the one that committed PERJURY while transmitting the complaints?

The Federalist: "The complainant’s failure to disclose his interactions with Schiff or his staff could put him in legal hot water, as the whistleblower form he submitted requires individuals to disclose “other actions you are taking on your disclosure” under penalty of perjury."

An entire page of the whistleblower form is dedicated to collecting information about previous disclosures so the ICIG can take appropriate action in response to the complaint.

“I have previously disclosed (or am disclosing) the violations alleged here to (complete all that apply),” the form requires the complainant to attest. The form includes checkboxes for disclosures to other inspectors general, other agencies, the Department of Justice, the Government Accountability Office, the Office of Special Counsel, other executive branch departments, Congress and its respective committees, and media. It also includes a separate question asking the complainant to detail those previous disclosures to the ICIG. -The Federalist

He committed Perjury and Schiff lied, and Pelosi launched a impeachment inquiry before she read the transcripts? This has got to be the dumbest most high profile move ever by the House.

PERJURER, backed up by the Bald Faced Lies of Schiff, the Committee Chair who is running the Impeachment Circus?

The whistleblower deliberately concealed prior contacts with House Democrats regarding the allegations of his August 12 complaint. The box in Part 3, Question 1 of the form regarding contacts with Congress or congressional committees was unchecked and left blank. The dates of those contacts were also not disclosed as required. And the specific members and committees that were contacted were likewise not disclosed in the section requiring that information." And then signed UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY?

And while the whistleblower concealed his contacts with Schiff's committee, Schiff OUTRIGHT lied about them - claiming last month that his panel had "not spoken with the whistleblower." This earned Schiff four Pinocchios from the Washington Post.


Nobody in the House Leadership is smart enough to double check these things before you launch IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!?!?

Are You Kidding Me?

From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.
But the federalist isn’t allowed to tell the story they report since it doesn’t align with the faked story. Just ask her

You are allowed to publish a link to whatever you want. But it’s a matter of credibility.
You can't get more credible than the Federalist.

Prove it. I only post facts and reality. Compared to your group are either fakes, philosophical or fabricated.
For people like you. They don’t give a fuck.
For people like me that believes in reality and facts makes a big difference.

Why are you changing the topic? Why are you concentrating on Mueller? In reality mueller did not clear Trump. So get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You deflect. Is that mean you are just ignorant as everyone else of trump supporters?

Trump is corrupt crystal clear.

There is zero evidence of Trump doing anything outside of law.

Go on with the impeachment if you feel otherwise. What are you waiting for?

Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.

What video? I have not seen any videos. Enlighten me.
There is zero evidence of Trump doing anything outside of law.

Go on with the impeachment if you feel otherwise. What are you waiting for?

Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.

What video? I have not seen any videos. Enlighten me.
ROFL! You really are a clueless moron.
From Federalist? Really? I mean REALLY?

Go get me something else that tickle me.
Yes, really. Unlike left wing propaganda organs such as NYT and CNN, the Federalist is a publication with integrity.
But the federalist isn’t allowed to tell the story they report since it doesn’t align with the faked story. Just ask her

You are allowed to publish a link to whatever you want. But it’s a matter of credibility.
You can't get more credible than the Federalist.

Prove it. I only post facts and reality. Compared to your group are either fakes, philosophical or fabricated.

"I only post facts and reality."

Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.

What video? I have not seen any videos. Enlighten me.
ROFL! You really are a clueless moron.

He has only viewed CNN.
Here is my big problem with that.

Asking a foreign leader a favor and dig dirt of his political enemies is way too corrupt. Since when that is acceptable?

But you had no problem with Hillary and the DNC paying a company to hire a retired foreign investigator to get dirt on Trump, and he got his information from the Russian Government.

Then he has his own personal lawyer doing the investigation. Since when that is acceptable?

I guess since the Democrats got the FBI to do their dirty political work on a political opponent.

You modified cut and paste my post to fit your agenda. That is very dishonest on your part. That is not acceptable.

Try again.

It's very acceptable. You use quotes so you can respond to what was said individually. That's why they have them on USMB.
My guess would be the run for President was a move to launch the media platform and him winning was a surprise. He will be out next year and I give it 6 months before the new network is announced

Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.

Trump is not creating the chaos in our country today, the Democrats are. I think what people are really sick of are the Democrat antics, hearing the word "racism" as if should be part of our daily discussions, and a party that took over the House and did nothing except try to reverse an election instead of working to make the country better.

If Trump knows the difference between right and wrong. We would not be in this situation.
He created all these chaos. Who else?

Trump has not make this country better. He made this country’s laughing stock, bully, ignorant, racist piece of shit...... around the world.

I’m still waiting for Make America Great Again to start.

During the 2016 campaign. He invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. He also love Wikileaks.
Do you know the difference when he invited China an enemy to investigate an American citizen? Do you? Crap.

1. I don't agree with him trying to get China involved unless something dirty is discovered in Ukraine. Russia doesn't need anybody's permission to hack Hillary's emails. If she did things the right way instead of the criminal way, that wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, now would it? It's a shame you on the left have no sense of humor. The rest of us realized he was making a joke.

2. Trump has made America much better, and that's why liberals hate it. Lower taxes, less government dependency, a 50 year record low in unemployment, addressing the border situation and making progress, just a bunch of things for all Americans, not just his constituents like the Democrat party does.

1. Okay you agreed with me that Trump proved himself he is a piece shit when he invited China to investigate his political enemies.

But Trump publicly in the open invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. That’s a fact. He even admitted in the public he looove Wikileaks. That’s a fact.....
All I’m saying is to prove to you that Trump unhinged behavior makes him unfit as POTUS.

2. Wrong. Aside from the economy but look at his popularity. The country is telling him he doesn’t deserve the credits of booming economy. With the booming economy his popularity should be at the minimum 60% but below 40%. Thats fucked up.

Trump has not made this country better.
Ah yes, that crystal ball again.

I can't foresee people voting out a President in this economy. While no history major, to my knowledge, it's never been done before.

If it does happen this time, it will be a downturn of our country. People (in the past) have always voted out representatives for change. Why would voters want change now? The economy being too good? Our border being too strong? Too much money in our pockets? What????

However the only thing that scares me is brainwashing, promoted by the subsidiary of the Democrat party, the MSM.
I think many people are really sick of the lies and shit talk and drama constantly coming out of the White House. I don't think they are giving Trump credit for actually playing a big hand in the economic situation and I think they are wanting some Normalcy and civility restored to our political system. This is all perhaps wishful thinking, but it’s how I see it.

Trump is not creating the chaos in our country today, the Democrats are. I think what people are really sick of are the Democrat antics, hearing the word "racism" as if should be part of our daily discussions, and a party that took over the House and did nothing except try to reverse an election instead of working to make the country better.

If Trump knows the difference between right and wrong. We would not be in this situation.
He created all these chaos. Who else?

Trump has not make this country better. He made this country’s laughing stock, bully, ignorant, racist piece of shit...... around the world.

I’m still waiting for Make America Great Again to start.

During the 2016 campaign. He invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. He also love Wikileaks.
Do you know the difference when he invited China an enemy to investigate an American citizen? Do you? Crap.

1. I don't agree with him trying to get China involved unless something dirty is discovered in Ukraine. Russia doesn't need anybody's permission to hack Hillary's emails. If she did things the right way instead of the criminal way, that wouldn't have been an issue in the first place, now would it? It's a shame you on the left have no sense of humor. The rest of us realized he was making a joke.

2. Trump has made America much better, and that's why liberals hate it. Lower taxes, less government dependency, a 50 year record low in unemployment, addressing the border situation and making progress, just a bunch of things for all Americans, not just his constituents like the Democrat party does.

1. Okay you agreed with me that Trump proved himself he is a piece shit when he invited China to investigate his political enemies.

But Trump publicly in the open invited Russia to dig Hillary emails. That’s a fact. He even admitted in the public he looove Wikileaks. That’s a fact.....
All I’m saying is to prove to you that Trump unhinged behavior makes him unfit as POTUS.

2. Wrong. Aside from the economy but look at his popularity. The country is telling him he doesn’t deserve the credits of booming economy. With the booming economy his popularity should be at the minimum 60% but below 40%. Thats fucked up.

Trump has not made this country better.

Was it not said clear enough? We don't care who investigates these people as long as they get investigated. Be it Russians, the Chinese, or some other boogeyman of yours. If they have any evidence, we take it, and if it is true, we land them to prison. Simple as that.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
This stupid shit continues to go on? Settle it at the ballot box.

Oh I can’t wait for the 2020 elections. Republicans will be trash like you never seen.

Maybe you have not noticed how many GOPs not seeking for the 2020 re-election.

Yes, that would be nice. Looking forward to higher taxes, more government regulation, higher energy costs, boys in dresses going to girls dressing and bathrooms in school, lower paying jobs, and a virtual open border so the third worlders can come here and show you what socialism is really all about.

Explain that to American voters that are sick with republicans.

Open borders? You’ve been listening too much of Hannity and Trump.
Clinton was impeached. Yawn. Anyone remember Marion Barry? Smoke crack with a hooker. Then go on to get reelected like that was saving grace. So where are we going with this national train wreck? Trump is going to be reelected and this is a waste of time, the Oracle of Denver predicts it.

Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?

They will likely increase.

A good number of Republicans were disgruntled at his nomination and decided to stay home on election night. Since then, Trump has presided more conservatively than Ronald Reagan. Lower taxes especially on businesses, tough border policies, huge support for our police around the country, and support for gun owners has most every conservative tickled to death.

Democrats vote on representatives like they do their favorite American Idol contestant: how they dress, how their wife dresses, how cute their children are, how they speak....... but conservatives vote based on results, something Democrats would never dream of doing.

The 2020 election will be of love vs hate. Love of our economy and country, vs hatred of Trump. But even people on the left, who have seen hard times during the DumBama years, must ask themselves the Ronald Regan question: Am I better off today than I was four years ago???

And why do you think your inept dude is so scared of Biden? Trying to derail the next election?

1. Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

2. The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.

1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.
You elect a guy specifically because he was a wrecking ball (as a Trumpster describes him in post 1594), and then you complain about the chaos that ensues and blame it on the other tribe, as if Trump is merely a well-meaning victim.

This is another example of why I never know what to believe from ideologues. Either you're kidding around like this is a political version of professional wrestling, or you're so consumed by your ideology that you're simply no longer connected to reality.

This stuff is truly disturbing. Simple, fundamental reality is now so distorted and diluted that I sincerely don't know how a republic is supposed to survive in this. Worse, this is all a self-inflicted wound. We're choosing to do this to ourselves.
So you believe we should tolerate corruption and business as usual?

Do you believe Trump's behaviors are the one and only way to fight corruption and business as usual?
No, they aren't the only way, but at least he's doing it. None of those other linguini spined Republicans who ran for the office wouldn't even consider it.
This is what you wanted, and you're getting it. The bull has destroyed the china shop.

Now we'll see how it goes.
If some terrorist detonated a nuclear weapon on the capital building, I couldn't be happier.

So you want to kill your own American people?
Really? As long as your president is acting like a 10 yo kid. Always doing something or saying something dumb and stupid. With all the chaos and discombobulation there is a very big chance of kicking this unhinged corrupted POTUS out of WH.

Look at his massive rallies during the 2016 campaign. Very impressive. Anemically (sadly ) he only got 63+ millions votes. With all these chaos he is creating with his dumb foreign and domestic policies.
Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes increase or decrease?

They will likely increase.

A good number of Republicans were disgruntled at his nomination and decided to stay home on election night. Since then, Trump has presided more conservatively than Ronald Reagan. Lower taxes especially on businesses, tough border policies, huge support for our police around the country, and support for gun owners has most every conservative tickled to death.

Democrats vote on representatives like they do their favorite American Idol contestant: how they dress, how their wife dresses, how cute their children are, how they speak....... but conservatives vote based on results, something Democrats would never dream of doing.

The 2020 election will be of love vs hate. Love of our economy and country, vs hatred of Trump. But even people on the left, who have seen hard times during the DumBama years, must ask themselves the Ronald Regan question: Am I better off today than I was four years ago???

And why do you think your inept dude is so scared of Biden? Trying to derail the next election?

1. Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

2. The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.

1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.

Democrats always have trouble with people investigating corruption - not with the people who are conducting the corruption. That is because those people are the democrats.

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