Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

And why do you think your inept dude is so scared of Biden? Trying to derail the next election?

1. Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

2. The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.

1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.

Democrats always have trouble with people investigating corruption - not with the people who are conducting the corruption. That is because those people are the democrats.

Wrong. I don’t have a problem investigation a corruption. But I have a big problem who is doing the investigation.
Meaning do it the right way. But asking a foreign leader to do a favor then sending his own henchmen to do the investigation ( your boogeyman)? What do you expect the results are?
That is so fucked up.

The result is that they provide you with the information on what took place. Which after it will be carefully weighted against all the other evidence.

Then the people will be prosecuted and put behind bars and America wins.
And why do you think your inept dude is so scared of Biden? Trying to derail the next election?

1. Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

2. The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.

1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.

Democrats always have trouble with people investigating corruption - not with the people who are conducting the corruption. That is because those people are the democrats.

Wrong. I don’t have a problem investigation a corruption. But I have a big problem who is doing the investigation.
Meaning do it the right way. But asking a foreign leader to do a favor then sending his own henchmen to do the investigation ( your boogeyman)? What do you expect the results are?
That is so fucked up.
None of this is about investigating corruption. We don't have to address that lie anymore. Trump showed us that it's a lie. When he was asked what other instances of corruption he is pursuing, he could not name a single one.

So, we know this is a lie.Trump's behavior is definitive evidence. It just takes the rightwing bubble dwellers a FOX news cycle or two to catch up to reality.

Do you believe Trump's behaviors are the one and only way to fight corruption and business as usual?
No, they aren't the only way, but at least he's doing it. None of those other linguini spined Republicans who ran for the office wouldn't even consider it.
This is what you wanted, and you're getting it. The bull has destroyed the china shop.

Now we'll see how it goes.
If some terrorist detonated a nuclear weapon on the capital building, I couldn't be happier.

So you want to kill your own American people?
Politicians? They need killing. The collateral damage is acceptable.

So you really want to kill your fellow Americans for the sake of trump. You are Trumpy supporters.
Who is the scumbag again??
Politicians? They need killing. The collateral damage is acceptable.
Wow! What do you dislike so much about politicians?
I'm not clicking that.

Just answer in your own words.
It's a link to Amazon, moron

No, they aren't the only way, but at least he's doing it. None of those other linguini spined Republicans who ran for the office wouldn't even consider it.
This is what you wanted, and you're getting it. The bull has destroyed the china shop.

Now we'll see how it goes.
If some terrorist detonated a nuclear weapon on the capital building, I couldn't be happier.

So you want to kill your own American people?
Politicians? They need killing. The collateral damage is acceptable.

So you really want to kill your fellow Americans for the sake of trump. You are Trumpy supporters.
Who is the scumbag again??
And I am not clicking a link to a book you never read. I asked you a straightforward question.
Dims are responsible for all the chaos.
You elect a guy specifically because he was a wrecking ball (as a Trumpster describes him in post 1594), and then you complain about the chaos that ensues and blame it on the other tribe, as if Trump is merely a well-meaning victim.

This is another example of why I never know what to believe from ideologues. Either you're kidding around like this is a political version of professional wrestling, or you're so consumed by your ideology that you're simply no longer connected to reality.

This stuff is truly disturbing. Simple, fundamental reality is now so distorted and diluted that I sincerely don't know how a republic is supposed to survive in this. Worse, this is all a self-inflicted wound. We're choosing to do this to ourselves.
So you believe we should tolerate corruption and business as usual?

Do you believe Trump's behaviors are the one and only way to fight corruption and business as usual?
No, they aren't the only way, but at least he's doing it. None of those other linguini spined Republicans who ran for the office wouldn't even consider it.
This is what you wanted, and you're getting it. The bull has destroyed the china shop.

Now we'll see how it goes.
As displayed by most trolls on this board that cheer on the disruption, they seem to only want to bitch and complain and demonize. When there are attempts to find common ground, discuss practical solutions or resolve conflicts they run away. They feed off drama and play the team games. I think they’ve lost perspective about what’s best for our country and are dug into winning their imaginary game of us vs them.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

1. Get it over with already! Quit dangling it by making threats or promises in the media
and using it to bait and raise funds, which is exploiting those people.

2. Expose WHICH Democrats are SERIOUS and really BELIEVE it is warranted.
Vs. Democrats who are just saying it to be relevant in the media or string voters along with baseless promises.

3. Let voters, the public and other parties have a clear choice of which
people and policies to support or not support. Not just talking points where
nobody can tell which people are serious or not. Make it clear what sides each person takes.

I see similar going on with candidates and leaders promising to be prolife but
know that legislation would be unconstitutional and not supported. Either pass something
and let it ride, or let it get struck down and fail. But don't keep promising something
if you are only abusing that to string constituents along similar to false advertising, fraud or misrepresentation.

Do it and take responsibility for the process.
And give the public and voters ability to choose based on which
people are really for what policy instead of a bunch of empty promises and talk.
For people like you. They don’t give a fuck.
For people like me that believes in reality and facts makes a big difference.

Why are you changing the topic? Why are you concentrating on Mueller? In reality mueller did not clear Trump. So get your facts straight.

I asked you a question. You deflect. Is that mean you are just ignorant as everyone else of trump supporters?

Trump is corrupt crystal clear.

There is zero evidence of Trump doing anything outside of law.

Go on with the impeachment if you feel otherwise. What are you waiting for?

Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.
1. Why would he be scared of Biden? Nobody even knows who the Democrat nominee is yet, and it's not likely to be Joe.

2. The Democrats are using the false narrative to try and stop Trump looking into the corruption by Joe and the Democrat party in general. Democrats are born criminals, so any investigation to their wrongdoings is a frightening thing to them because they are likely all guilty.

1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.

Democrats always have trouble with people investigating corruption - not with the people who are conducting the corruption. That is because those people are the democrats.

Wrong. I don’t have a problem investigation a corruption. But I have a big problem who is doing the investigation.
Meaning do it the right way. But asking a foreign leader to do a favor then sending his own henchmen to do the investigation ( your boogeyman)? What do you expect the results are?
That is so fucked up.

The result is that they provide you with the information on what took place. Which after it will be carefully weighted against all the other evidence.

Then the people will be prosecuted and put behind bars and America wins.

What evidence? Evidence from your henchmen lawyer your boogeyman? There is no way that is acceptable.

This is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer attorney doing the serial killings investigation.
Again that is fucked up.,
1. Sure he is. Look at the chaos he created. If he is not panick mode why do all these dirty work? Using his own henchmen lawyer doing the investigation.

2. Democrats are not stopping Trump doing his fake investigations. Thanks god democrats are there. Without them we don’t have a clue what is going on.

There are no evidence that Biden’s committed any fraud or crime in Ukraine except coming from trump conspiracy crap.
Trump will pay dearly for all these atrocities against Americans.

The only reason the Democrats are not stopping him is because they can't. Trump has every authority to ask a country to investigate possible corruption of the last administration. It's the Democrats that create the chaos because whoever started this nonsense is likely not a Republican.

Presidents for many administrations have had talks with world leaders without problems. But because it's Trump, now they want to start trouble. And from this point on, NO leader of any country will continue that long standing tradition of phone calls with the US President.

If you want to ruin anything in this country, just put a Democrat in the mix and watch everything go to hell. That's why I'm all for dividing this country into two country's instead. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I can't imagine anything better than never having to put up with Democrats again in our politics or society.

Democrats always have trouble with people investigating corruption - not with the people who are conducting the corruption. That is because those people are the democrats.

Wrong. I don’t have a problem investigation a corruption. But I have a big problem who is doing the investigation.
Meaning do it the right way. But asking a foreign leader to do a favor then sending his own henchmen to do the investigation ( your boogeyman)? What do you expect the results are?
That is so fucked up.

The result is that they provide you with the information on what took place. Which after it will be carefully weighted against all the other evidence.

Then the people will be prosecuted and put behind bars and America wins.

What evidence? Evidence from your henchmen lawyer your boogeyman? There is no way that is acceptable.

This is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer attorney doing the serial killings investigation.
Again that is fucked up.,

You spend three years and millions of dollars... and now this opinion?

And even still... you are going after Trump.

I believe we can investigate a few Democrats now. When the house is crooked, start with the foundation.

There is zero evidence of Trump doing anything outside of law.

Go on with the impeachment if you feel otherwise. What are you waiting for?

Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.

Yup! Stop spreading Trumpaganda.

Trump's thing with Biden would NOT be happening if Biden had been 3rd or 4th in the polls for the last few months, instead of first.

If Elizabeth Warren makes a big leap forward (now that Bernie's campaign is for all practical purposes, over), watch Trump start making shit up about her.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

1. Get it over with already! Quit dangling it by making threats or promises in the media
and using it to bait and raise funds, which is exploiting those people.

2. Expose WHICH Democrats are SERIOUS and really BELIEVE it is warranted.
Vs. Democrats who are just saying it to be relevant in the media or string voters along with baseless promises.

3. Let voters, the public and other parties have a clear choice of which
people and policies to support or not support. Not just talking points where
nobody can tell which people are serious or not. Make it clear what sides each person takes.

I see similar going on with candidates and leaders promising to be prolife but
know that legislation would be unconstitutional and not supported. Either pass something
and let it ride, or let it get struck down and fail. But don't keep promising something
if you are only abusing that to string constituents along similar to false advertising, fraud or misrepresentation.

Do it and take responsibility for the process.
And give the public and voters ability to choose based on which
people are really for what policy instead of a bunch of empty promises and talk.
Votes come when they move forward with impeachment. Right now they are gathering evidence to make a case and it appears that they are trying to get it done as quickly as possible
This is about international crime, not about politics like the Dems and media have been saying.
Wrong. Trumpy a traitor. Asking China to interfere in to our election is not a violation?

Impeachment proceedings is on going full force. Just sit and watch.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.

Yup! Stop spreading Trumpaganda.

Trump's thing with Biden would NOT be happening if Biden had been 3rd or 4th in the polls for the last few months, instead of first.

If Elizabeth Warren makes a big leap forward (now that Bernie's campaign is for all practical purposes, over), watch Trump start making shit up about her.
Agree, he has to run against a criminal so he is going to criminalize whoever his opposition is. It’s his 2016 playbook, no mystery on what’s coming
This is about international crime, not about politics like the Dems and media have been saying.
And yet the Dotard, when asked, could not name one other instance of corruption that he is pursuing.

Sorry dude... Trump already squashed that lie with his own, idiotic mouth.
Trump asked them to investigate a crook, which is perfectly legitimate. On the other hand, loads of Democrats asked foreign countries to interfere in our election.

Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.

Yup! Stop spreading Trumpaganda.

Trump's thing with Biden would NOT be happening if Biden had been 3rd or 4th in the polls for the last few months, instead of first.

If Elizabeth Warren makes a big leap forward (now that Bernie's campaign is for all practical purposes, over), watch Trump start making shit up about her.
Agree, he has to run against a criminal so he is going to criminalize whoever his opposition is. It’s his 2016 playbook, no mystery on what’s coming

Democrats could try running an honest candidate to avoid being labelled as corrupt criminals.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
No point in asking.
95% of the trump cult never read the M report
Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.

Yup! Stop spreading Trumpaganda.

Trump's thing with Biden would NOT be happening if Biden had been 3rd or 4th in the polls for the last few months, instead of first.

If Elizabeth Warren makes a big leap forward (now that Bernie's campaign is for all practical purposes, over), watch Trump start making shit up about her.
Agree, he has to run against a criminal so he is going to criminalize whoever his opposition is. It’s his 2016 playbook, no mystery on what’s coming

Democrats could try running an honest candidate to avoid being labelled as corrupt criminals.
That why Biden is in the race. Polar opposite of Trump, which is why he is going to wipe the floor with him
Really? How do you even know that a crime or a fraud was committed?
What is your evidence except from a conspiracy crap?
Information came from a Ukrainian corrupted former government officials.

Anything else?
The crime is on video, dumbass.
There is no crime on that video or else Biden would have been arrested years ago by trumps DOJ. This is political hot air. We all know it. Stop spreading lies.

Yup! Stop spreading Trumpaganda.

Trump's thing with Biden would NOT be happening if Biden had been 3rd or 4th in the polls for the last few months, instead of first.

If Elizabeth Warren makes a big leap forward (now that Bernie's campaign is for all practical purposes, over), watch Trump start making shit up about her.
Agree, he has to run against a criminal so he is going to criminalize whoever his opposition is. It’s his 2016 playbook, no mystery on what’s coming

Democrats could try running an honest candidate to avoid being labelled as corrupt criminals.
Info wars, gateway pundit, knees news.
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